Zhang Song's words are extremely wonderful, the embarrassing situation between Liu Bei and Pang Tong has been completely resolved by Zhang Song.

Saying this, not only did Liu Bei and Pang Tong have face, but also gave Liu Bei and Pang Tong two steps down.

Liu Chan quietly gave Zhang Song a thumbs up, and Zhang Song also smiled.

Liu Bei didn't thank Zhang Song immediately, but walked up to Pang Tong, took Pang Tong's hand and said: "What the military advisor said is extremely true, it is Bei's fault, and let people withdraw the banquet here."

Pang Tong broke away from Liu Bei's hand and said to Liu Bei: "Your Majesty's words are incorrect, and I ask the lord to forgive me." "

What is the crime of the military advisor, please get up quickly. Liu Bei hurriedly said.

Liu Chan saw that these two people were going to be humble, and said beside him: "The monarch and the minister are lost, no one needs to apologize to whom, and don't withdraw the banquet, let's give Mr. Zhang a banquet."

Zhang Song also hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, this banquet can't be without my wine."

Zhang Song picked up the wine glass and said to Liu Bei and Pang Tong: "The lord and Shi Yuan just had a toast to me, I will toast the lord first."

Liu Bei returned to his seat, picked up his wine glass and drank it with Zhang Song.

Zhang Song respects Pang Tong again, and Pang Tong is also very bold and drank it all.

After a few glasses of wine, the banquet returned to its original state, and Pang Tong was also relieved, and had many conversations and exchanges with everyone.

Liu Chan reconciled the mud once, and watched everyone push the cup with a smile, this kind of contradiction between the monarch and the minister can be solved immediately, and after it is resolved, both sides no longer care about it, and the atmosphere without the slightest mustard is still very good.

Liu Bei and Pang Tong are not villains who hold grudges in this kind of matter, and the smiles of the two of them are not disguised, it can be seen that they are sincere, and neither of them has any mustard.

However, Liu Chan suddenly remembered Fa Zheng, with Fa Zheng's character of retribution, he changed him to the situation in Pang Tong today, although he did not hate Liu Bei, but in the future, he gave Liu Bei a few verbal squeezes or ridicules, and Fa Zheng can definitely do this kind of thing.

As a base camp of idealists in the late Han Dynasty, the atmosphere of the monarch and the ministers is undoubtedly the most harmonious one in Wei Shu and Wuli.

A group of people who struggle for an ideal, generation after generation to take over the banner of reviving the Han Dynasty, generous and sad, death is not a pity, for this flag to flutter in the old capital, go forward and succeed, struggle for a lifetime, but also for the grace of knowledge, in order to repay the emperor, painstakingly and painstakingly, such a group of people have internal contradictions, in the same goal under the premise, contradictions can be well resolved, even if there is a person who is at fault first, after being punished, it is also convinced.

How cute such a group of people are.

It is really a pity that such a political atmosphere does not unify the world.

Liu Chan left early, and this group of people must have drunk like mud in the end.

The setting sun dyed the clouds golden yellow, and the afterglow shone on the city wall of Fuxian, and hundreds of millions of rays of glow, on the top of the Shu Mountain, seemed to have an immortal soaring.

"Look, Edgeworth's immortals. Liu Chan pointed to the sky and exclaimed, and the soldiers around him looked up one after another, even Wei Yan, who was standing not far away.

There was only one bird flying in the sky, and everyone looked at Liu Chan angrily.

Liu Chan smiled and said: "You are quite tired standing up, just joking to relieve your fatigue, don't you feel tired now?"

Wei Yan thanked, but there was no sincerity on his face.

Liu Chan said to Wei Yan: "You are insincere in your gratitude." In this way, General Wei, I ask you a question, and if you answer, I will thank you for it. "

Young master, please speak.

"Is the back of your head different from someone else's?" asked Liu Chan.

Wei Yan asked suspiciously, "Why did the young master say this?" "

It doesn't mean anything else, it's just to verify one thing." That's

it, can General Wei let me touch the back of your head?" "The back of my head is the same as ordinary people, there is nothing peculiar, what does the young master want to verify

?" Wei Yan was wearing a hood and couldn't see the back of his head, Liu Chan said it was a pity, and said to Wei Yan: "Forget it, I see that the wild history records that Han Xin has a bone in the back of his head that is more peculiar, so he is called a soldier immortal, and then I thought that General Wei also had the same back of his head as Han Xin, and he can also be called a little soldier immortal at the worst time, right?"

Wei Yan said helplessly: "Young master, don't be joking, you are mocking your subordinates."

