On the wall of the city wall, Pang Xitie looked at Liu Chan under the city wall with a blue face.

The knife in the young man's hand was already on the back of Liu Xun's neck.

Liu Xun, who was tied up and kneeling on the ground, had tears and snot flowing together, and shouted at Pang Xi on the city wall: "Father-in-law save me, I don't want to die yet." Help me. "

How can there be the grace and nobility of the past, it is completely a villain who begs for life.

"Three" Liu Chan slowly spoke, his voice was not loud, and it reached Liu Xun's ears, but it was like a note.

Liu Chan's voice was once again heard by Bai Yubing's shouting to Pang Xi on the city wall.

"How could I have been threatened by such a child! Angry with me!" Pang Xi's seven orifices were smoking, and he hit the blue brick city wall with a fist, his flesh and blood were blurred, and he was already extremely angry.

A group of generals under Pang Xi ran over together, Pang Xi was already angry, and when he saw this group of people coming, he scolded angrily: "What are you doing? Why are you coming here without guarding the city gate?"

Pang Xi scolded, going out of the city to fight a field battle with Liu Bei's 20,000 people, isn't this looking for death.

But he didn't want anyone to insist on going to war, he couldn't stand this anger, this person said: "General, huddle in the city like this, not only make the brothers lose their courage, but also make the big-eared thieves outside the city laugh at us." The last general asked the general to send 5,000 men to me, and I will go out of the city to fight the big-eared thief, and I will definitely win.

Pang Xi looked at the person who spoke, and he lost his patience and scolded: "Zhang Yi, are you crazy or am I crazy?" Five thousand people went out of the city to fight Liu Bei, do you think that all the troops in the city are heavenly soldiers? I think you are crazy, Liu Bei's 20,000 people are elite, we can only defend the city! Get out

of here!" Liu Chan outside the city has already counted to two.

This made Pang Xi's angry voice scolding his subordinates stop abruptly, and everyone looked at Pang Xi, waiting for Pang Xi's decision.

Liu Xun's voice reached the city wall, and the sound of shouting for his father-in-law's help made Pang Xi seem to hear his youngest son shouting for help to him.

Perceiving the strangeness of Pang Xi's face, Zhang Yi asked: "Does the general want to surrender in Kaicheng?"

Zhang Yi's hand held the saber on his waist, but the other generals did not move, surrender or not, it was the same for them, maybe there was some preferential treatment to Liu Bei, Liu Bi, Li Yan, and Zhang Ren were all treated by Liu Bei very superbly, but they had already reached their ears.

Some unambitious generals are naturally fluctuating.

"Come on, take down Zhang Yi!" Pang Xi looked at Zhang Yi's appearance of wanting to make a move, and hurriedly asked someone to take it down.

"The old general received the grace of the second emperor, and today he opened the city and surrendered, and he is ashamed of the lord and Yizhou!" Zhang Yi was held down by the generals next to him, and Zhang Yi shouted to Pang Xi.

Pang Xi said: "If I don't surrender and Liu Xun dies, the lord will only have a child Liu Wei, Liu Wei has been sick since he was a child, and he is not a long-lived person." Once Liu Xun dies, the lord will be in danger of extinction! It is precisely because of the grace of the second emperor that I dare not let their Liu family die. This

is just a high-sounding reason, in fact, everyone knows that Pang Xi wants to protect his family.

No one will doubt Liu Chan's words, will not believe that he will kill Liu Xun and Pang Xi's family, the organization called Skynet, infiltrated the city of Yuxian like a hornet's nest, and in the case of thousands of defenders in each of the city gates, Liu Xun and Zhang Ren were sent out of the city, but the defenders in the city did not have the slightest clue, this infiltration ability has made some generals in the city feel afraid.

They have always been worried, worried that the people around them are the hidden Liu Bei's meticulous work.

"Open the city gates, go out of the city and surrender!" Pang Xi said to the crowd.

Except for Zhang Yi, no one objected, and they were all going to be driven crazy by Liu Xun recently, and they had to beware of Skynet, which was simply tortured.

Hearing the sound of the opening of the city on the city tower, Liu Chan returned the knife to Bai Yu Bing with a smile, and then grabbed Liu Xundao: "When you arrive in Chengdu, remember to shout and cry like this, and persuade your father to surrender." Liu

Xun, who lived for the rest of his life, wiped the snot and tears on his face, but didn't say anything, just now his ugly appearance was seen by everyone, and now he can't wait to find a crack in the ground to get into, and he will definitely not say anything to Liu Chan, and then attract the attention of others.

Liu Chan walked up to Liu Bei as if he was invited to merit, and said to Liu Bei: "Your son can take Yu County for you with a mouth cannon, how do you plan to reward me?

"It's a little despicable, Lao Tzu's lifelong reputation has been ruined by you. But war is about winning by any means necessary, and you have a little bit of the essence. Liu Bei said with a smile to Liu Chan.

"Dad, you can really blow. Liu Chan said angrily.

Liu Bei dismounted and said to Liu Chan: "Come with me to surrender."

