“Master, there are too many, in fact, any kind of virus can make people very painful.” The red queen said.

“Prepare for me, all the existing viruses that do not cause death and cannot be easily cured will prepare a copy for me.” Ye Qiubai said.

Because everyone inside was rescued, Officer Twilight did not let the people of the bomb disposal team defuse the bomb, but waited for the bomb to explode.

“Boom.” At twelve and three midnight, a loud noise came, but it was not the Mihua City Hall in front of him, but the house of the second emperor Moriya in the distance.

“What’s going on?” Hearing the explosion in the distance, Moriya Teiji asked puzzled.

“That direction won’t be the second Moriya family, right?” Ye Qiubai looked in the direction where the explosion came from and spoke.

“Brother Xiaobai, how did you know that it was the second family of Emperor Moriya?” Conan asked.

“Nonsense, Officer Twilight said before that Moriya Teiji also planted explosives in his house, and now it exploded, and Moriya Teiji’s family is also in that direction, of course I would guess that it was Moriya Teijia.” Ye Qiubai said angrily.

“Go, go to the second house of the Moriya Emperor.” Officer Twilight said.

Ye Qiubai also drove over, and after coming to the house of the second emperor of Sengu, Ye Qiubai saw that the home of the second emperor of the forest valley had turned into a sea of fire.

“Bastard, who did it, actually dared to blow up my house.” Moriya Teiji said angrily.

“Is this retribution? Professor Moriya, I was still thinking about how to take revenge on you, but now I have a good idea. You said what if I bought all the buildings you designed and then demolished and rebuilt? So that I can erase everything that proves your existence. Ye Qiubai said with a sneer to Emperor Sengu.

“You, you bastard.” Hearing Ye Qiubai’s words, Sengu Emperor II looked at Ye Qiubai angrily and said.

“Don’t worry, I will never make them symmetrical in the rebuilt buildings. You can watch all this from the inside, and I will have people send you the relevant information. By the way, don’t you still like that row of street lights? Tomorrow I will donate a sum of money to replace the street lights there for free, and the replaced street lights will definitely not be symmetrical. Ye Qiubai said to Emperor Moriya with a smile.

“You bastard.” When Emperor Sengu heard Ye Qiubai’s words, he immediately broke free from the shackles of the white bird and rushed towards Ye Qiubai.

“Bang.” Of course, Ye Qiubai would not be accustomed to Moriya Emperor Two, and punched him in the left eye, knocking him out.

“Officer Twilight, you saw it, he started first, I am in legitimate defense.” Ye Qiubai shrugged and said to Officer Twilight.

Officer Twilight glanced at Ye Qiubai and didn’t say anything more. After all, this is indeed the hand of Moriya Emperor II first, and they are also very unhappy to see this Moriya Emperor II.

At this moment, Ye Qiubai threw another punch and hit the other eye of Emperor Moriya.

“Brother Qiubai, Professor Moriya has been controlled, how can you make a move?” Seeing Ye Qiubai’s punch, Officer Twilight said with some helplessness.

“Officer Twilight, I just punched Professor Moriya’s left eye, as a symmetricist, I think Professor Moriya must be in great pain now, I can understand him, so in order to relieve his pain, I just punched him in the other eye, so that it is symmetrical, Professor Moriya does not have to suffer anymore, I am for his good.” Ye Qiubai said with a sad face.

“Well, let’s not take an example.” Officer Twilight didn’t have a good impression of Emperor Moriya, and he just needed a reason to ask like this, and now that Ye Qiubai said it, Officer Twilight naturally stopped saying anything.

Ye Qiubai looked at Professor Moriya again and said, “Professor Moriya, don’t thank me, this is what I should do, I can understand your pain.” ”

“Bastard.” Moriya Teiji shouted angrily.

Facing the two families of the Moriya Emperor in a sea of fire, Officer Twilight had no choice but to hand over to the firefighters to extinguish the fire. Fortunately, if there is no one in the family of Emperor Moriya, no one will die.

