Zhou Qun is good at fortune-telling and stargazing, and he has become famous when he was young, but he has been traveling abroad, and rarely returns to his hometown in Langzhong, this time he is willing to help Geng Di deceive people, or because he was saved by Skynet in the mountains a few months ago, this matter is purely a coincidence, several Skynet spies spying on the stronghold of bandits in the mountains, and as a result, they happened to meet Zhou Qun, an unlucky guy who was captured by thieves, and several Skynet spies were rescued easily, and they also forced to ask about the whereabouts of the bandits' stronghold.

In order to repay this life-saving grace, Zhou Qun agreed to help Geng Di do this kind of thing that violated his creed, and he Zhou Qun had never deceived others in his life.

"Why are you with a black face? You are not a liar, if Deng Zhi leaves the city, he will definitely die, and it is just a matter of my order. So you have peace of mind, you saved Deng Zhi's life, you are a great person. Geng Di said with relief.

Zhou Qun scolded: "Little bastard, don't talk to me here." Let me out of town. "

Where are you going?"

"Shuzhong is about to change, I'm still traveling, isn't it looking for death? Zhou Qun said with a straight face.

Geng Di said to him: "I will have someone escort you." Now that Shuzhong is not very safe, don't be taken away by thieves again. "

I promise you.

Geng Di suddenly became interested and said to Zhou Qun: "How about Mr. calculate a hexagram for me?" Zhou Qun

looked at Geng Di's face and said to him: "If you count marriage, you are destined to be lonely for a lifetime." If you count your career, you won't be a great man. If you count the lifespan, it will not be short-lived.

Geng Di directly rolled his eyes and said to him: "Let's go." Hurry up. Sending

Zhou Qun away, Geng Di thought about it for a while, and the next thing was to make a breakthrough in Deng Zhi.

However, the news he got next surprised Geng Di a little, Deng Zhi actually resolutely went out of the city to Chengdu.

"What's going on with this Deng Zhi?" Liu Chan couldn't help but wonder as he looked at the information sent in the city.

Pang Tong laughed and said: "This Deng Zhi is not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, such a loyal and brave person, in the future, the lord will be in Shuzhong, and he should be reused."

Next to him, Liu Bei asked: "Deng Zhi can't make a breakthrough, what is the military advisor going to do?"

Pang Tong said: "It's okay, let's choose the simplest, wait for Zhang Ren to come over, and let him try to persuade Pang Xi to surrender." "

You can't be like this!" Liu Chan shouted.

"Our previous plan was to make Zhang Ren surrender, and now that Zhang Ren has surrendered, we have many more options, and letting Zhang Ren persuade Pang Xi to surrender is also one of the options. Pang Tong said to Liu Chan.

"With strategy, it's good to be simple and practical. Pang Tong said again.

Liu Chan was speechless, thinking that he could see an extremely wonderful strategic arrangement, the first half was indeed a feast for the eyes, Pang Tong remotely controlled the various actions carried out by Skynet in the city, the logic was tight, so that Liu Xun was unable to guard against it, one link after another, and finally Zhang Ren and Liu Xun were arrested out of the city.

Speaking of Zhang Ren, Zhang Ren has arrived.

"Lord, Zhang Ren has arrived. Someone outside the door said.

Along with Zhang Ren was Liu Xun, who was still being carried in a coma.

Liu Chan went up and kicked Liu Xun, muttering, "This guy is treated well."

Although Zhang Ren was unwilling to be forced to surrender to Liu Bei, but there was no etiquette, when he saw Liu Bei, he saluted and called the lord, shouting Liu Bei's heart was full of joy, this Yizhou engaged, Liu Zhang entrusted the general with a heavy responsibility, but he still voted for himself, which is enough to set an example for the Yizhou bureaucrats. Look at the people Zhang Ren voted for me, this is the number one person in Yizhou, the other top people Zhang Song and Meng Da have voted for me, what are you still doing in a daze, surrender quickly.

Zhang Ren's surrender will shake the minds of the Yizhou bureaucrats and the people even more, which can be thought of with a butt.

So it goes without saying how enthusiastic Liu Bei is.

Liu Bei took Zhang Song's hand and was reluctant to put it down, that enthusiasm, Liu Chan felt that if Liu Bei was now the emperor, he could immediately give Zhang Ren a general.

For this person who shot Pang Tong to death in history, and was finally captured and would rather die than give in, Liu Chan didn't have much of a cold, who asked him to kill Pang Tong? Although there is no chance to kill him now.

Although Zhang Song and Zhang Ren have the same surname Zhang, the two families have nothing to do with each other, and the relationship between colleagues is not very good, the two just greeted each other politely, and Zhang Ren was still a little embarrassed in the face of Zhang Song.

Zhang Song is more calm, he has to follow Liu Bei from the bottom of his heart from the beginning, Liu Bei can enter Shu, he is indispensable.

"Gongtong (Zhang Renzi, made up by myself), what is your relationship with Pang Xi?" Liu Bei asked Zhang Ren.

Zhang Ren replied: "I met Pang Xi, and now I have known each other for more than 20 years, and I have been friends for many years. "

How sure are you that you persuade him to open the city and accept the surrender?" Liu Bei asked Zhang Ren.

Zhang Ren thought for a moment and said to Liu Bei: "Lord, I am sure that my subordinates dare not assert it, but my subordinates can try."

Liu Bei immediately ordered soldiers and horses, and wanted to go to Zhang Ren to persuade Pang Xi to surrender.

