"Who's calling?" Qiyana asked.

Ye Chen picked up the phone and took a look.

""Fuck you."

Ye Chen pressed the answer button.

"What's wrong, Mom? Why are you calling your son so late?"

"Ye Chen, the day after tomorrow is the National Day holiday. Have you bought the train tickets? What time is the train?"

Ye's mother's voice came from the other end of the phone. Before Ye Chen could answer, his father's voice followed.

"If you haven't bought the tickets yet, I'll buy them for you."

Ye Chen and Qiyana smiled at each other, and the former said,"No need, we've already bought the tickets. The train is the day after tomorrow morning!"

This was of course false.

In fact, they had no intention of buying any tickets. After all, they had a car, so they naturally had to drive it back.

The reason why they didn't tell their parents directly was mainly because they were afraid that they would worry.

After all, their family was average, and their son suddenly said that he had a car, a million-dollar luxury car. As parents, they would inevitably suspect that their son had done something illegal to make quick money.

Instead of making the two elders worry now, it would be better to explain to them face to face after they go back.

In addition, they also planned to give their parents a surprise!

For this reason, they planned to go back one day in advance, that is, tomorrow afternoon!

Anyway, there is no class tomorrow afternoon.

After listening to Ye Chen's words, the two parents were relieved.

Then Ye's mother changed the subject:"By the way, when are you and Nana getting engaged?" As soon as these words came out, Ye Chen and Qiyana were stunned

"Is this... too early?"

Although he said so, Ye Chen's eyes revealed some expectation when he looked at Kiana.

It would be a lie to say that he didn't want to get engaged to Kiana.

His own Nana was as beautiful as a flower and a fairy. Any normal man would want to marry her home as soon as possible.

He also wanted Kiana to give birth to ten big fat boys for him!

Kiana naturally didn't know what Ye Chen was thinking, but seeing Ye Chen's expectant eyes, she also understood that Ye Chen agreed with the engagement.

Just as she was about to say something, she heard her father's voice from the other end of the phone.

"Is it early? Not early, your cousin will marry your cousin's wife on National Day."

After hearing this, the two looked at each other.

"Cousin? Which cousin?"

Mother Ye replied,"Who else, Ah Bin?"

Ah Bin?

At this moment, a familiar figure emerged in the minds of the two.

Ah Bin, whose full name is Ye Hongbin, is the youngest son of the second uncle. He is the same age as Ye Chen, but only three or four months older than Ye Chen.

In other words, the cousin got married before he was twenty-one!

Good man, this marriage is too early, right? He hasn't even reached the legal age!

But thinking carefully about the love history of the cousin, it doesn't seem strange.

Ye Chen and Ye Hongbin are two extremes.

If Ye Chen was once a tree that never blooms, then Ye Hongbin is definitely a sea king who wanders among thousands of flowers!

Relying on his pretty good looks, this guy made friends with the girls in his class in junior high school, and he changed one every year.

(The single quotes here are mainly for fear of being censored.) It was even more outrageous in high school!

Although he only dated two people throughout high school, they were only friends with whom he had officially confirmed the relationship. As for those who he had not confirmed the relationship with, in his own words, he couldn't count them with both hands!

Now that he is in college, I heard from his family that he is dating another one, the so-called cousin-in-law.

And this is the one he has been dating for the longest time.

However, it is precisely because he spends most of his time on dating that he is not very good at studying.

So he only got into an ordinary university.

For various reasons, family members often compare the two of them.

Their parents envy the second uncle's youngest son for having a girlfriend, while the second uncle envies his younger brother and sister-in-law's son for being able to study.

"Your cousin is getting married on October 4th, and all the relatives will be back then. You must bring Nana back with you so that the relatives can have a good look at your girlfriend!"

It's that damn competitive spirit again.

Ye Chen smiled bitterly and said,"Okay, okay, I will definitely bring Nana back to make you two elders proud!"

"That's more like it!"

After talking about some parents, the call ended.

Ye Chen threw the phone on the bed, hugged Qiyana in his arms, lowered his head and gently touched her peach-like red lips.

"If I hadn't reached the legal age, I would have wanted to marry you."

Although there are many people who don't reach the legal age to get married, they just can't get a marriage certificate.

"It's okay, there's only a year left, just bear with it and it will pass."

Kiana actually doesn't object to getting married now.

But as a good citizen, it's better to obey the law.

"Sleep, don't think about it."

The two of them hugged each other and fell asleep.

Time quickly came to the next morning.

It was still light.

Ye Chen sat cross-legged on the bed to practice, while Qiyana was preparing breakfast in the kitchen.

When Qiyana's breakfast was ready, the sun finally rose from the distant horizon.

"I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but I feel like the spiritual energy seems to be more abundant recently."Ye Chen murmured after coming out of meditation.

"It's not an illusion."

Kiana placed the prepared breakfast in front of Ye Chen.

Today's breakfast was millet porridge with soy milk and two fried eggs. Although it was monotonous, it was rich in nutrition.

"The spiritual energy of Fusu is faster than I expected, which is why I didn't take you to the forest these days."

The current spiritual energy level in the city can meet Ye Chen's practice.

Although that piece of precious land can more than double Ye Chen's practice speed, but now Kiana just wants Ye Chen to consolidate his foundation first, and too fast a practice speed will be disadvantageous to him.

Kiana changed the subject and asked:"How is your Cunxin Fist going?"

Ye Chen nodded, and ate breakfast and said vaguely:"It's OK, except for the sixth style, I have learned all the others."

"When you learn the sixth move, come fight me."

"no problem!"


After breakfast, the two drove to school and then walked hand in hand to today's classroom.

Cao Yuanhao and his friends also occupied their seats early.

"Xiaopang, Nana and I are going back to our hometown this afternoon. Do you want me to give you a ride?"

After all, Cao Yuanhao and Ye Chen were classmates in high school, and their hometowns are both in Qiancheng.

Cao Yuanhao shook his head:"No, I plan to go back to my hometown on October 2nd."

"What? Is there a date with a beautiful girl on October 1st?"

"It would be nice to have it, but unfortunately there is no"

"Then why did you go back on October 2nd?"

Cao Yuanhao explained:"My father went on a business trip to Yuzhou Shangdu some time ago, and he came back on October 2nd, saying that he would borrow it from me."

"So that's it."

Then Ye Chen turned to look at Wang Haoxuan and Chen Yu on the other side.

"Are you two still not going home this holiday?"

They both shook their heads.

"No, it's too far."

"Yes, the high-speed rail ticket alone is prohibitive."

Both of them are from Black City in the far north, and a round trip by high-speed rail costs at least 2,000 yuan.

So usually they don't go home for holidays, unless it's the Spring Festival.

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