Gu Changan does not know how long he has been in the dream.

He only knew that when he woke up, the sun in the sky finally had some changes.

Although I haven’t moved more than half a minute, the temperature has gradually risen.

This makes Gu Changan already feel the heat.

Stand up slowly.

The Spiritual Qi within the body has been exhausted for some reason, and there is nothing left, resulting in a little vain footsteps, even walking quite staggering for a while.

“Gu Changan, are you going to stay here, or are you planning to leave with me?”

At this moment, a voice came.

This is Ren Longevity’s voice.

“Tsk tusk, I said this kid will not arrive here as late as you thought, even if its the first time.”

This is the Sect of Jianxin Sect. Master?

Gu Changan’s difficult eyes opened.

I found that these two people were indeed standing in front of me.

“It seems that you brat has benefited a lot, and the opportunities we get are more than what we got.”

Longevity nodded.

Although there are some unpleasant feelings in my heart, when I think that this kid in front of me is his heir in the future, there is brilliance on his face, but there is nothing wrong with it.

With Gu Changan on his back, Ren Longevity took out a token from his arms. After crushing it, the halo flashed and silhouette disappeared, leaving three pairs of footprints at the original address, proving that the three had been there.

Gu Changan’s first reaction when he returned to the world was to see if his Divine Bird egg was still there.

That time Spiritual Pill didn’t prepare much, and only this Little Brat was left as his only unexpected harvest.

“What are you looking for? Then Spiritual Pill can only stay in that world and cannot bring it back, so don’t waste your time looking for it.”

Len Longevity looked at each other subconsciously Fumble a bit on the body, then said.

“It’s not…it’s this…”

Sure enough, there is a Divine Bird egg in my storage space.

“This is…what kind of monster beast’s egg was brought out by you. It seems that the grade is not low.”

“His mother or father is one Only Divine Bird, at least in the Longevity state.”

Gu Changan said.

As soon as this statement came out, the two watching the excitement were stunned.

The son of Longevity monster beast? So the future must at least be the realm of Divine Power or Congealing Divinity?

There is even a chance to impact Longevity or Celestial.

“Fuck, you brat!”

Ren Longevity felt a little unstable after the reaction.

I entered the Guixu at the beginning, but I just reaped some Spiritual Pill and comprehended some moves.

Didn’t expect this kid to make a fortune in a muffled voice, and his cultivation base hasn’t improved much, but this Divine Bird egg is worth thousands.

“Its really constantly comparing oneself to others will only make one angry. When I entered, not only did my cultivation base not improve much, but I didnt even have any understanding, let alone monster beasts and Divine Bird eggs. “

Sect Master of Jianxin Sect is even more angry.

The luck of these two people combined seems to be less than Gu Changan’s finger.

Longevity monster beast, once upon a time, was a monster beast comparable to a fairy.

Isn’t his heir the heir of a fairy?

If it is hatched and supported properly, I am afraid it will be a not weak battle strength in the future.

“In the future, Divine Physique Great Accomplishment, if coupled with the help of a Longevity Divine Bird, this will not be the world of this kid in the future?”

“The troubled times are coming, how could it be possible? Is this kid’s world? Everything in the future is still undecided, but if there is a powerhouse Ranking List in the future, this kid must be among the best.”

Ren Longevity said.

When Jianxinzong heard the chaos in the other party’s mouth, his face suddenly collapsed.

Because of this chaotic world, he has also heard about it. It is not the officials in the Imperial Court, but more of them, Jianghu Sect.

And what is directed at them is not a certain person or matter, but the luck of the entire world. This matter is no longer a secret. It has been spread among many Sect Sect Master senior executives. It is just a discipline. Still kept in the dark.

There are countless fortune-telling masters, and Yin-Yang masters have previewed them. This chaotic world is not a lie. I am afraid that in the future, all Jianghu forces will experience a major reshuffle.

No one knows the result of the final shuffle.

Because the future jianghu is already confusing and full of mists, no one knows where the future will go.

Just like no one cares about the life and death of others, when this troubled world comes, all the sects will gather their power and want to maintain their position in this troubled world.

Don’t seek to stand out, just ask not to be perished in this wave.


Ren Longevity and Yi Xinren are still worried about the future jianghu, and Jin Youde at this moment seems to be a little bit unable to beat the unarmed woman.

“I’ll go to your uncle’s Jin Youde! I went to my mother’s house to make trouble again, do you want to court death or something?”

This woman is also quite sturdy, roaring After a sound, the imposing manner soared to the sky, and he grabbed the sword from Jin Youde.

“You are a woman of the house, I don’t care about you, so I quickly return my wife to me. We can go back to the house, and we can not blame you for the past.”

Jin Youde Said, while avoiding the other’s eyes, while trying to show aggressiveness, this is quite weird.

“Do you still dare to say that you will not blame me for the past, who gave you the courage? Do you know that the ones you just cut in the yard are my painstaking efforts for many years, and how much money has been spent!”

The woman said this almost hysterically, and as she said it, even she felt wronged. A woman who hasn’t shed tears in several decades, she is crying like a tearful person today.

And the legendary Lord Jin is the woman in front of her.

A woman’s life is also a Legendary. First, she followed the emperor to fight in all directions and made great achievements. Then she was found to be a woman, but it did not prevent her from being rewarded.

After being named the Lord of the Kingdom of Jin, in the court, he is more man than a man.

Various corrupt officials that no one dared to rectify, in his hands are like a dough that anyone can handle, and they have been arrested for unknown numbers.

And she is also the first heroine in the history of Great Yan.

“You lied to my daughter-in-law here first, and then I called a counterattack. If you say that you are usually unreasonable, you can do anything like robbing a wife It’s unreasonable!”

The more and more Jin Youde talked, he really became imposing manner and fierce. This inexplicable imposing manner unexpectedly stunned the opposite Jin Country. For a moment.

“Lord! Why are you here with you, aren’t you going to the morning court?”

Mrs. Jin walked over from the backyard of Jin Guo Gongs mansion, still hugging Holding a pot of orchids.

“Its not that you were robbed, did I rush to save you?”

“Who did you hear?”

“I I think about it.”


Looking at the mess in the room, Mrs. Jin felt a hot glow on her face.



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