Whether the thing can be done or not depends on whether his soldiers and horses can give Pang Xi much deterrence.

Looking at the people who had all gone out to prepare to go out into battle, Liu Chan looked at Liu Xun, who was ignored, and immediately summoned a few white soldiers, and said to him: "Wake up this person, and then put it in front of the military formation when the time comes."

Liu Bei took 20,000 people out of the barracks, and then the army was divided into several phalanxes and displayed outside the city of Yuxian County.

Standing on the city wall, you can see the flags fluttering under the city, the army is neatly arranged, it can be said that the walls are strong, and the soldiers have sharp weapons, flashing with cold light, which makes people shudder.

This is a very powerful army, and you can see the leopard in terms of military appearance.

Pang Xi, who had been in war for a long time, felt that if he led the same number of troops in the field to fight a decisive battle, he would have absolutely no chance of winning, and now he could only rely on the city wall of the city town to fight this army.

Among the 20,000 people, there are 10,000 elite men and horses led by Liu Bei into Shu, and the rest are composed of the elite members of the White Water Army and the surrendered army.

Zhang Ren rode out of the column, not far from the city wall, so that Pang Xi could hear it clearly, and he could also avoid being shot by the bow and arrow on the city wall.

Seeing Zhang Ren walking out of Liu Bei's array, Pang Xi's seven orifices were smoking, and before Zhang Ren could open his mouth to persuade him to surrender, Pang Xi pointed at Zhang Ren and scolded: "With the grace of the second generation, with you and other descendants of a poor family, you Zhang Ren has been on the rise for more than 20 years, and has been relied on by the lord, and has jumped from the cold door to a big family in Shuzhong." But I don't want a despicable and disloyal person like you to trust the lord in vain, and if I have the opportunity, I will definitely behead you as a scum who has no loyalty at all.

Zhang Ren was so embarrassed that he couldn't speak for a while.

"Pang Xi, you don't talk nonsense here, I know everything about your deeds here. In the early years, you recruited barbarians for your use, but Liu Zhang was suspicious, and as a result, you wanted to rebel against Liu Zhang, but you were still stopped by Cheng Ji, so you did not rebel. After retiring with an injury, he never led the troops, but Liu Zhang was not at ease with you, this time my father entered Shu, and you had the opportunity to regain Liu Zhang's trust and lead the troops. Are you pretending to be loyal here? You are good friends with Liu Zhang, have you ever been loyal to him? Old thief, there is a lot of. Liu Chan shouted at the city tower at the top of his voice, Pang Xi would definitely be able to hear it.

It's just that Liu Chanren is still young, and his voice has not been developed, and after shouting, he has a red face, and his voice is still a little hoarse.

Pang Xi didn't know what the situation was, and he was probably ashamed, and he didn't speak for a long time.

In the end, he pointed at Zhang Ren and scolded: "I didn't expect you to even tell them such a thing." Despicable villain. "

Zhang Ren is so innocent.

Liu Chan beckoned a white soldier to come over, and said to him in a hoarse voice: "What I will say later, you will shout to the city tower." "

Yes, young master. "

Old thief Pang Xi, do you think that the city wall of Ruxian County is high and wide, and it can block my father's army from entering the city? You don't want to think about it, you can get Zhang Ren and Liu Xun out of the city without realizing it, what kind of hole is this county town? My father is benevolent and righteous, and he doesn't want the people and soldiers in the city to be killed or injured, so he stayed outside the city for half a month, just to give you a chance to wake up, and now that the army is pressing the border, why don't you surrender quickly?"

Pang Xi said angrily.

Liu Chan continued: "You old thieves who only have power in their hands and don't care about the lives of tens of thousands of people and soldiers in the city are really going to be destroyed by heaven and earth. I'll give you a chance, old thief, listen carefully.

Liu Chan pointed to the bound Liu Xun and said to Pang Xi: "This is your son-in-law, and then I still have a list of you in Hanchang's house, and you listen to me." He

took out a piece of paper from his bosom with the names of the people on it.

Pang Xi is a native of Luoyang, and in the early years, he entered Shu with Liu Yan, and when he served as the Taishou of Brazil County, he accumulated a lot of family business, so he placed his family business in Hanchang County, and now he is a big family in Hanchang. Skynet has long investigated some of the generals in Shu, and Pang Xi is no exception.

"Listen to me," Liu Chan read a long list ......of names, including Pang Xi's sons, grandsons, wives, concubines, and daughters-in-law, as well as the names of the people of the side branch who heard that Pang Xi was gaining power in Shu and migrated from Luoyang.

After reading it, Liu Chan said to Pang Xi, who was already pale: "When it comes to despicability and shamelessness, no one can compare to me. Today, your Pang family and Liu Zhang's family, whether it will be broken off or continue for hundreds of generations and enjoy the glory and wealth is up to you.

"I'll count three times, if you don't agree to open the city, Liu Xun will die immediately, and then Skynet will be lurking in Hanchang County, and two days later, that is, when my news arrives in Hanchang County, you will be wiped out immediately.

Liu Bei and Pang Tong looked at each other, they knew that Liu Chan didn't like to act according to common sense, but they didn't expect that this child could be so despicable at such a young age.

"My lord, let's take a look for the time being. Pang Tong said with relief.

Liu Bei had mixed feelings in his heart, and Lao Tzu's reputation all his life was ruined by this time in Shu and Liu Adou

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