King of Chu Li Kuan, King of Chu Li Kuan again?

After Li Gang announced the winner of the third poem, everyone was numb.

Although it was a little unbelievable, they had accepted the fact.

Cui Hao and other Confucian disciples were even more angry. Damn it, Li Kuan used poetry to humiliate them.

But they were powerless to refute.

Li Kuan stole the show in this poetry meeting. From today on, Li Kuan will definitely have a place among the talented poets in Chang'an. The three poems he wrote now will also be famous in Chang'an.

It was just these three poems that made all the talented people present lose their fighting spirit. Li Kuan's talent was beyond their reach. Even Cui Hao, Chang Sun Chong, and Wang Jie had no fighting spirit at all.

What kind of monster is Li Kuan? He can write poems and beautiful sentences at will. No matter how dissatisfied they are, they can do nothing about it. They just hope that this poetry meeting will end quickly.

Xiao Yu stood up at this time, looked at the disappointed crowd and smiled:"Although this is a poetry gathering, I have already written three poems in a row, I am tired of it. I will not talk about poetry today, so let's paint a picture!"

"Just paint the women around you, as the saying goes, a talented man paints a beautiful woman!"

Xiao Yu understood the personalities of the scholars present very well. If he wrote another poem, he was afraid that the scholars present would collapse.


As soon as this was said, the scholars who could paint and those who couldn't paint all nodded. Although this did not conform to the rules of the poetry meeting, they would be even more uncomfortable if Li Kuan's four poems took the top spot.

So everyone nodded in agreement.

"Painting? Interesting!"Li Kuan smiled as he listened to Xiao Yu's words. It seemed that Xiao Yu had tried his best to avoid embarrassing these scholars.

However, he could also paint.

Although it was not the ink painting now, he could also do simple sketches.

"Your Highness the King of Chu, I wonder if you can paint? How about you paint a picture for me?"When Liu Xianxian heard about painting, her beautiful eyes kept looking at Li Kuan. She held Li Kuan's arm and shook it gently. She also wanted to see the King of Chu paint.

She waved her hand:"Sit opposite me, I will paint a picture for you today. I tell you, you are the first person who can let me paint a picture!"

"Zhao Xin, charcoal pencil!"

Li Kuan put down the brush in his hand and asked Zhao Xin to take the charcoal pencil.

Charcoal pencil, Li Kuan prefers to use charcoal pencil to record things, he is still not used to the brush.

Taking the charcoal pencil handed over by Zhao Xin, Li Kuan looked at the slender Xianxian sitting in front of him:"Sit still and don't move!"

Although she didn't know why Li Kuan took out a charcoal in the shape of chopsticks, but watching Li Kuan drawing on the paper with the charcoal, she didn't dare to disturb him and just sat there.

Time passed little by little!

Li Kuan painted very seriously, and he still hadn't finished painting after a stick of incense.

Many people had finished painting and handed in their paintings, but Li Kuan was still painting.

Kong Yingda, Yu Shinan and others also began to comment on the paintings of these talents, especially when they saw Li Kuan still painting there, and didn't seem to notice that the time was up.

The charcoal pencil was still painting slowly.

"Your Highness, if you can't draw, then don't waste your time. Painting depends on talent!" Cui Hao looked at Li Kuan who was still painting, and he couldn't help but snorted. He finally got a point that Li Kuan was not good at.

"Yes, it’s not shameful to not be good at calligraphy and painting!"


Others also started to make a noise. They were overwhelmed by Li Kuan's three poems. Now they finally had a chance to vent their anger. Naturally, they wanted to speak freely.

At this time, Li Kuan started writing, but he ignored the ridicule of these people and compared them with the portrait.

Although it was a bit sloppy, it looked exactly like Liu Xianxian.

"Since the time has passed, I'll give you this painting!" Li Kuan ignored the noise of these people and handed his drawing paper to Liu Xianxian.


Liu Xianxian then moved her somewhat stiff body and took the portrait from Li Kuan.

Suddenly, her eyes widened.


It is exactly the same as what she saw in the glass mirror. This... the painting is simply superb.

Who said that His Royal Highness the King of Chu can't paint?

There are also two lines of poetry attached to it: When you look down, you can't see your toes, which is already the most beautiful thing in the world! (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When she saw these two sentences, she didn't understand what the prince was saying. She consciously looked down and what came into her eyes was a touch of spring.

Liu Xianxian's charming face showed a blush. Is the prince teasing her?

"Today's poetry gathering has come to an end, and I should go back to eat!" Li Kuan smiled and stood up, walking towards the outside of the Misty Rain Tower.

It's already noon, and you still don't care about food? Writing poems and painting, and still no food to eat.

"Chu... His Royal Highness the King of Chu.."Liu Xianxian wanted to call Li Kuan, but Li Kuan and his followers had already started walking outside.

But there were laughters from other people around:

"Ha ha...I didn’t expect that you, King Chu, can’t afford to play so well. Just leave if you lose!"

"Isn't it just that I can't draw? There's nothing to be embarrassed about!"

"He is the King of Chu and cannot afford to lose!"

"What a joke! Does he really think he is a master of poetry and painting?"

"It took me more than a stick of incense to finish the painting, so I imagine it is a messy work!"


The laughter was endless, as if they had forgotten the time when Li Kuan surpassed their three poems?

Liu Xianxian had been listening, but these people were talking more and more excessively. She seemed to have made up her mind:"It's not that His Royal Highness the King of Chu can't paint, but he doesn't want to undermine your self-confidence? Although the King of Chu paints slowly, I'm sure he paints better than everyone here!"

While speaking,

Liu Xianxian displayed Li Kuan's paintings.

A vivid portrait appeared in front of everyone. The smiles on the faces of Changsun Chong and Cui Hao, who were closest to Liu Xianxian, froze. In the back, Li Tai, Wang Jie

"Ha ha...I just want to see the masterpiece of the King of Chu!"

The person behind couldn't see clearly and walked forward with a smile. Remember, when he saw the figure in the painting, the smile froze. The most powerful painter present could only draw a similar shape, but Li Kuan's painting was exactly the same as Liu Xianxian today.

This...I'm afraid no one here can do it.

"Miss Liu, let me take a look!"Xiao Yu walked down the platform at this time, just wanting to take a look at Li Kuan's transformation.

But after taking the scroll, his hands began to tremble.

He was also proficient in transformation, but he had never seen this kind of painting method. However, being able to paint people so realistically was already a top-notch work:

"This painting is a masterpiece!"

After saying this, he couldn't let it go:"Miss Liu, can you give it up?"

""Mr. Xiao, this is a gift from the King of Chu to me. I'm sorry I can't obey your order!"

Liu Xianxian was also a reasonable person. She bowed to Xiao Yu and took the portrait. She turned around and left the Misty Rain Tower with her maid waiting for her.

If she stayed any longer, she was afraid that her painting would not be preserved.

Inside the building, there was silence.

Whether it was poetry or painting, Li Kuan was better than them.

This time, Li Kuan won. Zi Yuan's beautiful eyes flickered beside the King of Wei. She looked at Liu Xianxian who was leaving with some jealousy. If she stayed beside the King of Chu, then the King of Chu should have painted her..

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