"Do you believe in the Immortal Gods?" Ma Tan suddenly asked Gaihua.

Gaihua said without hesitation: "I don't believe it."

"Why? Although I have pretended to be a ghost and made many miracles to deceive the people, there are still countless unexplained miracles in this world. Ma Jian said very seriously.

"I want to ask you, why do you believe in things that don't exist?"

"You are also a person who has read poetry and books, and you also know that immortals have always been used as a means to deceive the people. The emperor calls himself the Son of Heaven, saying that his power is granted by God and that he rules the world in accordance with the will of Heaven. The world has suffered for hundreds of years, and there are no immortals to save the world, and the immortals contained in various ancient books have not seen one, if there is really one in front of me, I want to see how many catties and taels the immortals have, and they can take me a few knives.

"Besides, the Four Books and Five Classics mostly write about Heavenly Dao thoughts, and I don't see a few immortals describing them. However, since the Han Dynasty, there have been many books of prophecy and weft, with bells and whistles, and extremely nonsense.

After listening to what Gaihua said, Ma Tan smiled at him: "You have the same idea as the young master, he doesn't believe in ghosts and gods at all." "

It's boring to discuss this kind of thing, what's in your jar?" Gaihua asked curiously when she saw Ma Tan sealing the jar.

"This is from the bones on the other side of the mass grave, and that's what you usually see in mass graves. Ma Jian said.

"What are you doing with all this stuff?" said Gaihua with a disgusted look.

Ma Tan said with a smile: "This thing can spontaneously combust when the temperature is a little higher, and it is the most suitable for pretending to be a ghost at night." If you look at these jars, it's called fire oil, and it can be lit by fire.

Gaihua immediately said, "You plan to use the contents of this jar to make ghost fire, and then use fire oil to extinguish ghosts." But there's too little oil, isn't it?"

I've had people carry out the oil, at least a few dozen cans. When the time comes, the canister of fire oil will fall from the sky, and it will be a meteor that I summoned to destroy the ghosts. The men and horses brought by Yang Ang will also be hit a few times.

Gaihua asked, "What's the name of your move?"

"It's called Starfall." After these canisters were ignited, they fell from the sky, as if the stars were falling, which must have caused great panic among the people and Yang Ang's army soldiers, so they were named Starfall.

Gaihua said boringly: "So you can still believe in the immortal gods when I meet you?"

Ma Jian smiled: "I don't believe it either, but to rule the foolish people, this method is the most reliable." "

At night, everything was ready, and two improvised catapults were secretly placed on the hill, waiting for orders.

The spies of the Sky Net spread the news on a large scale tonight, saying that the reincarnated Heavenly Master had noticed that evil ghosts had spawned in the mass grave ten miles outside the Huangsha Pavilion, and planned to use magic to destroy

the ghosts! Some bold villagers stood in the distance of the mass grave and saw the dense blue flames floating in the air, illuminating the entire mass grave as if it were day, and between the ghost fires, you could also see white clothes fluttering, like a group of ghosts dancing wildly.

In the wind, there was also the sound of whimpering ghosts crying, which made a few villagers who dared to go to see the excitement frightened, and hurriedly fled into the Huangsha Pavilion, boasting that there were really ghosts.

"The Celestial Master said that everyone should go together to watch and destroy the ghosts. With the presence of the Heavenly Master, no ghosts or gods will harm anyone.

Gradually, some people advocated for the people to go to the onlookers, and many people dared to go to the mass grave out of trust in the Heavenly Master, and when the crowd came to the mass grave not far away, they saw the ghost fire flying everywhere and the ghostly white-clothed ghosts floating everywhere.

"Don't be afraid! the Heavenly Master is there!" Someone in the crowd had sharp eyes and found Ma Tan wearing a Taoist robe, standing on a small dirt slope next to the mass grave, with his hands behind his back, looking at the floating ghost fire in contemplation.

"The Heavenly Master has started to do it! I will definitely be able to destroy those ghosts!" In

the shouts one after another, Ma Jian began to make all kinds of strange movements, but in the eyes of more and more onlookers, there was nothing wrong, but there was nothing wrong with the various actions made by the Heavenly Master, but he showed great admiration for the various actions made by the Heavenly Master, worthy of being the Heavenly Master, these actions must be used to cast spells, right? There were even many children who began to imitate the movements of the Heavenly Master.

"There are so many torches ahead, but there is an army, go and scout and investigate!" Yang Ang led the army to the outside of the Huangsha Pavilion, and saw that there were countless torches on the wilderness outside the Huangsha Pavilion, and there were more than enough people under the torches, which made Yang Ang tremble, could it be that there was an enemy

army here? The scouts quickly ran out of the team, but Yang Ang was thinking in his heart whose army was here, it was definitely not his own army, it was Liu Zhang's army or Liu Bei's, or Cao Cao's men and horses

Yang Ang did not dare to take a step further, and even ordered the soldiers to step back, ready to run away at any time.

The scouts went and came quickly, and they heard the scouts report that it was the Heavenly Master who was doing the work of destroying ghosts and monsters in front of him, Yang Ang hesitated, living in Hanzhong, a place where almost everyone believed in the Tao of the Heavenly Master, and there were few who did not believe in ghosts and gods.

Yang Ang was a faithful believer in the Tao of the Heavenly Master and believed in the worship of ghosts and gods.

"Look, General, there's a mass grave, and there's a lot of blue fire!" said the soldier, pointing to the mass grave in the distance, which was halfway up the hill.

Yang Ang looked fixedly, and sure enough, there was a blue fire floating on the hillside.

As Ma Jian finished dancing and shouted, Ma Jian held the long sword inserted in the ground, pointed to the sky, and shouted with full of energy: "The stars are falling!"

Suddenly, the thunder roared, and the people looked up at the sky one after another, the moon was covered by clouds, and there was no sight in the sky, and the thunder rumbled, but there was no lightning, which made the people wonder

!In just a few breaths before the thunder stopped, countless points of fire appeared in the sky!

"Is it thunder?" "Is

thunder this kind of fire? This is the fire of heaven, and it is going to burn the evil spirits of the mass grave!" someone said.

Countless fireballs suddenly fell down and landed on the mass grave, and then the fire instantly filled the entire mass grave

and became a sea of fire! Fireballs continued to fall from the sky, and even some of the fireballs deviated and smashed into the open space in front of the people gathered, causing the people to flee one after another, and no one dared to check what the falling fireballs were!

The mass graves became a sea of fire, and the people were also stunned by this celestial image, and they fled one after another.

Yang Ang looked at the fireball falling from the sky with wide eyes, dumbfounded, and with him in a daze were the two thousand soldiers behind him, none of them were materialists, all of them were religious people who believed in the Heavenly Master Tao of ghosts and gods, and such a scene had a great impact on them.

"There really are immortals! That person is really a Heavenly Master!" someone muttered.

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