The colleagues around Ye Xiao saw the two hugging each other so intimately.

It felt like a burst of psychological envy.

I actually have to be fed a) big mouthfuls of dog food in the company, it’s so outrageous……………………

General Manager’s Office

“Dad, what do you want from me?”

Wang Long’s son, Wang Defa, walked into the office.

Then he sat on the sofa without restraint, took out a cigarette, and asked Wang Long, who was sitting in the general manager’s seat.

Just when he was about to light a cigarette

“Brat, you are getting more and more unruly.”

Wang Long glared at this careless son.

“Hey, we are the only two here, father and son, and there is no one else, so I will smoke one.”

Wang Defa didn’t take his father’s anger seriously at all.

Instead, he smiled at Wang Long.

Then he lit a cigarette and started smoking.

“How will you find a wife in the future if you are such a bastard?”

Wang Long pinched his eyebrows and sighed heavily.

“Dad, if you have something to say, just say it.”

Wang Defa crossed his legs and blew out a puff of smoke.

Then he said to his father

“There is a new girl in the company.”

Wang Long crossed his hands, held his chin, and said to Wang Defa seriously.

“I’m not interested in any pretty girls that our software development company can come to.”

Wang Defa waved his hand, showing an uninterested expression.

“Who told you to come so late in the morning? She is the most beautiful girl among the younger generation I have ever seen, bar none!”

“ah! real?!”

Wang Defa’s eyes suddenly lit up and he became excited.

“You hear me out first.”

Wang Long rolled his eyes at his son.

“Moreover, her background is very strong. If you can catch her, our family will really be able to honor our ancestors. Wang

Long smiled at his son

“What is her background?”

Wang Defa asked doubtfully.

He is the son of the boss of this company.

How much influence can she have as a girl who comes to work in his company?

“The only daughter of the chairman of the headquarters!”

Wang Long said it very clearly, word for word.


Wang Defa’s excited hands began to tremble.

I almost dropped my cigarette on the ground

“The daughter of Yi Shuyun, chairman of Tengxun Group? ?”

Wang Defa couldn’t believe it.

“That’s right.”

Wang Long nodded, not even half a joke.

“She, such a cool person comes to work in our company?”

Wang Defa continued to ask

“I heard that he came here for Ye Xiao.”

Wang Long said

“Ye Xiao? What is her relationship with Ye Xiao?”

Wang Defa asked

“The two said they were husband and wife, but I checked and found that they had neither been married nor engaged, nor had they applied for a marriage certificate.”

“Therefore, the two of them should only be in a relationship for now.”

Wang Long said

“Couple?……, but I heard from people in the company that Ye Xiao doesn’t have a partner? Could it be that he is deliberately hiding it from us?”

“Ye Xiao, what a scheming person, secretly dating the only daughter of the chairman of the headquarters”

“He wanted to fly up a branch and become a phoenix.”

Wang Defa pinched his chin and sneered at Ye Xiao in his heart.

He originally didn’t like Ye Xiao very much because he was so eye-catching in the company.

Not only was he more handsome than him, but his work ability was better than him.

This made Wang Defa feel unhappy all the time, but he couldn’t show it.

“In the evening after get off work, I will hold a company team building event to welcome Yimengyun.”

“When the time comes for team building, you have to perform well in front of Yi Mengyun.”

“I think she looks very innocent. She should be the kind of little girl who is easily trusting of others. I guess Ye Xiao used some sweet words to deceive her.”

“Anyway, I will use my power to help you, don’t let me down.”

Wang Long said seriously to his son.

Originally, he really planned to focus on training Ye Xiao. After all, Ye Xiao’s ability was indeed very good.

But now because of the appearance of Yi Mengyun, he changed his mind.

Ye Xiao Compared with the big mountain of Yi Mengyun, it is too small. If they want their family to stand in a higher position, they must win over Yi Mengyun and become their daughter-in-law.

They are in-laws with the Yi Dong family, and they can speak straightly at the headquarters.

There is even hope of getting more shares of the group in the future, and it is not impossible for his son to become the leader of Tengxun Group!

“Let it go, I know a girl’s mind very well, I’m going to really take action, there’s no girl in the world that I can’t pick up!”

Wang De said swornly

“Brat, just don’t let me down”

“Don’t worry, Dad.

Wang Defa grinned.

Then he said:”Then I’ll go see my new colleague first. I want to see if she is as good-looking as you said.””

“Be cautious and don’t be reckless!”

Wang Long taught

“I know, you don’t need to teach me about picking up girls.”

“Remember to go to the bathroom to rinse your mouth, and then spray some perfume, don’t smell like cigarettes”


Wang Defa smiled, then waved to Wang Long and left the office………………………… ps: Begging for data!!!

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