
"His Royal Highness the King of Chu!"


As soon as Li Kuan's voice fell, everyone made way and bowed.

From the moment of flying to the sky at Shilipo, although Li Kuan offended the Confucian scholars of the Tang Dynasty, the common people and some of the family disciples of military officers respected Li Kuan.

Especially in the face of criticism from Confucianists, Li Kuan still dared to directly cripple the legs of the Confucian scholar Feng Qing, which won the recognition of many children of military generals.

The military families had always been at odds with the Confucian families, and they couldn't stand the Confucianism. This time, Li Kuan completely vented the anger for their military lineage.

Of course, there were also resentful eyes among these people. They were all disciples of Confucianism, and what they heard and believed were all the words of Confucianism.

"The King of Chu?"

Chengxin turned his head and looked over when he heard this.

He had only heard of Li Kuan from Li Chengqian before, and Li Chengqian was full of disdain for Li Kuan, saying that he went to a place of entertainment on the first day of his arrival in Chang'an, and then offended Confucianists without knowing his own limitations.

So Chengxin had the impression that Li Kuan was a reckless man.

But now it was quite different. Li Kuan looked gentle and elegant, with a scholarly demeanor, and a smile on his face that was hard to see through.

Is this the reckless King of Chu that the prince mentioned?

"13 Did you beat my people? Do you want to seal this place off?"Li Kuan rode on his horse, looking down at Cheng Xin.

Li Kuan was passing by Shilipo on his way back from Xishan, and wanted to come and see Cheng Xin. Unexpectedly, he ran into Cheng Xin who was making trouble.

No matter who it was, if they dared to make trouble here, they were not giving him face, so don't blame him for being rude.

Zhao Xin and Tie Niu dismounted under the gaze of everyone, and hurried forward to protect Li Kuan.

"Your Highness, I am the prince's man. I came here today to take a hot air..."Listening to Li Kuan's questioning, Cheng Xin actually felt a chill down his spine and answered subconsciously.


But before Cheng Xin could finish, Li Kuan's slap had already arrived, slapping him on the face:"How dare you cause trouble in my place? Who gave you the courage?"

"You...you hit me?" Chengxin covered her cheeks, her eyes blazing with anger.

The guards who followed Chengxin hesitated for a moment, but decided to step forward to help.

Although the one who hit him was the King of Chu, he was just an unpopular prince.

Chengxin was the person the prince asked them to protect. If Chengxin had any accident, they would not be able to explain.

However, Chengxin brought a total of five guards, two of whom held down Zhu Ming, and the remaining three were subdued by the soldiers of Lingnan before they could get close to Li Kuan.

These guards were no match for the special forces of Lingnan.

"You still attack my people? You will pay the price!" Li Kuan also looked at Cheng Xin, who was glaring at him, and slapped him again.

"I am from Lingnan, do you think you can beat me?" After hearing this, every Lingnan person who followed was excited.

With a prince who cares about them so much, they would die without regrets even if they risked their lives for him.

After the fight, he looked at the two guards who were subduing Zhu Ming:"Why don't you let go? Zhao Xin, one arm will be broken for each of you!"

""Your Highness, this is all a misunderstanding. We are the prince...ah~" The man wanted to explain, but was subdued instantly by the people brought over by Zhao Xin, and each of them lost an arm.

The screams of pain resounded throughout the entire Shili Slope.

The eyes of the others looking at Li Kuan also changed. This was the prince's man, and Li Kuan actually took action directly. After all, you have to look at the owner before beating a dog.

It seems that His Royal Highness the Prince of Chu is reckless. Not only is he reckless towards Confucianism, he is also reckless in everything he does, and he is not afraid of offending people.

In their view, this is like a barefoot man not afraid of a man wearing boots. Anyway, he is a prince, and no matter how big the trouble is, he can just go back to Lingnan.

"Li Kuan, I will fight you!" Cheng Xin finally came back from the daze of being beaten and rushed towards Li Kuan.

When had he ever suffered such an injustice? With Li Chengqian's support, he had no scruples.

But before he could rush to Li Kuan, he was subdued.

"If you dare to attack the prince, send him to the government office!" Li Kuan waved his hand calmly. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"How dare you? I am a close friend of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. You dare to treat me like this, aren't you afraid of the Crown Prince's revenge?" Cheng Xin must have said something he shouldn't have.


But just as he finished speaking, Li Kuan slapped him in the face again:"How dare you! My brother is the current Crown Prince, he is so ambitious, gentle and elegant. How can you, a domineering eunuch, be worthy of being close to him?"

"How dare you slander the current crown prince? Your crime is even more serious! Take him to the government office and watch the county magistrate make a judgment before reporting back!"

When Li Kuan spoke, he was so righteous and praised Li Chengqian.

I think after Li Chengqian knew about it, he didn't dare to cause trouble to Li Kuan openly.

The soldier nodded and walked towards the government office with Chengxin and a few others.

The eunuchs who followed saw this and shouted hurriedly,"We are really the crown prince's people!"

The eunuch was still shouting, but after just a few shouts, his mouth was stuffed and he was taken away.

Only a eunuch standing in the distance saw that the situation was not good, so he rode away in shame. He was going to inform the crown prince

"Your Highness, Prince of Chu, you may be in trouble. Chengxin is really a close friend of His Highness, the Crown Prince!"After Chengxin was taken away, Li Siwen came up to Li Kuan and whispered a reminder:"After this incident, be careful about everything!"

This was obviously meant to prepare Li Kuan.

Li Siwen didn't want to remind him, but Li Kuan's behavior was too consistent with the style of their military generals. He didn't want to see Li Kuan suffer.

"Who are you?" Li Kuan looked at Li Siwen and asked?

""Li Ji's son, Li Siwen!" Li Siwen clasped his fists.

When Li Kuan heard the name, he didn't even look at Li Siwen.

Is he Li Siwen? Li Ji's family is very good at dealing with people and doing things. Li Ji's original name was Xu Shiji, and later changed his name to Li Ji.

His son also continued his father's tradition. Later, when Wu Zetian came to power, Li Siwen changed his name to Wu Siwen.

During the reign of Wu Zetian, the descendants of the old ministers who were able to protect themselves were all smart people.

Seeing Li Siwen, he was sure that he was the kind of person who was good at dealing with people.

Li Kuan looked at him and smiled:"You didn't talk to me today, and I don't know what you said!"

When Li Siwen heard this, he was stunned for a moment before nodding and answering with a smile:"I understand, I understand!"

It seems that King Chu Li Kuan is not so reckless and has his own thoughts.

The matter is over.

Although there were twists and turns, the hot air balloon was successfully launched.

The East Palace..

""Your Highness, something bad has happened!" Li Chengqian had just finished lunch and was taking a nap when a panicked voice came in.

"What's the matter?"

Li Chengqian frowned and stood up from the side step, looking at the young eunuch who broke in:"You'd better give me a satisfactory explanation!"

How could there be such an impetuous person in the East Palace?

"Your Highness, Chengxin was kidnapped by His Highness the Prince of Chu and taken to the Chang'an government office!" The eunuch took a few breaths and did not dare to neglect it.

Li Chengqian sat up from the bed:"What did you say?" His face showed coldness and anger.

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