In the world of railway guerrillas, in the arsenal of the little devil, a black hole suddenly appeared, and a mortar fell into the black hole.


Traveling to the west, in an underground spirit crystal vein, a black hole suddenly appeared, and a large piece of spirit crystal fell into the black hole and disappeared.


In the Marvel world, Red Skull began to develop various weapons and equipment powered by the energy of the Cosmic Cube with the help of Dr. Zola after getting the Cosmic Cube.

In addition to various firearms, there are tanks powered by the Cosmic Cube.

After one of the tanks was built, it began to head for the battlefield.

Halfway down the road, a black hole suddenly appeared, and the tank fell directly into the black hole and disappeared.

A few minutes later, the black hole reappeared, and several soldiers in military uniforms were spit out by the black hole.


The Great Tang Double Dragon Transmission World, Yangzhou City, and Shilong studied for many years after obtaining the elixir of life, and did not study a reason.

On this day, Yu Culture and came to the Shilong Dojo to ask for the secret of immortality, of course Shilong did not agree, the two fought, and finally Shilong was severely injured by Yu Culture and fled.

Before Shi Long died, he gave the secret of immortality to his best friend Tian Wen.

Tian Wen hurriedly walked down the street with the secret of immortality, ready to leave Yangzhou City.

Suddenly, a black hole appeared at Tian Wen’s feet, and Tian Wen fell into the black hole without resistance.

A few minutes later, the black hole appeared again, and Tian Wen was spit out. It’s just that the elixir in the clothes is gone.


In the world of Night Legends, after Alexander Corvinas was killed by his own son, his body was thrown on the cruise ship.

A black hole suddenly appeared, and Alexander Corvinus’s body fell directly into the black hole.


Marvel World, inside a S.H.I.E.L.D. base.

It was full of computer rooms and equipment, apparently a huge computer.

A black hole suddenly appeared, and the computer and the surrounding cabinets fell into the black hole at the same time and disappeared.


Transformers World, a classic car is silently sitting in a used car dealership. This classic car is exactly Bumblebee disguised, waiting for the arrival of the protagonist Sam.

Suddenly, a black hole appeared, and the bumblebee fell directly into the black hole.


In the Xuanyuan Sword World, in the weapons shop of Jia Bujiao’s shop, an ordinary but spiritual sword was placed on the shelf.

This sword is the missing fragment of the Xuanyuan sword, named Fifteen.

Suddenly, a black hole appeared, and Sword Fifteen fell into the black hole and disappeared.


In the Legend of Sword and Fairy World, in the warehouse of Yong’an Dang, a box is on the shelf, which has not been touched for many years. Inside this box is the wide-sleeved flowery skirt.

Suddenly, a black hole appeared under the box, and the box fell directly into the black hole.


Marvel World, God Online Asgard.

Odin’s treasury is quietly placed. Outside Asgard, Thor’s succession ceremony was being held, and everyone gathered in the Immortal Palace to celebrate Thor’s succession.

At this moment, several ice giants sneaked into Asgard’s treasury, wanting to steal the source of their clan’s power, the ice box. Just as they were about to touch the ice box, the destroyer suddenly appeared, emitting rays, killing several ice giants who broke in.

After solving the ice giant, the destroyer returns to where it was.

Suddenly, a black hole appeared under the ice box, and the ice box fell into the black hole.


Looking at the list of things grabbed this time, Ye Qiubai’s mood is quite good, but this time he has captured a lot of good things, which is worthy of ten consecutive draws.

The mortar of the little devil is garbage, it is useless, and any weapon that the Red Queen helps herself create is stronger than this.

The spirit crystal is a good thing, and it is also from the high world of Journey to the West, and the power in the spirit crystal is very pure.

The space energy tank is also a good prop, at least the power is good, and the energy operation method in it can also be studied. Unfortunately, there is no Cosmic Cube, so it cannot replenish energy, and it can only be regarded as a disposable prop.

The Immortal Technique is a very powerful exercise, and it is a five-element yin and yang practitioner, compared to Ye Qiubai’s current cultivation exercises, I don’t know how much stronger, it can be regarded as making up for Ye Qiubai’s current deficiencies.

Alexander Corvinus’s body is also a good thing, after all, this product is an immortal in the Night Legend World, although it is because of the virus, it also has great research value. Although it is also considered immortal in the Conan world, but… Thinking about it this way, the value of this thing is not that great.

When he first saw Anim Zola, Ye Qiubai thought it was a corpse, but he didn’t expect it to be a computer that stored Anim Zola’s consciousness. However, this thing is also quite good, after all, Animzora’s consciousness is very strong, and he can directly destroy Ultron. If you let the red queen analyze and devour, you can greatly strengthen herself.

The value of Bumblebee is also good, after all, it is alien technology, and it also has transformation technology, especially in the later stage, the earthlings study transformation technology, and they can control the transformation factor into various items. However, in Ye Qiubai’s view, the greatest value is their unique life structure and source of strength.

The value of sword fifteen itself is not much, after all, although this sword has spirituality, it is too intimidating, and only after obtaining the Xuanyuan sword, it can reflect its value by merging with the Xuanyuan sword.

The wide-sleeved flowing fairy skirt is a woman’s dress, except for good looks, it has little value.

The ice box, the source of the power of the frost giant, this thing is a good thing, especially for Ye Qiubai, it is too valuable, because Ye Qiubai also has Elsa’s ice magic, this thing may be used.

“System, continue to catch ten times in a row.” Ye Qiubai did not rush to unseal these things, but said to the system.

With Ye Qiubai’s words, the number of grabs of the system decreased by ten times, ten black holes appeared in front of Ye Qiubai, and sixteen light clusters flew out from the black holes.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a bag of NZT-48 from the never-ending world.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a Wind Two-Headed Wolf Martial Soul from a certain fantasy world.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a century-old soul ring from a certain fantasy world.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a century-old soul ring from a certain fantasy world.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a thousand-year soul ring from a certain fantasy world.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a thousand-year soul ring from a certain fantasy world.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a gentleman’s sword from the world of the Condor Heroes.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a lady’s sword from the world of the Condor Heroes.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a space carrier from the Marvel universe.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a large amount of gold from the Eye of God War Power world.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Dark Sword Moon Dark from the Kamen Rider World.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining an Evil Dragon Fantasy Drive Book from the Kamen Rider World.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a copy of the Evil King Dragon Fantasy Drive Book from the Kamen Rider World”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Fighting Eagle Wings from a certain fantasy world.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the desperate virus from the Marvel world.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Qinglian Earth Heart Fire from a certain fantasy world.”

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