"Ha ha...Don't be so nervous, I am not one of those pedantic Confucian scholars. I have similar ideas to you two!"

Li Kuan looked at the two men with shining eyes. He thought they were just famous, but he didn't expect them to have such open minds.

The earth is a ball, but he didn't expect someone in the Tang Dynasty to have guessed it.

However, due to the conservative Confucian thinking, even if they had guessed it, they didn't dare to publicize it without definite evidence.

"Did you really see the outline of the earth when you flew into the sky?"

Li Chunfeng and Li Kuan looked at each other in surprise when they heard Li Kuan's words, their eyes full of seriousness.

Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng have been pursuing this answer for ten years. If they get the exact answer, they will die without regrets.


Li Kuan shook his head, what a joke. According to his later understanding, people can only see the slight curvature of the earth after reaching 20,000 meters, but it is not obvious. Only when reaching 100,000 meters can you see that the earth is a sphere.

However, the highest record of human hot air balloon flying is only more than 20,000 meters.

That is a world-class record. Even if the hot air balloon can fly that high, he dare not try it easily.

After the voice fell, the two were a little disappointed.

He thought that His Royal Highness the King of Chu had seen the mystery in the hot air balloon.

"However, I have a better way for you two to better understand our land!" Li Kuan said with a smile

"What can we do?" Li Chungang's eyes showed hope.

They have devoted their lives to astronomy. If they can prove this, they will give everything to pursue it.

"Come to me tonight, I will take you to stargazing!" Li Kuan smiled slightly, and then continued:"Then I will let you know that the ground we stand on is no different from the stars in the sky, just the vast sand in the universe, insignificant!" It

's time to show off astronomy. This is a sharp blade that will tear open the shackles of Confucianism.

"Stargazing? The ground we are standing on is the same as the stars in the sky!"When they heard about stargazing, the two of them didn't take it seriously. They were masters of stargazing.

But when they heard the following sentence, they were both stunned.

The ground we are standing on is the same as the stars in the sky. This sentence deeply touched them.

His Royal Highness the King of Chu is a fellow traveler with them!

"I will bother you tonight!" Li Chunfeng finally nodded and made a decision.

Whether it was the method of stargazing, it was also a good thing to talk about new experiences with people of the same path.

And the King of Chu was still so young.

After the voice fell, he also made way.

Li Kuan said goodbye to the two and continued to head towards the palace with Cheng Yaojin and others.

""Your Highness, the King of Chu, you said that we are standing on a ball?" Cheng Yaojin asked curiously.

He was really curious about Li Kuan's statement, and Li Daozong was also curious and waiting for Li Kuan's answer.

""Duke Lu, you will know about this matter later, but you won't believe it even if I tell you now!"

Li Kuan just replied lightly and drove his horse forward.

Even if he told them about the future worldview, they would still find it unbelievable and even question it.

This is beyond their cognition.

So he chose to tell Li Chunfeng, because now they have begun to think about it, and in the right direction, he just needs simple guidance.

If there was no Li Kuan, the theories of Li Chunfeng and the others would also sink into the conservatism of Confucianism.

Li Kuan didn't say it, and Cheng Yaojin and the others didn't ask. Anyway, they also thought that Li Kuan's idea was too incredible. How could there be a ball where people stepped on?

It was definitely fake.

They didn't While thinking about this matter, he went directly to the palace.

As usual, he was searched, and the three of them entered the Ganlu Hall together.

Entering the hall, Li Shimin was sitting in the main seat waiting. This time he did not read the memorials, but kept looking at Li Kuan.

Someone has already informed Li (bddg) Shimin of what happened just now. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

He is really worried now, and Li Kuan will not give him any peace of mind.

He has just completed the impossible task of Feitian, and now he has to establish a new school, which is openly against Confucianism.

Why don't you let me feel at ease? I was worried just after listening to the report, and Li Kuan and others came.

""Greetings, Father!""Greetings, Your Majesty!" The three came over and saluted.

After they sat down, Li Kuan said with great joy:"Father, I have fulfilled your mission and completed the task of flying!"

"I have opened the hot air balloon. You can take a ride anytime you want!"

This time, my cheap dad shouldn't bother me.

"I understand!"

Li Shimin nodded with a dark face, then looked at Li Kuan and continued:"I heard that you announced the establishment of a new school?"

Li Kuan was silent for a moment. He didn't expect Li Shimin to ask this question at the beginning. He continued:

"Father, you also know about this. Yes, it was I, Qianqian, who founded a new school!"

"Nonsense, you are just creating a new discipline. Do you know that after you create a new discipline, you will be besieged by Confucianists. They will not allow new knowledge to appear!"Li Shimin didn't know what was going on. He couldn't control his temper when he met Li Kuan.

No, it was Li Kuan who had never done anything that satisfied him.

"Just target them, I'm not afraid of them!" Li Kuan said indifferently.

"...."Li Shimin was speechless for a moment:"You have gone against Confucianism, so you will have no way out? If you make a mistake, you will have no place to stand in the Tang Dynasty!"

""I know, but the current Confucianism needs to change. Since they are complacent, I can only resort to this last resort and create a new knowledge to open up the situation!"

Li Kuan said very seriously, with a righteous look, but he didn't agree in his heart. Who said that he had no way out? If Chang'an couldn't accommodate him, he could go back to Lingnan.

When he arrived in Lingnan, it was his world and he could do whatever he wanted.

This time it was Li Shimin's turn to be stunned. When did this kid have such a big picture?

"Do you really think that Confucianism is useless?"The father and son were deadlocked for a long time, and Li Shimin finally asked such a question.

He wanted to see what Li Kuan really thought.

Li Kuan shook his head;"Confucianism is not useless. If you regard it as a book of morality, it is okay, but if you want to revive the Tang Dynasty, Confucianism cannot occupy too high a position in the Tang Dynasty!"

What we say and what we do are all for the Tang Dynasty!

If Confucianism is too high, any thinking will become rigid. Sometimes places pay too much attention to etiquette and conservatism, and the Tang Dynasty is destined not to prosper. Silent, Li Shimin did not speak for a while, thinking seriously about Li Kuan

's answer..

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