"Your Majesty, Duke Lu has arrived!"

Zhao Xin came in to report, and Li Kuan came out to greet him with a smile on his face:

"Old Cheng, you are here. Thank you for helping me out in front of my father today. I have prepared wine and food, all Lingnan delicacies!"

If Cheng Yaojin had not diverted his father's attention in time in Ganlu Palace today, he would probably have been chased by Li Shimin for half an hour, or even beaten with a few sticks.

Lingnan delicacies?

Cheng Yaojin's eyes lit up when he heard this.

He missed Lingnan delicacies all the time these days. It seems that he came to the right place today, but he was a little regretful....If I had known that Li Kuan had prepared delicious food, I would not have eaten anything when I came.

But for the sake of delicious food, I had to eat more even if I had already eaten.

""I, Cheng Yaojin, was hungry when I came here. What have you prepared?" Cheng Yaojin asked excitedly.

"Braised pork, whale meat, sweet and sour spareribs...There are also fruits!"Li Kuan reported one by one, and Cheng Yaojin's saliva began to flow down.

These are all what he wants to eat. When he came back from the sea, he had eaten whale meat and it tasted really good. And the braised pork, using the pigs from Chang'an can't make the taste of Lingnan.

"Come on, come on...Old Cheng is hungry again. I want to have a good meal with His Royal Highness the Prince of Chu today!" When it comes to food, Cheng Yaojin forgot the purpose of coming tonight and wanted to have a meal with Li Kuan.

Just as the two were talking, a cold voice came:"Prince, we are here to look at the telescope. The telescope in cosmology cannot be fictional!"


Li Kuan couldn't help but look behind Cheng Yaojin when he heard this.

Because it was dark, he didn't pay attention to this person just now, but now he saw a flash of surprise in his eyes.

This is a young girl, tall, although she is dressed in plain clothes, it is difficult to hide the exquisiteness of her facial features, and her face is more exquisite than Liu Xin and Xiao Cui.

Li Kuan couldn't help but start to doubt, is this the concubine raised by Cheng Yaojin? Brought to this king?

However, Cheng Yaojin's vision is not bad

""Jingwen!" Cheng Yaojin shouted, and then said embarrassedly:"Your Highness the King of Chu, please don't be offended. This is my daughter. She came with me this time just to use your telescope to look at the stars in the sky'!"

"Oh! It's Miss Cheng. It's still early, so we can have dinner first and see her later!" Li Kuan looked at Cheng Jingwen again. She was very beautiful.

He had seen the sons of Cheng Yaojin's family. They looked exactly like Cheng Yaojin, but his daughter was so beautiful. He couldn't understand why.

""Daughter, let's eat something first so that we can have the energy to watch!" Cheng Yaojin also nodded, then lowered his head and whispered in his daughter's ear:"The food at His Royal Highness the Prince of Chu's house, if you eat a little, you will definitely want to eat it a second time!"

Seeing that her father said so, Cheng Jingwen could only nod and did not continue talking.

However, he was dismissive of the so-called delicacies that Li Kuan mentioned. There was nothing he could not eat in Chang'an, so why would he miss the delicacies of Lingnan?

His father was really something. His eyes lit up when he mentioned eating, but he had just finished eating not long ago.

In this way, the two were brought into the house, and they saw only a large round table with chairs next to it, which surprised Cheng Jingwen.

If they ate at home, they could eat together, but banquets usually involve sharing food. Unexpectedly, the Prince of Chu His Highness did not follow the rules.

Cheng Yaojin also found a seat and sat down carelessly, and asked Cheng Jingwen to sit next to him, but she was not used to sitting like this.

Li Kuan naturally noticed Cheng Jingwen's embarrassment, and asked Liu Xin and Xiao Cui to accompany her.

First, some tea was served, and then the food.

When the dishes came, bursts of fragrance wafted out, making Cheng Yaojin drool. Cheng Jingwen smelled the aroma of the food, and her beautiful nose was embarrassed. The dishes looked delicious.

And they were all dishes that she had never seen before, braised pork, sweet and sour spare ribs...He had never heard of these.

"Miss, please eat spare ribs. There are not many spare ribs shipped from Lingnan, and the prince is usually reluctant to eat them!"Liu Xin saw Cheng Jingwen's surprise, so she picked up a piece for Cheng Jingwen.

Cheng Jingwen nodded. Although she had eaten, it was okay to taste it.

She put the spare ribs in her mouth, and suddenly a sweet and sour taste stimulated her taste buds, making her eyes squint.

It was delicious, he had never eaten such delicious food.

No wonder her father was so greedy, his eyes lit up when he mentioned the food of Lingnan.

She couldn't help but pick up another piece, it was still delicious. (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Since it has started, she tasted a few bites of each dish, and they were all delicious.

She couldn't help but look at His Royal Highness the King of Chu, who had been chatting with her father. He was about the same age as her, with a handsome face. During the communication with her father There was no airs of a prince.

His Royal Highness the Prince of Chu's conversation with her father was not as literary as that of literati, but rather a free and easy manner like that of military generals.

Cheng Jingwen's impression of Li Kuan improved a little. And these delicacies, are they all from Lingnan?

But why did Confucian literati say that Lingnan is a barbaric place.

This meal lasted a full hour, and it was already very late.

Cheng Jingwen even burped, and then quickly lowered her head with a blushing face, not daring to look at others.

It was the first time that she had lost her composure when she went out to a banquet. Li Kuan and Liu Xin didn't care, and her father was even more relaxed. He leaned back in the chair, holding his big belly and rocking the chair comfortably.

Cheng Jingwen wanted to bury him in her big breasts. She didn't know Cheng Yaojin.

".I'm full, come with me!" After the leftovers were cleared, Li Kuan watched the two people stand up first, and Cheng Jingwen and Cheng Yaojin followed them out.

Li Kuan pointed at the telescope and said,"Duke Lu, this is the telescope. You can use it to observe the stars in the sky more clearly!"


He still didn't believe that a barrel could allow people to see farther.

Cheng Yaojin touched his stomach and looked over as Li Kuan instructed.


After just one glance, Cheng Yaojin's eyes widened again, and he left the telescope and looked at the sky

"Can you really see further?" Cheng Yaojin's face was filled with shock.

It was another magical tool.

When he looked at Li Kuan, he had a special feeling. Li Kuan could create miracles every time (King Qian's)

"You are looking in the direction of Jupiter now, and you should be able to see several balls orbiting Jupiter!" Li Kuan looked at Cheng Yaojin and continued,"This is exactly the same as what Li Chunfeng and the others drew!"

"It's true!" Cheng Yaojin was shocked and began to turn the telescope to look at other stars:"The universe is so big? There are so many stars. What we could see before were just a few!"

"father..."Cheng Jingwen saw Cheng Yaojin looking so seriously, so she pulled Cheng Yaojin's clothes, wanting Cheng Yaojin to come out and take a look.

But the carefree Cheng Yaojin was attracted by the stars in the sky and was shocked, so he didn't notice it at all.


At this moment, the door of the courtyard was knocked?

Who? Li Kuan frowned, who came so late at night.

He opened the door before Liu Xin and the others.

But when he saw the two people standing outside the door, Li Kuan couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise:"Dad, why are you here?".

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