“Oh hello, this is comfortable when I return to my own home.”

“Lord, I have suffered so much in this western border border, now finally I am back.”

Jin Youde went home and threw himself directly on his bed.

Regardless of the dust on his body, he started rolling on the soft bed, enjoying the faint fragrance of sandalwood.

In the border town, all you can smell every day is the smell of blood and the yellow sand in the sky.

This war finally ended, and he was able to return to his hometown.

The long-lost smell of fireworks in the capital made him deeply moved.

As a grade 1 member of the carriage, after he slowly entered the capital, he attracted a lot of attention.

Jin Youde enjoys these gazes.

Because no one looked at him at all in the pass, and no one really cared about him.

Although there is no capital, there are always a lot of people who slid and patted horses. Even if it is hypocritical and caring, it is much better than that ghost place that nobody cares about.

“Lord, if you don’t take a shower, the water you just put will cool off.”

The wife came to the room and complained.

hearing this, Jin Youde follows prestige.

I have to say that the old man wife has been around for so many years. This is the first time that our Lord Jin feels that his wife is so good-looking.

More flavorful than the wild flowers outside.

But his journey back to the capital was not smooth.

Even the young man he respected died on the way.

Jin Youde’s first time to dig a grave for someone else, he still digs a grave by himself, although it is not elegant and unique.

But now he can still think of that kid calling his lord by his side.

Although he also has several points of proactively offering flattery, he can still see the February sky with long grass and ying flies in the eyes of the young man.

“That is the lost youth of the old man.”

At this moment, Jin Youde suddenly felt that he was old, although in fact he was already old.

He never felt this weird, decadent feeling before.

After getting up from the bed, he got into a wooden bucket full of hot water. Jin Youde soaked his head and body in concentration, and closed his eyes.

At this moment, the five senses and six senses are all closed.

He fell into an ethereal state, but his thoughts became clearer and clearer.

Until the end, he couldn’t hold back anymore, so he stood up.

Puffing hard, Jin Youde felt better.

After washing his body, he came to the copper mirror, looked at his sagging skin, and touched his wrinkled old face.

“In fact, he is not old yet, right?”

He seemed to be questioning himself in the mirror, and he seemed to be answering.

“It is said that heroes are afraid of gray hair, and beauties are afraid of twilight. But Lao Tzu is not a hero. Lao Tzu is just a civil official standing in the court, afraid of gray hair.”

After saying this rather boldly, Jin Youde put on his clothes with satisfaction.

“As soon as the spring goes to the beauty and the old, the flowers fall and the people die.”

He muttered.

At the moment, the wife is still sitting on the edge of the bed and sewing clothes for him.

He has no idea how long he has not worn the mended clothes.

Since the family became rich and wealthy, even if the clothes were dirty, I didnt bother to wash them. I just asked the servant to make a few more for myself.

He seemed to have suddenly discovered his conscience, walked over, and stroked the white hair on the side of his wife.

The latter lifts the head somewhat flattered to see him and smiled softly.

It is rare for the Golden Mansion to have a warm atmosphere.

Hong Mansion is not so lively, but the husband and wife sit at the dinner table and eat, just like usual.

“This period of time has gained a lot in the border town. It is estimated that how many days will it take before that fancy Thousand-man Commander can become a general.”

Hong While eating the food cooked by his wife, Yuelian talked about secrets indifferently.

If this sentence is leaked in the Imperial Court and falls into the ears of an official at will, it will set off a foul wind and bloody rain.

But Hong Yuelian said to his wife so nonchalantly, as if he was talking about the trivial homework.

“I see, you have to be more careful when you go out. The price of vegetables in Beijing has risen recently. When will you ask the emperor to raise your salary?”

Wife complained.

I said that I was a dignified Grade 1 member, but my family’s salary was not enough to eat.

Even the monthly food expenses need to be calculated carefully, which is really embarrassing.

“I see, this is not just telling you. I made a big contribution in the border. I guess I can ask for some rewards.”

Hong Yuelian Road.

When it comes to the word money, Mrs. Hong seems to be a lot more enthusiastic.

“How much is the reward, at least enough for a meal of meat and vegetables, right?”

“I don’t know, but I think gold and silver should be moved in boxes and boxes. “

“This way, this way, can I save money tomorrow if I spend money on grocery shopping?”

“I still have to save a little bit, after all, the future Its so long, when the time comes, there is always time to spend it.”

“Um…this is also true. But it doesnt matter, the money is gone, dont you have to continue to make more money, when the official Its not for the sake of being hungry.”

“That’s not enough, but this official is not good. I guess he was impatient that day, so he didn’t want to be.”

“If you don’t want to happen, then let’s go to collect some money and open a small shop, or we can spend some time. Maybe we can run into a few blind buyers, but you can make more money than you are an official.”

Mrs. Hong seems to have begun to look forward to what will happen after Husband resigns.

Hong Yuelian smiled and went to serve himself a big bowl of rice.

Although he ate and lived with the soldiers in the border, there was a mention on equal terms that those meals really couldn’t be made with his wife.

“Oh right, when the time comes, don’t forget to come back and bring me two-foot cloth when the time comes.”

“What do you want to do?”

“You dont see how the clothes are torn after you come back. If you dont have to sew them, how can you wear them out to meet people?”

“Then Ill just pull six and a half flowers. Cloth.”

“What? You don’t do anything with so many flowers, and you don’t need to give gifts during the holidays.”

“Make you clothes.”


“Spending money indiscriminately! He might as well bring two catties of pork from Caishikou and make Red Braised Pork for you to eat at night!”

“That’s OK, then don’t buy floral cloth .”

“You! You have no conscience!”

As the saying goes, dont be better than newlyweds.

The couple who met again after the parting, the relationship will be more or less close for a period of time than usual.

But the palace is different.

It was the winter of hearts.

If it is a heart that is not easy to become enthusiastic, it will gradually wither and wither in this winter, and finally turn into dust on the ground.

And the dust on the ground in the Imperial Palace is all the heart dust of women floating in the harem……



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