Ma Tan is actually a little scared in his heart, he is ashamed that he has understood, he is an unreasonable master, he is Zhang Lu's youngest brother now, he is a gentleman, bullying and dominating the market, and has a lot of notoriety in Nanzheng City.

Zhang Lu asked this fool to come over, just to make Zhang ashamed to kill himself, and he had no other ideas.

Looking at the whip thrown over, Ma Jian was in danger, still sitting in place, his body did not move.

There was a soft "clang", and the saber covered with flowers was unsheathed, cutting off the whip that was waving.

The samurai who followed behind Zhang Zheng also drew their swords one after another, and the swords were tense at this time.

Ma Jian stood up from the ridge and looked at Zhang Zhen, Zhang Zhen was about to speak, Ma Jian shouted: "Shut up, unfilial piety."

Zhang was frightened by the momentum of this horse, and swallowed all the words he was about to say.

Ma Jian took a step forward, slapped Zhang Cheng three times and slapped Zhang Shame in the face, Zhang Shame was furious, the warrior behind him wanted to step forward, Ma Jian scolded again: "I am Zhang Heng, I see who dares to take another step forward!"

This shout made Zhang Shame and the warriors all stunned.

Zhang Shame This is the squishy of lust and inwardness, Ma Jian was preconceived, and scared Zhang Shame first with his momentum, where did Zhang Shame have been beaten like this, and he fell into a daze for a while.

Ma Jian said to Zhang: "On the left side of your back, there is a cyan birthmark. And when you were two years old, because of playing, you stepped barefoot on the unextinguished charcoal, and there was a shocking scar on the center of your left foot. Except for the family, these are not known to outsiders.

Zhang looked at Ma Jian blankly.

Ma Jian continued: "When you were three years old, your brother Zhang Wei took you to peek at your nurse taking a bath, and after you were discovered, you were thrown into the bath by your brother, and he ran away by himself. The only people who know about this ugly thing are family members.

"And when you were three years old, your favorite cricket was pecked to death by your eldest brother's fighting, you cried for a day, and finally I accompanied you to the mountains to find a better cricket, you named him Hussar General, do you remember?"

Zhang was stunned, and then burst into tears, hugged Ma Tan's leg, and cried: "Are you really my father? Father, I miss you so much." This

scene of father and son recognizing each other, it was really sad to smell and tears to see.

Gaihua quietly put away the knife in her hand, thinking in her heart that she didn't know if Zhang Jian had a problem with her brain or Ma Yan's acting skills were too good, but in the final analysis, she did a good job in intelligence work, and the deeds of Zhang Zhen when she was a child that Ma Jian just told her mouth were all collected by herself.

"Son, my father was ascended in Yangping Mountain, and he crisscrossed the heavenly realm for several years, and finally felt bored, so he was reincarnated and descended to the mortal world. In the name of Ma Fu, it wasn't until he arrived at this Huangsha Pavilion some time ago that all his memories awakened and he learned his identity. My father was dedicated to seeking the Tao, but after he became enlightened, he realized that he was ashamed of you, the descendants, who had never let you enjoy fatherly love and family happiness, and he was very guilty. Ma Tan sighed, touched his ashamed head, and looked sad.

Zhang Cheng cried, Zhang Heng died at the age of four when Zhang Cheng was ashamed, he did not enjoy his father's love, he suffered a lot of grievances since he was a child, and his personality was distorted when he grew up, so he became a gentleman, which was extremely perverted.

"Father, let's go see my brother!" said Zhang Zhida, crying.

Ma Jian shook his head and said, "It's not time yet."

"When's that going to be?" asked Zhang Zheng.

Ma Tan said mysteriously: "You will know when the time comes." In

the next two days, it can be said that the father is kind and filial piety, Ma Jian enjoyed the joy of family in advance, and Zhang Zhen also enjoyed the long-lost father's love.

After sending Zhang Cheng off, Ma Tan hid in Gaihua's room and hit the sandbag that Gaihua usually used to practice boxing with his fists.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck. It's disgusting, it's disgusting. Ma Jian scolded as he hit the sandbag.

Gaihua watched Ma Jian vent on the side, Ma Jian hit the sandbag for half an hour, and scolded for half an hour, scolded and scolded tired, and stopped when he was tired, panting and said to Gaihua: "This shame is too greasy." Is there something wrong with his brain?"

"I think you're the only one who has a problem, and you don't have a good idea." You have to pretend to be Zhang Heng. You're going to be sick a lot in the future. Gaihua said angrily.

"No, I can't be disgusted like this anymore. I have to speed up the progress, so that Zhang Lu doesn't believe that I am Zhang Heng, and he has to pinch his nose and think that I am Zhang Heng. Ma Jian said.

Gai Hua said: "Are you going to start pretending to be a ghost again?" "

With Zhang Sheng's confession, my identity will make the people more convinced that I am Zhang Heng." Now it's time to add fire and make more people believe that I am Zhang Heng. Ma Jian said.

"What are you going to do?"


Zhang Cheng happily returned to the Heavenly Master Palace, Zhang Lu was alchemizing, so Zhang Cheng stood at the door of the Danfang and paced, waiting for his brother to come out of the alchemy, he couldn't wait to tell Zhang Lu the news that his father was still alive.

After waiting for half an hour, Zhang Lu came out, and Zhang Lu immediately pounced on Zhang Lu and said: "Big brother, that's really a father, not a fake!"

Zhang Lu looked at Zhang Lu and directly gave him two slaps, Zhang Lu said to him: "We believe in the gods every day, alchemy and ask for God, can there be miracles, these things are firmly believed in by outsiders, do you still believe in them? Those so-called miracles, which is not touted by our people." Do you believe in the reincarnation of the person? Where is that Ma Fu man? I'm going to kill him!"

Zhang was ashamed to be beaten, and said to Zhang Lu with tears in his eyes: "That's really our father, he even knows everything about me when I was a child, and he knows some things about your brother that only our family knows."

"That means the person is prepared and ambitious.

Zhang Lu scolded Zhang Zheng: "I asked you to kill him, but you were bewitched by him, a waste thing."

Zhang Zheng still insisted that it was his father, Zhang Lu was angry and had nothing to say, so he asked him to get out of here.

"Let Yang Ang come to see me. Zhang Lu was silent for a while and then said to the attendants beside him.

Returning to the Heavenly Master Palace's own resting palace, Zhang Lu waited for Yang Ang's arrival.

"Lord, what's the matter with Zhao Ang?" Yang Ang asked Zhang Lu after the ceremony.

"Take two thousand soldiers and horses, go and behead the horse that pretended to be my father, and then go to the Huangsha Pavilion to find out his comrades. This person's plan is not small, and he must cut the grass and eradicate the roots. Zhang Lu said to Yang Ang.

"The last general commanded. He must have taken the man's head. Yang Ang said.

As soon as Yang Ang left the Heavenly Master Palace, Tianwang knew the news that Zhang Lu had sent 2,000 troops to capture Ma Yan.

"Then Yang Ang is coming to kill you! and brought soldiers and horses!" Huangsha Pavilion, Ma Tan was carefully preparing for the next miracle.

"It's better to come, he'll be able to do an earth-shattering miracle soon. Ma Jian did not stop what he was doing, and said without raising his head.

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