After handing over the matter here to the fire brigade, Officer Twilight prepared to take Teiji Moriya away.

“Officer Twilight, wait a minute.” Ye Qiubai shouted to Officer Twilight.

Hearing Ye Qiubai’s words, Officer Twilight looked at Ye Qiubai and asked, “Brother Qiubai, what’s wrong?” ”

Ye Qiubai slipped Conan up and said, “Officer Twilight, I think you have to take Conan away too.” ”

“Huh? Okay, why take Conan away? Officer Twilight asked.

“Because this kid is an accomplice of Moriya Teiji, don’t forget that the passcode of the Toyo Powder Depot was unlocked by this kid for Moriya Teiji.” Ye Qiubai said.

Hearing Ye Qiubai’s words, Officer Twilight and the others and Uncle Maori also remembered this.

Uncle Maori immediately punched Conan in the head, and said angrily: “It’s all this stinky imp, who almost killed Xiaolan.” ”

“Xiaobai, Conan is also unintentional.” Xiaolan said.

“Even if it is unintentional, Conan is an accomplice of Moriya Teiji, which cannot be denied. So, Officer Twilight, you really need to take Conan away, and how to judge him should be left to the law to judge. Ye Qiubai insisted.

“Well, in that case, Conan will come with me.” When Officer Twilight heard Ye Qiubai’s words, he could only nod and take Conan away.

“Xiaobai, you’re going too far.” Xiaolan glared at Ye Qiubai and said.

“Too much? Wasn’t this little ghost helping Emperor Moriya figure out the pass code this time? I know reasoning all day, I don’t have a brain at all, and others dare to answer any question. Just like this time, if it weren’t for this little ghost, would you have almost been blown up? It’s time for this little devil to grow a little brain, or he will be a Kudo Shinichi when he grows up. Ye Qiubai looked at Xiaolan without showing weakness and said.

“Sister Xiaolan, it’s my fault this time.” Conan took the initiative to speak at this time.

Seeing that Conan took the initiative to admit it, although Xiaolan was very reluctant, she could only let Officer Twilight take people away.

After Ye Qiubai drove Uncle Maori and Xiaolan home, he also returned to his home.

After arriving at home, Ye Qiubai saw that Xiaoke had not slept yet.

“Xiaoke, why haven’t you slept yet?” Ye Qiubai asked curiously.

“I just saw on TV that Mihua City Hall was bombed, isn’t Xiaolan going to Mihua City Hall tonight? Is she all right? Xiao Ke asked.

“Don’t worry, it’s okay, I just came back from there, let’s rest early.” Ye Qiubai said to Xiao Ke.

“It’s okay, I’ll go to sleep first.” Xiao Ke heard that Ye Qiubai was fine, and immediately flew to his room with his wings and went to sleep.

After Xiao Ke went back to sleep, Ye Qiubai also returned to his bedroom and entered the system space.

Although a lot of things happened today, the harvest is also good, Ye Qiubai has 27 souls in the account today, 26 in the Mihua City Hall, plus one in Okamoto Kohei.

“System, ten consecutive catches.” Ye Qiubai said to the system.

With Ye Qiubai’s words, the number of grabs by the system immediately became 17 times. Ten black holes opened in front of Ye Qiubai, and ten light clusters flew out from the black holes.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a mortar from the little devil of the railway guerrilla world.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a piece of spirit crystal from the Westward Journey World.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a space energy tank from the Marvel world.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining an immortal recipe from the Great Tang Double Dragon Transmission World.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the corpse of Alexander Corvinus from the legendary world of the night”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Anim Zola supercomputer from the Marvel world.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a bumblebee from the Transformers world.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining Sword Fifteen from the Xuanyuan Sword World.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a wide-sleeved flowing fairy skirt from the world of Sword and Fairy.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a cold ice box from the Marvel world.”

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