""What happened? Tell me clearly!"

Li Chengqian looked at the eunuch who came to report. The chill emanating from his body made the eunuch shiver.

Every time the prince had such an expression, he was about to get angry.

"Your Highness, today we went out with Eunuch Chengxin and he wanted to take a hot air balloon ride...."The young eunuch did not dare to hide anything and told the whole story of today.

It has come to this point, and he dared not hide anything.

"Is that so? Second brother, you really make things difficult for me!" The cold light in Li Chengqian's eyes flashed even more fiercely, and there was murderous intent. It had not been long since Li Kuan came to Chang'an from Lingnan, and he had just made enemies with Confucianism. He did not expect that he would be provoked again.

It was not known whether Li Kuan had always acted so recklessly and without regard for the consequences, or whether he had other purposes.

But he had to be punished for beating Chengxin.

But the most important thing at the moment was to get Chengxin out of the government office first.

"Go to Chang'an government office!" Li Chengqian felt a little uneasy. He wanted to go and rescue Chengxin himself.���Yamen!

Chang'an County Magistrate Wei Sikao was having a headache at this time. A few days ago, Li Kuan sent a Confucian scholar named Sun Bin to him, who was too difficult to deal with.

If an ordinary person dared to slander the prince, it would be a serious crime. At the least, he would be exiled thousands of miles away, and at the most, he could be beheaded.

But now, many people on the Confucian side have asked him to deal with it leniently, but Li Kuan is also keeping an eye on this matter.

It is also difficult for him.

Originally, he thought that he would be completely liberated after delaying for three days and waiting for Li Kuan to leave, but he did not expect that Li Kuan would actually succeed in flying to the sky, and the Confucianists were defeated in this confrontation.

Even the Confucianists vented their resentment on him as the county magistrate, and ordered him to keep Sun Bin, otherwise his position would be lost.

But Li Kuan did not return to Lingnan, and kept keeping an eye on Sun Bin's matter, which made it difficult for him to deal with it. Even though he was a member of the Wei family in Chang'an and a distant relative of Empress Wei, he could do nothing but ask for help, and he could ask for help as long as he could. It is difficult to be an official in Chang'an.

"Sir, the Prince of Chu's Mansion has brought a few more people here..!"At this time, a constable rushed in.


It's His Royal Highness the King of Chu again? Could it be another Confucian scholar?

He wanted to avoid seeing him, but after all, he was the King of Chu's man, so he had no choice but to meet him.

"Please come in!" Wei Si Kao sighed and signaled the constable to go and invite someone.

But the constable was a little embarrassed:"They want the adults to come to the court? Otherwise, he will beat the drum soon!"

"...."Wei Sikuo staggered, wondering what the King of Chu meant.

But in this situation, he could only go to court.

"What are the people in the audience doing?" After the court session began, Wei Si Kao looked at Cheng Xin and the others who were pressed down below and felt puzzled.

"Report to the Lord, I am Qin San, a personal guard of the Prince of Chu. Today, the prince has ordered me to bring these people to Chang'an Prefecture!"

Qin San first explained his identity, and then continued:"These people wanted to impersonate the prince's people and force their way into the hot air balloon. After being exposed by my prince

, they even attacked the prince!" Speaking of this, he pointed his finger at Chengxin:"Especially this person, he actually pretended to be someone close to the prince. The prince said that the identity of the prince cannot be insulted. His affairs can be ignored, but the affairs of the prince cannot be neglected!"

Woo woo woo~~

Chengxin and the others were stuffed with cloth. They wanted to explain but could only make a humming sound and glared at him with grief and indignation.

"Then what should we do according to the prince's wishes?"Wei Si Kao looked at Qin San and asked tentatively.

"According to my prince, those who dare to pretend to be the prince should be beaten with dozens of boards to serve as a warning to others. Otherwise, anyone will dare to pretend to be the prince's close relatives and do evil things in the future. Where will the face of the royal family be!" Qin San knew his prince's character very well. He obviously didn't like these people, so he would deal with them properly.

"Yes, those who pretend to be close to the prince are doing evil, so they should be dragged out and beaten with 20 boards first!"Wei Si Kao also nodded.

Woo woo woo~~

Just like that, Cheng Xin and several other people were dragged out, and after a while, they heard the sound of beatings.

After a while, several people were dragged back, their buttocks were torn and they lay on the ground and couldn't get up.

These 20 boards were not spared, and they would have to recover for at least ten days and half a month.

"You are done, wait for the revenge of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"The cloth stuffed in Chengxin's mouths has been removed, and he barely propped up his upper body, staring at Wei Sikuo and Qin San with resentment.

He wants to remember these people and let His Royal Highness the Crown Prince punish them. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"How dare you to use the identity of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince to threaten me!" Wei Si Kao heard Cheng Xin was still threatening him, and he couldn't help but slam the gavel:

"Come on, drag him out and beat him twenty more times..."

""His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has arrived!"

Wei Si Kao was about to say that he would take Cheng Xin out to be beaten with a stick, but before he finished speaking, a sharp voice sounded outside the county government office.


A horse stopped at the gate of the county government office, and a young man in yellow clothes walked down.


Hearing that the Crown Prince has arrived? Wei Si Kao dropped the gavel in his hand to the ground with a snap.

The Crown Prince is here?

So, these people are really the Crown Prince's men?

Hula la la...

The Eastern Palace Guards rushed into the county government office in unison, with bright armor, and surrounded the entire county government office.

Wei Si Kao now had only one thought in his mind, it's over....The prince came in person, and I am in great danger.


Chengxin shouted weakly when he saw Li Chengqian coming.

Li Chengqian also saw the injured Chengxin walking a few steps faster. He was still lame when he walked faster.

"Chengxin, who hit you?"

Looking at Chengxin's red and swollen face and bloody buttocks, he was burning with anger.

As he spoke, he took off his robe to cover Chengxin's bloody body.

"It’s the King of Chu and this county magistrate!"When Chengxin mentioned this, his eyes were full of resentment. He hated the King of Chu and the county magistrate in front of him.

Li Chengqian stood up and looked at Wei Si Kao:"Are you Wei Si Kao?"

"It is you, my humble servant!" Wei Si Kao no longer dared to sit in his seat, and hurriedly got down and bowed to Li Chengqian.

"Come, arrest him!" Li Chengqian shouted and was about to take action.

As the crown prince, he had the right to do so.

""Your Highness, this is all a misunderstanding!" Wei Si Kao's face turned pale. He knew that he would suffer physical pain this time.

It turned out that the rumor that the prince had a love affair with Long Yang was true.

It could be seen from Li Chengqian's caring behavior when he came in.

"Go ahead, beat him with forty sticks, beat him to death!" Li Chengqian shouted again. Since he was here today, he would vent his anger for Chengxin. At this moment, a voice from outside the government office came again:

"Wow, it’s so lively, brother, are you here too?"


Did you come to punish someone who pretended to be someone close to you and did something bad? Đạo Vô Tâm

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