As night fell, Kiana, who had been busy all day, went to bed early.

However, Ye Chen was not sleepy because he had slept all day.

In the past, this night would have been difficult to endure.

But now Ye Chen did not find it difficult at all.

Even if he could not sleep, he felt extremely happy lying on the bed with Kiana in his arms, looking at the charming sleeping face of the person in his arms!

Time passed by minute by minute, and finally Ye Chen fell asleep.

The next morning, they woke up almost at the same time.

Looking at the cherry-like red lips in front of him, Ye Chen subconsciously lowered his head and gave a kiss.

Kiana did not dodge or avoid, and closed her eyes to enjoy this moment of warmth.

As a result, just as Mo Chen was about to go further, he was stopped by Kiana.

"Stop! Do this later!" After saying that, she ignored Ye Chen and got up to leave.

Although Ye Chen was helpless, he had to obey.

Ten minutes later, the two washed and dressed.

After a simple breakfast, they drove to the school.

As a result, before entering the classroom, they met Xuan Yajing on the way.

"I heard you were sick yesterday?"

"How did you know?"

I'm sick, and so many people know about it?

The news spread too fast, didn't it?

Xuan Yajing nodded and said,"I went to the classroom to find you yesterday, but your friend told me that you were sick and took a leave."

When Xuan Yajing learned that Ye Chen was sick, she was shocked. A cultivator could be knocked down by a small virus!

This virus is too scary!

Could it be the legendary mutant strain?

A mutant virus specifically targeting cultivators?

This was what she thought at the time.

""What do you want to talk to us about?" Kiana asked.

Xuan Yajing collected her thoughts and said,"It's like this, didn't you help me catch the cadres of the Blood Sacrifice Society last time? I said I would thank you, so I came here specially to give you a gift!"

As she said that, Xuan Yajing took out a bunch of keys and a document

"What is this?"Kiana took the file and opened it to take a look.

"Land deed transfer documents? Are you planning to give us a house?"

Xuan Yajing nodded and said,"Yes, I heard that you didn't buy a house in Jiangcheng and you still live in a rental house. Grandpa and I discussed it a little and decided to give you a villa under our name as a thank you gift."

Wow, it's a villa!

Villas in Jiangcheng are not cheap!

The lowest one starts at tens of millions.

Considering that the Xuan family is not short of money and they are very generous every time, it is estimated that this villa is also worth tens of millions!

"You are too polite, but thank you anyway!" Ye Chen liked this gift very much.

He had intended to buy a house in Jiangcheng before.

Now that he has this villa, it saves him a lot of trouble.

Xuan Yajing waved her hands and said,"No, no, no, we should be the ones to say thank you. If it weren't for you, my Xuan family might not have been able to catch a cadre of the Blood Sacrifice Society!"

"By the way, you may have to be more careful in the future. This time, you helped my Xuan family and completely offended the Blood Sacrifice Society. From what I know about them, they will definitely not let it go! They will definitely take crazy revenge on you."

"Ha, a bunch of chickens and dogs, I will kill as many as you come."Ye Chen sneered.

With his current strength, he is not afraid of the revenge of the Blood Sacrifice Society!

Even if he can't beat the other party, doesn't he still have Kiana?

There is no one in this world that Kiana can't deal with!

Kiana knocked on Ye Chen's silly head:"Stupid, we are naturally not afraid of the Blood Sacrifice Society with our strength, but don't forget our parents and sister, as well as the relatives around us!"

Xuan Yajing nodded and said:"That's right, the Blood Sacrifice Society will do everything possible. If they can't deal with you, they will certainly set their sights on your relatives around you!"

After listening to the two people's words, the pride in Ye Chen's heart was instantly extinguished.

When he thought that his parents and sister had fallen into the vortex, he became uneasy.

"Don't worry, I won't let anyone hurt our parents and sister."Qiana patted Ye Chen's shoulder and comforted him.

"Well, you are right!"


In the afternoon, after the last class, Qiyana and Ye Chen drove to the villa given by Xuan Yajing to look at the house.

Just as the two thought, the villa given by Xuan's family must not be too shabby.

This is a single-family villa with an area of 800 square meters!

Although the location is not close to the city center, it is relatively close to Jiangda.

And Ye Chen checked on the Internet and found that the price of this villa is 150 million!

This is far beyond the expectations of the two!

"Why don't we just move in today!"

Such a luxurious villa, Ye Chen certainly wants to move in as soon as possible!

Anyway, the villa has been renovated, everything is here, you can move in directly

"Of course, that's fine."Kiana naturally supports Ye Chen's idea.

"But it seems that there is nothing to move into our rental house except clothes."

"Then just move the clothes here and give away the other things."


" Okay!"

Ye Chen and Qiyana immediately returned to the rental house, packed the clothes they were going to wear, and called Cao Yuanhao and the other two.

"If you like anything here, just take it."

"I want that computer!"Cao Yuanhao and Chen Yu chose that computer without hesitation.

Although the configuration is not very high, as a man, who would refuse to have an extra computer?

As for Wang Haoxuan, he already had two computers, so he did not take it, but asked for some other household appliances.

"There is only one computer, you guys decide for yourselves."

Ye Chen didn't know who to help, so he had to let them decide for themselves.

"You guys can just wait until we get back to the dormitory to discuss this. Now, please help me clean up."

Wang Haoxuan's face immediately fell:"Damn, so you asked us to come here not only to give us family property, but also to make us work like slaves."

Ye Chen grinned, showing a triumphant expression:"After all, there is no free lunch in the world. How can I trick you into coming here without giving you some benefits?"

After a lot of trouble, everyone finally cleaned up the rental house. Even the dust in the corners was wiped off, and the whole rental house looked brand new!

"We are so exhausted."

Cao Yuanhao was so tired that he fell directly on the sofa, like a salted fish that had lost its dream.

Chen Yu said:"Ye Chen, since we have been busy for so long, won't you treat us to a meal?"

Wang Haoxuan also nodded:"That's right"

"No problem, let’s go to Yumanlou!"


After dinner, Ye Chen drove the three back to school.

Then he took Kiana to their new home.

Kiana took out some fruit from the refrigerator, cut it and placed it on the mahogany coffee table.

"It feels a bit lifeless for only two of us to live in such a big villa."


Ye Chen nodded,"Then bring my parents and sister over as well."

The two leaned on the sofa, feeding each other fruits and watching the ridiculously large TV hanging on the wall.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Soon it was nine o'clock in the evening.

After taking a shower, the two were ready to go to bed, and at this moment, a phone call suddenly came.

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