Pang Xi led a group of generals to open the city gate, went straight to the formation of Liu Bei's army, came to the front of the formation, Huang Zhong, who was waiting there, took the soldiers to unload their weapons, and then took Pang Xi and his men to Liu Bei.

"General Pang Xi, meet General Zuo of the Great Han Dynasty!" Pang Xi walked up to Liu Bei, knelt on one knee, and held his talisman with both hands.

The generals behind Pang Xi also knelt on one knee one after another, shouting General Zuo in their mouths.

Liu Bei took the talisman and said to Pang Xi: "General Pang, please get up quickly." "

Thank you, General Zuo.

Liu Chan and Pang Tong stood behind Liu Bei, and Liu Chan whispered to Pang Tong: "This old fox really gave himself a lot of face for surrendering. As

a subordinate of the separatist warlord Liu Zhang, he abandoned the darkness and turned to the light, which was a righteous move!

He elevated himself and washed the ground for his surrender, and then belittled Liu Zhang as a warlord and a thief against the imperial court.

Even these generals, large and small, brought by Pang Xi, all of them had disappeared without a trace of shame, and they all wondered what I was ashamed of when I surrendered to the Han court.

Liu Bei was not interested in fighting with Pang Xi on the edge of his words, and said to him: "Please also ask the old general to bring out the defenders in the city."

"Please wait a moment. After being helped up by Liu Bei, Pang Xi immediately changed his tone and called the lord.

Pang Xi sent a general into the city, and soon after, the defenders began to walk out one by one, and Huang Zhong and Wei Yan were responsible for the surrender of these soldiers.

Liu Chan said to Pang Tong: "Master, you have to follow my father to entertain Pang Xi, and I will go to the city to meet Geng Di." "

Entertaining generals, this is Liu Bei's routine.

Liu Chan didn't want to mix with such a banquet, it was really boring, a group of people sat here drinking and bragging, what was the point?

Liu Chan was able to enter the city in the afternoon, the surrender of 20,000 people in the city could not be completed in a short time, and he also had to receive all kinds of material warehouses in the city, and the cumbersome things were not small, after confirming that the city was safe, Huang Zhong, who was guarding the city gate, asked Liu Chan to take Chen Zhi and dozens of white soldiers into the city together.

Geng Di is in the Skynet stronghold in the city of Luoxian, the mission of Luoxian County has been successfully completed, and some follow-up things still need to be dealt with by him.

When Liu Chan arrived, Geng Di had been waiting for a while.

"See the young master. "Geng Di is only twenty-three years old, a new savage, followed Liu Bei in Changbanpo, was killed by Cao Cao's soldiers, lost his parents, and was captured into Jiangling as a laborer, after which Jiangling was captured by Liu Bei and thrown into Liu Bei's army.

When Skynet recruited spies, it transferred some smart and astute soldiers in the army, and Geng Di was among them.

"The county has done a good job, and rewards and promotions are definitely indispensable. My master will make proper arrangements for you. But you can tell me if you have any thoughts on the future. Liu Chan said to Geng Di.

Geng Di thought for a while and said to Liu Chan: "Young master, I obey the organization's arrangement." Wherever I am needed, I will go!"

"Sanfu has Zhao Jing, Liangzhou has Ma Shun, Yin Xian, Liang Xu, and I also have arrangements for Nanzhong. If you want to go, I can let you go. Liu Chan said to him.

"I'll go to Xudu. Geng Di said.

Liu Chan was a little puzzled and said: "This is the most dangerous place, and if you are not careful, you may die." "

Cao Cao killed my parents, this revenge must be avenged." Geng Di said calmly.

"Don't worry, this revenge will definitely be avenged. "

I will wait for the arrival of the young master in Xudu as in Ruoxian. Geng Di said.

Liu Chan said with a smile: "It is not difficult to unify the world, but the difficult thing is how to govern the erosive world in the future." I can assure you that you will be able to wait until our army enters Xudu.

Geng Di didn't feel that the young master was talking big, Liu Chan's face was full of confidence, and anyone could see it.

The people in the city began to slowly walk out of their homes, and after seeing that the army and Minqiu who entered the city did not commit any crimes, the people were also a little bolder, the shops opened, the vendors also came out, and the streets began to be lively, Liu Chan did not want to go back to the barracks now, and he would definitely be arrested and taken to the banquet when he went back.

After walking around the city for a while, Liu Chan didn't do anything else, and counted some wealthy families in the city.

"There are only more than 8,000 households and nearly 30,000 people in the county. There are seventeen large households standing at the door, and there are no standing families, but the portal is still larger than ordinary people, and the luxury is twenty-four, and the statistics are not complete, and there should be many omissions. Liu Yan and Liu Zhang ruled Shu, let the wealthy lords rise, annex the fields and the people, how can they be worthy of sitting in the position of Yizhou pastor. Liu Chan sighed.

Chen Zhi said to Liu Chan: "Although there have been wars in Shuzhong over the years, they are all local wars and have not affected the entire territory of Yizhou, so Yizhou is still very stable compared to the outside world. How many wealthy lords are there in the entire Sanfu area, and the young lord also knows, it was only after the influx into Yizhou that so many wealthy families were created. Although there have been declines over the years, there have also been some upstarts that have risen. "

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