“Brother Xiao, is this girl really your wife?”

Li Dong, an intern in the company who has a good relationship with Ye Xiao, asked Ye Xiao in a low voice.

“Well, we plan to get the certificate in a while.”

Ye Xiao nodded, not intending to hide it.

After hearing Ye Xiao’s answer, Yi Mengyun felt sweet in her heart~~ Hehe~~

“Brother Xiao is so awesome, he actually found such an awesome wife.”

Li Dong gave Ye Xiao a thumbs up.

This is the daughter of the CEO of Tengxun Group.

It’s so terrifying…….

“Miss Yi, I don’t know if you still remember me. Once, the chairman took you to attend an event at the headquarters. We had met at that time.”

Mr. Wang smiled gently at Yi Mengyun.

“Sorry~ I don’t have any impression anymore~”

Yi Mengyun smiled lightly at Mr. Wang

“Haha, yes, you were still very young at that time.”

Mr. Wang looked polite.

“Oh, by the way, Miss Yi, you don’t need an interview if you come to the company. You can just pick whichever position in the company you like.”

Mr. Wang smiled and said

“Oh~~ Then I want the same position as Brother Ye Xiao~~ And I also want to sit next to Brother Ye Xiao’s seat.~~”

Yi Mengyun smiled at Wang Long.

Before she came to Ye Xiao’s company, she had no idea that the company was owned by her mother.

Originally, she planned to use money to buy a position.

However, it seems that it is not needed at all now.

“Ok, no problem.”

Mr. Wang nodded and agreed directly……………………..

At the workstation

“Xiaoyun, you can’t be so impulsive in the future. If I weren’t by your side, wouldn’t you be beaten back by him?”

Ye Xiao said softly to Yi Mengyun next to the seat.

This was the first time he saw Yi Mengyun, who had always been gentle and sweet in her impression, actually hit someone.

And he also showed that he wanted to kill Zhao Youcheng. The look in her eyes made Ye Xiao a little worried.

This was a big change from the Yi Mengyun she knew…….

“Brother Ye Xiao is not with me?”

Yi Mengyun didn’t seem to hear the first half of the sentence at all, but only the second half.

As soon as she heard Ye Xiao say that he would not be with her,

Yi Mengyun’s pretty face froze and her breathing suddenly stopped at this moment. Stop.

Her chest felt like it was being squeezed!

She bit her lips and felt waves in her heart!

Where is brother Ye Xiao going?……

Why aren’t you by my side?……

Is Brother Ye Xiao going to leave me again?…… don’t want……I do not want……

I don’t allow it……

She lowered her head, her entire face buried in the shadows.

These restless voices in her head kept ringing.

It almost drove her into madness……

Her slender little hands grasped the chair, and her fingernails kept clasping it.

The lips become tighter and tighter.

My body started to tremble slightly……

“Xiaoyun, what’s wrong with you?……?”

Ye Xiao noticed Yi Mengyun’s emotional changes.

Seeing her looking like she was about to collapse, Ye Xiao worriedly said

“Brother Ye Xiao is not allowed to leave me……”

“Brother Ye Xiao will always stay with me……”

“My body cannot be separated from brother Ye Xiao……”

Yimengyun’s breathing rate began to increase.

The sound is a little weird.

He kept mumbling these words in his mouth

“Xiaoyun, I won’t leave you, I won’t.”

Ye Xiao became nervous.

Suddenly she remembered the drugs for treating depression and anxiety that she saw at Yi Mengyun’s house.

And these drugs are used to treat severe depression and anxiety.

It seems that her psychological problems are really serious. Seriously.

But Ye Xiao’s voice didn’t seem to reach Yi Mengyun’s ears. She still had a gloomy look on her face, and her lower lip started to bleed from her teeth!

The fingers holding the chair were a little red and swollen! When

Ye Xiao saw the blood on the corner of Yi Mengyun’s mouth, he couldn’t help but think of the scene in his previous life when Yi Mengyun was covered in blood after falling from the building…….

She is really miserable enough……

Why does God still torture her like this?…… grass!

Since God is not willing to treat Yi Mengyun well, then let him do it!

He must let Yi Mengyun return to a healthy state and let her live her own happy life in this world.

Ye Xiao quickly pulled Yi Mengyun into his arms.

Buried her whole face in his chest

“Xiaoyun, it’s okay, don’t worry, I won’t leave you.”

Ye Xiao gently comforted the petite Yi Mengyun in his arms.

One hand gently soothed her thin back.

The fragrance of Ye Xiao’s brother……

Brother Ye Xiao’s temperature……

So comfortable……

My brother Ye Xiao never left me……


Yi Mengyun breathed greedily in Ye Xiao’s arms~~ and took the initiative to hug Ye Xiao tightly.

And Ye Xiao just allowed Yi Mengyun to behave a little differently from ordinary people.

“Brother Ye Xiao……, you have to stay by my side obediently.~~”

Yi Mengyun’s face has not yet moved away from Ye Xiao’s arms.

He just said it incoherently.


Ye Xiao lovingly rubbed Yi Mengyun’s little head.

Seeing that her mood could recover,

Ye Xiao felt relieved.

But he had no idea how terrifying Yi Mengyun’s morbid psychology was.

What was revealed just now is just the tip of the iceberg……. ps: I beg you for flowers and evaluation votes!!

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