These many officials only feel that they have learned a lot from standing in front of Xuanwu Gate all morning.

Knowing that Court Eunuch came to the door and shouted for the morning court, these civil and military officials filed in.

Entering this hall, I found that the emperor’s face was haggard, as if he was worried.

“All Aiqing has something to do today, hurry up and start it. If there is nothing wrong, you should go down and rest soon. I am a little tired.”

After saying this, the emperor directly He waved his hand and planned to get up and leave. Under this court, no one dared to stand up.

“Your Majesty is not playing with us? If you are uncomfortable, it would be better if you can’t tell the early morning, but you should call us in?”

There is a young official Dissatisfied and complained.

“Not necessarily, I saw a father-in-law saying something in Your Majesty’s ear before, and then Your Majesty complexion changed, expression changed, without the previous spirit, this will happen later It should be a sudden situation.”

An official explained to the emperor.

“Nothing is best, nothing is best.”

Jin Youde is nodded.

Since the last time he was sent to the border gate of the Western Regions by the emperor, he felt trembling in fear every time he saw the emperor discussing things, and this time I heard that he was going to send a Western Region envoy. group. Go to the Western Regions to negotiate compensation.

Although it is said that it is a matter of negotiating indemnities, but to put it plainly is to bargain.

I also know that the financial resources of the Great Yan Country Treasury today may not be able to take out that many money to compensate the other party.

And if you don’t take out the money to compensate the other party, the other party will be angry for a while, when the time comes, it is another big battle to entangle the army.

Not only do you have to run back into the border, but the treasury is in deficit, and it is also impossible to support long-term battles. Sooner or later, you will lose. When the time comes, losing is more ugly than taking the initiative to make peace.

He probably has a hunch in his heart, if he wants to go to the Western Regions to discuss, I am afraid that he is another one who is actively carried into battle.

There is no way, who made him the most recognized person in the Imperial Court who loves money, it is right to bargain for him.

as the saying goes, a gentleman loves money and takes it in a good way, but Jin Youde is not a gentleman.

I even love to make money, but it has several points of villain feeling.

And let a villain go to bargain with others, this is undoubtedly the best decision.

The most incomprehensible thing in this world is the truth, especially between the two countries.

Generally, this kind of time shows the function of a thick-skinned villain.

Jin Youde is just right for this position.

I got up this morning and went to the early morning. Didnt expect this result. The emperor Your Majesty retired early because of a strange mood.

Many civil and military officials stood on the lobby like a fool.

Ms. Jin returned to the house and lay on the soft bed comfortably. Madam didnt know where he had gone and had not come back. Although there are to-and-fro in the huge mansion, many His maid, enslaved, but without his wife, there is still less warmth.

“Come here, have you seen where the lady is?”

After struggling in the bed, Jin Youde, who had not fallen asleep, sat up again.

“Madam, she seems to have gone to Lord Jin’s mansion when she returns to Lord.”

The servant came to the window and said.

“Guo Jin? Isn’t that guy a good-looking hypocrite? What does the lady do in his mansion? Are you afraid of encountering danger?”

Jin Youde Suddenly there are ten thousand people in my heart that are uneasy, still can’t let go.

Quickly rushed out of the mansion and went to the so-called Jin Guogong’s mansion.

“Come here! Get your carriage ready! Bring my Imperial’s Sword, I will see who dares to move my wife!”

Jin Youde dont know if its The enthusiasm of the speech in front of Xuanwumen has not passed, and now it seems like a chicken blood, with a sword in his hand, let the groom take himself to the slaughter all sides of the Jin Guogong’s mansion.

Carriage didn’t dare to neglect, and ran directly to the Jinguo Mansion. Fortunately, the distance between the two is not too far. The BMW pulling the car was tired of gasping for breath and finally arrived.

Jin Youde held the sword in his hand and rushed in aggressively.

Those things at the door are natural to know this persons name, and I dare not use brute force to stop him, but the other party holds the sword in his hand, and is afraid that the other party will hurt him. The regiment repeatedly discouraged.

“Master Jin, you are already breaking the law by breaking into someone elses debt. If you hold the blade in your hand, it will be really difficult.”

“My lord, you are also a Scholar anyway, not that, let’s put down the sword first, we have something to say, can’t we?”

But how can you listen to Jin Youde who has been beaten with blood? Go in?

I saw him holding a three chi long sword in his hand, slashing at all kinds of flowers and grass in this yard with one sword and one sword.

The guards next to me are all scared witless. The flowers and plants in this yard are Jin Guogong’s favorite.

Everything is regarded as a treasure. Normally, the servants walk around. If you accidentally touch some branches, you will lose your head!

But now there are exotic flowers and rare herbs in this yard, only a few stubborn willows are left.

This is the case that the Lord Jin came out to see this scene. He didn’t know if he would vomit blood with anger, but he would not feel good in his heart. Perhaps there will be an extra corpse at the gate of Jinfu tomorrow.

According to Lord Jins temperament, if it is flustered and exasperated, trifling a Grade 1 senior is really not enough.

You should know that when the emperor broke one of his potted flowers, he took the pot and ran to the Imperial Palace to scold him for three days.

The emperor Your Majesty neither punishes nor utters anything.

It just announced that he would not go to the morning court for three days, and let the Lord Jin be foul-mouthed at the gate of the Imperial Palace for three days.

After Jin Youde cut down the flowers and grass in the yard, he even wanted to carry his sword into the greenhouse carefully built by Lord Jin.

These guards were so scared to see this place, they quickly got into a row and blocked the door.

“My lord! The things here really can’t move. If the flowers and grass here are dead, we will all have to bury them!”

“I beg your lord to see what I have For my own sake, let go of these flowers and grass. Even if you chop on me, you can chop whatever you want as long as you don’t chop to death!”

“My lord, you are the day Do good, let go of these flowers and plants!”

Several big Lords, eight feet tall, were blocked by a fat old man carrying a sword, and each of them asked grandfather to tell. Damn it, the scene is weird.

“What happened to each one of them early in the morning? Was the soul called out?!”

A womans sturdy voice came from the room, followed by a The woman in purple clothed palace robes rushed out and saw the decayed flowers and willows all over the floor, and she screamed through the sky!



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