"Your Highness, the King of Chu, you must think clearly before establishing a new school of thought. This is not an easy matter!"

Kong Yingda looked at Li Kuan and could not help but speak.

He did not interrupt just now because he felt guilty, but Li Kuan announced the establishment of a new school of thought, and then there would be a dispute over knowledge.

As the current nominal head of Confucianism, he could not back down in terms of literature.

"Ha ha...Kong Jijiu, rest assured, since the king has founded it, he naturally knows the pros and cons!"Li Kuan nodded naturally.

Seeing that Li Kuan could not be convinced, Kong Yingda snorted coldly:"In this case, the King of Chu should not go to the Imperial College. Our Confucianism has no room for a big Buddha like you!!"

At this moment!

In Kong Yingda's mind, since the King of Chu said that he would establish a new school, there was only competition between them.

A competition of knowledge!

"Kong Jijiu, don't be so resentful. I have said that I want to learn from all schools of thought. I also respect Confucianism. It's a pity that we need new knowledge!"

Li Kuan smiled, but he was very happy in his heart.

It was Kong Yingda who didn't let him go to the Imperial College. When his cheap father asked about it, he would have a reason.

"Humph, it's just miscellaneous knowledge, and the King of Chu claims to be a new school!" Kong Shiren snorted in dissatisfaction.

He looked down on Li Kuan, a young man who accidentally learned the art of flying with strange and lewd skills, but was so arrogant that he wanted to establish a new school.

Did Li Kuan want to be a saint?

""Your Highness, take care of yourself!" Having said this, they had nothing more to say.

Kong Yingda left with this sentence and turned away.

The other officials who followed him also left with a grim look on their faces. Next, they would face the ruthless suppression of Confucianism. They also wanted to establish a new school of thought, and they wanted to make the new school fail miserably.

"Leaving now?" Looking at the people who were leaving in shame, he took out the loudspeaker and continued to shout:"If you have the chance, you can come to Shilipo to ride a hot air balloon. It only costs a hundred coins to fly once. It's not expensive!"

""Your Highness, what is a hot air balloon? It's not the ball you ride on, is it?" Cheng Chumo asked, his eyes sparkling.

They can fly, too?

"Yes, I am riding a hot air balloon today. Tomorrow, the hot air balloons will be open to the public and everyone can ride them..!"Li Kuan smiled slightly, with a smile on his face.

This is all money. Chang'an City lacks everything except money.

"The hot air balloon can only hold three people at a time, each person gets 100 coins, and when there are three people, it will take off.~!"Li Kuan continued to shout.

Kong Yingda and Kong Shiren, who had not yet walked far, sneered. The King of Chu was indeed obsessed with money. He could not do anything without money.

First, he hung advertisements when the hot air balloon flew, and now he wanted to make money with the hot air balloon.

He was full of the smell of money, and he even wanted to establish a new school.

""Your Highness, does it cost money for the two of us to ride?" At this time, Cheng Yaojin and Li Daozon separated from the crowd and walked in.

In fact, they had arrived a long time ago, but they knew that Li Kuan had to deal with something, so they didn't rush over. Now that the matter was dealt with, it was time to chat about family matters.

As soon as Cheng Yaojin came out, the three prodigal sons of the Cheng family didn't dare to speak.

"Haha, it turns out to be Duke Lu and Uncle Dao Zong. You two can ride anytime you want!"These are the two people Li Kuan is most familiar with in Chang'an. They once went to sea together and have a good relationship. He turned to Zhu Ming behind him and said,"Zhu Ming, have you seen these two? In the future, if they want to ride a hot air balloon, they can do so anytime, for free!"

Zhu Ming nodded and memorized the appearance of Cheng Yaojin and the other person in his mind.

"Have you finished your work? Then come back to the palace with me. His Majesty is waiting for you!"Li Daozong saw that Li Kuan had finished his work, so he said

"Let's go now!"

Li Kuan knew that with such a big commotion, Li Shimin would definitely find him, and he was ready.

Next, he gave his new disciples a few instructions, and then advertised his hot air balloon trip, and then followed Cheng Yaojin back to Chang'an City.

Seeing Li Kuan and his team, everyone present was eager to try.

"Feitian, will the prince really be open tomorrow?"

"Haven't you heard? It costs a hundred coins to fly once!"

"Money is a small matter, but we won’t fall down, right?" (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"You bunch of cowards, if there is really danger, do you think the prince will ride it himself? If you don't ride, I, Cheng Chumo, will be the first one tomorrow... No...I want to be the first person to fly tomorrow!"

Cheng Chumo was about to say the first one to fly, but the prince had already flown today, so he could only be the first one tomorrow.

Cheng Chuliang and others responded:"Then I'll be the second one..."

As Cheng Chumo dispelled everyone's concerns, everyone present began to be eager to try.

Flying, this sacred thing, they can also do it.

Ignoring the discussions of those people, Li Kuan and Cheng Yaojin began to rush to the palace.

Just as they walked halfway, two figures appeared on the road ahead, one with white hair and beard and a Taoist style, and the other was a middle-aged man with a Taoist aura.

"It’s these two old Taoist priests!" Cheng Yaojin saw the two men from afar and couldn’t help but slow down his horse.

Li Kuan was puzzled:"Who are these two people?"

".Li Chunfeng from the Imperial Observatory's Bureau of History, and Yuan Tiangang, the wandering old immortal!" Li Daozong said at this time, his face also looked a little serious.

The Imperial Observatory is the place in charge of observing celestial phenomena and making calculations.

Li Chunfeng, Yuan Tiangang!

When Li Kuan heard these two names, his eyes also looked at the two people again.

These two people were too famous in history. Now that they met, they really had immortal spirits.

"Greetings to His Royal Highness the King of Chu, the King of Jiangxia, and the Duke of Lu!" Seeing Li Kuan coming over, Li Chunfeng and the others bowed slightly.

Cheng Yaojin looked at the two old Taoists and laughed:"You two old Taoists also want to see the flying miracle?"

These two people used to be superstitious, but now they are also curious sometimes

"We are here to meet His Royal Highness the King of Chu!" Li Chungang smiled again, but his eyes fell on Li Kuan.

Li Kuan also bowed:"Master Taoist!"

"Your Highness, King of Chu, can you let me see that flying thing?"Li Chunfeng looked expectant:"How high can it fly?"

His greatest wish in life was to observe the sky. He wanted to see how high Li Kuan's hot air balloon could fly. He could look down at the earth (Zhao Zhao Zhao) and draw his vein map.

He and Yuan Tiangang even had a guess in their hearts that needed to be confirmed.

"How high can it fly? It can fly as high as you can see! If the Taoist priest wants to visit, you can go to Shilipo tomorrow!"Li Kuan replied with a smile

"Thank you, Your Highness the Prince of Chu!" Yuan Tiangang and the other two were a little surprised. Out of reach? How high would that be?

Perhaps being at such a high place, looking down at the earth would confirm their guess.

There was excitement in their eyes.

Li Chunfeng asked excitedly:"So, Your Highness, has the prince ever flown so high? Is the ground under our feet a ball?"

"Chunfeng!" Yuan Tiangang hurriedly stopped him.

Nowadays, people believe that the sky is round and the earth is square. If Li Chunfeng's argument that goes against their ancestors is spread, the two of them will probably be attacked by everyone.

Li Chunfeng's face changed after he finished speaking, realizing that he had said the wrong thing. However, Li Kuan showed surprise on his face

, and then smiled.

These two people are talented!.

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