Gu Changan not at all found a way to leave after walking in the vast desert for a long time.

He even once began to wonder if the draft clue map that he had left was fake, it was just that the woman drew it at will in order to coax herself into it.

But Gu Changan can still see that the year cannot be faked, with his eyesight.

This made him have to remember the previous guess again.

Perhaps none of the people who came to this World can leave.

He can’t produce evidence, he just knows that he has never heard of Spiritual Pill this thing in the outside world.

Not even a similar product.

Gu Changan has gone for an unknown amount of time. The sun in the sky has not changed from the very beginning in its original position, and there is no trajectory of rising from the east to the west.

This made him lose the direction for a while.

In the unchanging ten thousand li desert, there is no landmark building to help him identify the direction.

The sun in the sky has no other effect besides being able to squeeze the moisture of his within the body and make his journey difficult.

“Forget it…just take a break.”

Gu Changan, who really couldn’t see hope, randomly found a small sand dune that could block some sunlight and sat down Come down.

The magic of this desert is that even if the sun in the sky is so hot, the temperature it emits can even make the void begin to distort, but the sand on the ground is always cold.

Im not in a illusion…

Gu Changan couldnt help thinking.

But using Divine Eyes to look around, there is still no change.

In desperation, after a short break, Gu Changan resumed his departure.

He walked for a long time, and people saw a purple flower blooming in this plain desert.

As the saying goes, there must be demons if something goes wrong. Gu Changan, who firmly believes in this, did not choose to pass the purple flower, but chose to go around.

But the weird thing is that after he chose to walk around several dozen li, he still met a purple flower.

“Special code…I shouldn’t be lost, am I?!”

“But I have been walking for so long before, and I haven’t encountered any purple flowers. Could this really be Illusion Technique?”

Gu Changan suddenly felt cold throughout his body.

The purple flower that he slowly approached, extended the hand finger touched the petal, and found that it was not at all different from the ordinary flower, but the color was a little strange and gorgeous.

But is it unusual to be able to bloom such a coquettish flower in this vast desert?

Gu Changan does not intend to waste time observing a purple flower.

But after he was together, a strong sense of dizziness erupted from his mind, his steps were a bit frivolous, and he couldn’t even stand still, like drinking fake wine.


Gu Changan held his forehead.

He vaguely eyes opened, as if he saw the purple flower swaying in the wind, as if to mock him.

When his consciousness turned again, he was unconscious and unconscious.


“Huh? Do you remember the desert when we left, was there a purple flower?”

” Remember, how?”

“It seems to be called a reincarnation flower. If you accidentally get recruited, you will sleep in the desert for ten days and ten nights.”

“Fear What? Gu boy wont get caught, that boy is very cautious, and when he gets to the desert, we should also set off.”

“But how do you know when he gets to the desert, is it possible that what do you still do with him?”

“No, but with this masters understanding of him, I should not walk into the desert until tomorrow. This period of time Don’t worry.”

Ren Longevity unperturbed said.

Sect Master of Jianxinzong will be suspicious.

But after all, its not your own discipline. What do you do with that many hearts?

As soon as he thought of this, the latter relaxed and continued to meditate and cultivation.

Anyway, the teacher did not speak, so I dont have to worry about it.

Can’t the emperor not be in a hurry, Court Eunuch?


Gu Changan fell asleep and had a strange dream.

In his dream, he was just a star floating in the void, an aimless land wandering in the night sky, never finding a way out.

When the sun came, he disappeared again.

After going back and forth like this for a long time, suddenly one day he fell from the nine heavens, turned into an arc with fire, landed on the ground, and smashed a huge pothole. .

In this pothole, it is just an ordinary rock, not at all glowing and hot.

Until it was finally discovered by a nearby blacksmith, thousands hammers, hundred refinements became a peerless magic weapon.

And as a peerless soldier cast by a meteorite from the outside world, he naturally has his own spirituality, and his first master is a bloodthirsty monster.

And he was also tainted with bloodthirsty demon, which laid the foundation for his future ending.

Human power is hard to beat after all. No matter how powerful the devil is, there will be a day when he will die.

After the demon’s death, the magic weapon is still immortal. Because it is made of meteorite iron from the outside world, the lifespan is extraordinarily long. In addition, it has an aura. In these long years, it is a cultivation success. .

The human figure transformed into a god soldier, the future road is not at all singing all the way, but because of the identity that is seen through, it becomes impossible to move a single step. Those big men in the cultivation world are all Want to get such a magic weapon.

At that time, he almost became a mouse crossing the street, everyone shouted and killed.

In the end, he inadvertently gained inheritance and returned to the world with a peerless style, but the world at that time also became a hell because of its slaughter.

If you kill a large number of creatures, you will naturally be punished by Heavenly Dao.

Even if he is a humanoid transformed into a magic weapon, he will still be severely punished.

When his Transcending Tribulation became the realm of Longevity, the Thunder Tribulation in the sky continued to spread, spreading several hundred li, and the sky and the earth thunder continued to hit him.

But the latter possessed an iron will and refused to give in. Even in the face of Heaven and Earth Might, he refused to lower his arrogant head and still wielded the blade in his hand to fight.

Finally, he was forcibly carried over, like the Thunder Tribulation of Heavenly Might.

as the saying goes There must be a blessing if you survive a catastrophe. After Transcending Tribulation, his strength has grown soaring.

And his ambition gradually expanded. Not only was he satisfied with ruling the world, he even wanted to rule Jianghu, so in ancient times.

This foreigner, with the blade in his hand, became the emperor of the world.

Until the last peerless swordsman who turned out to be born, a three chi long sword was hit in one poem, which ended his reign, and the final battle between the two was between Nine Nether Hell and the world …

The result of the final battle is undoubtedly the swordsman’s victory.

And this so-called home to the ruins is the battlefield of the past.



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