"Are you saying that I am also an ignorant person?"

Li Shimin panted as he chased Li Kuan, but there was some disappointment in his eyes.

Has his thoughts failed to keep up with his son?

"Dad, please listen to my explanation. It's not what you think. I'm talking about those ignorant scholars. They won't listen even if you explain to them the principles of the universe. If you want to know, I can tell you!"

Li Kuan explained as he ran. He had cold sweat on his back because he had implicated his dad when he said people were ignorant.

Li Shimin stopped again, looked at Li Kuan, frowned, and asked,"You said this cosmology is true? Are we revolving around the sun?"

There was also doubt in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, I will never lie in front of the truth!" Li Kuan's expression also became serious. He wanted to let Li Shimin know his attitude.

If he had a falling out with those Confucian scholars, he would not compromise on this matter. At most, he would go to Lingnan and be his own free prince.

Li Shimin looked at Li Kuan's serious expression:"Do you have any evidence?"

13"Of course, my father has a telescope in my courtyard. You will know it when you look at it in the evening!" Li Kuan nodded solemnly.

This matter is very simple, that is to see.

When he sees the stars in the sky, their views will naturally be different.

""Li Shimin was also puzzled. Does the so-called telescope in cosmology really exist?

"Yes, then you will doubt the theory of the round earth and square sky!" Li Kuan nodded:"Tonight, Duke Lu also plans to see the telescope!"

Li Kuan quickly changed the subject. He was afraid that his father was still entangled in ignorant topics, otherwise he would be beaten.

Cheng Yaojin, who was watching the show, did not expect Li Kuan to lead the topic to him, but when he saw Li Kuan winking at him, he nodded tacitly:"Your Majesty, Old Chen is going to take a look tonight. The King of Chu said that he can see more distant stars and many wonders!"

Li Shimin heard what Li Kuan and Cheng Yaojin said, took a deep breath, and his eyes fell on Li Kuan again:"Is there really such a thing in the world that can see a thousand miles away?"

"Of course!" Li Kuan nodded solemnly:"Using a large telescope, you can see the stars in the distant sky. If you use a small telescope standing on a high place, you can see the movements of a person several miles away!"

Next, Li Kuan explained the function of the telescope.

"A small telescope the size of a bamboo tube can see people several miles away?"Li Shimin was not attracted by the big telescope, but by this small telescope.

Can it see farther?

Then when marching and fighting, scouts and generals will be equipped with this thing, so that they can better grasp the enemy situation in the future and respond more quickly.

"Yes!" Li Kuan nodded.

""Is there a small telescope?" Li Shimin continued to ask.

Li Kuan shook his head:"No, I have a large telescope where I live!"

"Find a way to get me a small telescope, I want to use it!" Li Shimin issued an ultimatum, he must get this telescope from Li Kuan to see if it is really as magical as this one!

""I know!" Li Kuan was helpless. His cheap father had always wanted to get things from his son. Didn't he know that his son's things were also hard-earned?

However, the cosmology actually announced the telescope, so it was obviously impossible to conceal it.

Although the telescope was not yet ready to be released, it had to be released first since it had come to this point.

"cough cough...Bring me a cup of tea too!" Li Kuan also found a chair and sat down. He was thirsty after running for so long.

"You still have the nerve to drink tea, thirsty!"Li Shimin glared at Li Kuan. This matter will ferment completely tomorrow. He doesn't know how to deal with those Confucian scholars.


Next, Li Kuan was scolded by Li Shimin again for a full hour, and every word was full of regret.

It was almost noon, and Li Shimin waved his hand:"Go away, do you still want me to keep you for lunch?" (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Just like that, Li Kuan left the palace in disgrace.

On this day, undercurrents surged in Chang'an City, and many people were thinking about how to deal with Li Kuan.

But as the pig's feet of the matter, Li Kuan came back from the palace and roasted the fire and played chess leisurely, obviously not taking the discussion in Chang'an City to heart.

At that time, Zu Zhong and his disciples came to see his master, but they were all comforted by Li Kuan.

There was even a thought to ask Zu Suancai how his homework was going? If the heliocentric theory is promoted, then the most basic knowledge of earth gravity and gravity should also be handed over to him.

These are new beginnings, the starting point of physics.

But Zu Suancai did not disappoint him, and he had almost learned the book of mathematics.

The day passed boringly.

The sky gradually darkened.

Duke Lu's Mansion!

Cheng Yaojin was still complaining while eating.

He also said that he would go to the Prince of Chu's mansion in the evening to take a look at the so-called telescope, but he did not hold out hope that he could see farther through the telescope.

After all!

This telescope is not like the hot air balloon that takes people to the sky 927, which is a magical tool that allows people to see farther.

But even so, Cheng Chumo and the other two were still very interested in going with Cheng Yaojin to see the excitement, but they were all scolded by him.

Cheng Jingwen, who had been eating with her head down, listened to Cheng Yaojin's story, her eyes flickering, and no one knew what she was thinking.

In the evening, when Cheng Yaojin was about to leave the mansion, Cheng Jingwen changed into a tight-fitting outfit, looking neat and tidy, and waited at the door.

""Girl, what are you doing here?" Cheng Yaojin asked casually.

His daughter didn't seem to behave like this before, so what happened today?

"Dad, I want to go see the telescope with you!" Ever since Cheng Jingwen saw the atlas in the cosmology, she has become interested in the stars in the sky.

She hopes that what His Royal Highness the King of Chu said is true, so that she can see the stars in the sky, so she is waiting for her father here.

"You want to go too?" Cheng Yaojin was also surprised. He didn't expect his daughter to be interested in this.

""Yeah!" Cheng Jingwen nodded in agreement, looking at Cheng Yaojin expectantly.

Cheng Yaojin just couldn't stand Cheng Jingwen like this, and seeing his daughter's pitiful appearance, he couldn't help but refuse:

"Okay, come with me!"

"Thank you, Daddy!

". Đạo Vô Tâm

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