"Work hard, maybe you can really become a little soldier fairy." Liu Chan said encouragingly.

Wei Yan's head is a fiction of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Wei Yan is still loyal to the Shu Han camp in his life, after Zhuge Liang died of illness, he also did those bullshit things in order to seize power with Yang Yi, and his relationship with the Shu Han court at that time was extremely poor, and in the end, almost everyone insisted that Wei Yan was plotting rebellion.

Wei Yan has a bit of a problem with being a person, his popularity has always been quite poor, if it weren't for Zhuge Liang's constant promotion and reuse of Wei Yan's Northern Expedition, Wei Yan is estimated to be not as brilliant as in the history books.

Yang Yi's character is also problematic, the evaluation is not very good, and she likes power but is incompetent. Sun Quan directly scolded Wei Yan and Yang Yi for being villains.

The personnel decadence in the late Shu Han Dynasty, and the political atmosphere compared to the Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang periods, are simply heaven and earth.

Liu Chan ridiculed Wei Yan for being a little soldier immortal, which was also a nickname given to Wei Yan by later generations, but no matter what, Wei Yan is a good person who makes good use of soldiers and is good at fighting, if there is a good leader, Wei Yan can be like a fish in water, without a good leader, Wei Yan will die quickly.

"Thank you young master, my subordinates will definitely work hard. Wei Yan thanked.

Liu Chan hummed casually, ignored Wei Yan anymore, looked outside the city, and finally looked forward to Chen Zhi leading the army back.

It was getting late, and the loose march of the army was like a rout, which made Liu Chanxin raise his throat, but it was a defeat.

The soldiers who came to the city in advance reported that General Chen Zhi had beheaded Ling Bao, and Liu Chan was relieved, although it may be a tragic victory, but he killed the other party's main general, which is a great achievement.

The loss of more than 300 people was indeed a crushing victory, and Ling Bao's body was properly preserved, and he would be given great respect to such a loyal and brave man as his opponent.

Liu Bei ordered people to bury Ling Bao Hou outside the city of Fuxian, and let people set up a monument to write a biography to tell his life, and Liu Bei also personally went to the tomb to mourn.

After resting in Fu County for two days, Liu Bei left his men and horses to guard Fu County, and then set off with the army towards Mianzhu.

Mianzhu has 30,000 defenders, and there are three generals under Liu Zhang, Meng Da, Zhang Ren, and Li Yan.

Until the battle in Chengdu, Liu Chan didn't have much to worry about, everything that should have been arranged had already been arranged.

Now Liu Chan is worried about the situation in Hanzhong.

Fa Zheng estimates that it will take some time to reach Hanzhong, as the first link to capture Hanzhong, there is an accident on Fazheng's side, and the follow-up plans will not work.

Shuzhong and Hanzhong are in a relationship of dead lips and cold teeth, and it is best for Fa Zheng to fool Zhang Lu to see this point clearly.

Shaking his head, Liu Chan thought about whether he had to let Zhuge Liang take Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun into Shu now?

The military camp outside Mianzhu City was built on the mountain, and a hillside was almost a military camp from top to bottom, Liu Bei's military camp was on the top of the hillside, and the situation was almost one-sided during the war.

"Dad, there are 30,000 defenders in Mianzhu City, and after this wave, Chengdu is basically half of it, and it's time for Uncle Liang to bring the army into Shu and pacify the counties. Liu Chan walked into the camp and said to Liu Bei.

"I just talked to the advisor about it. Liu Bei said.

Liu Chan continued: "We have to leave a back hand in Hanzhong, we don't have enough manpower now, so we have to let Uncle Liang bring people into Shu." "


Li Yan is a native of Nanyang, Jingzhou, known for his talents, Jingzhou Mu Liu Biao appointed him to serve in various counties and counties, and had the meaning of training him, and later let him serve as Zigui Ling, as a result, Liu Biao died of illness, Cao Cao entered Jingzhou, Li Yan was unwilling to vote for Cao Cao, went west into Shu, voted for Liu Zhang, Liu Zhang let him serve as the Chengdu Order, in Chengdu Li Yan gained the reputation of a cadre, loved by the people of Chengdu.

Liu Bei and Liu Zhang turned against each other, and Liu Zhang immediately appointed Li Yan as the protector and organized 10,000 horses to guard Mianzhu.

It's just that Liu Zhang didn't know that when Li Yan served as the commander of Chengdu, Skynet had already contacted Li Yan.

For the homeland of Jingzhou, Li Yan misses it very much, plus many old friends in the past served under Liu Bei, and Li Yan has a lot of correspondence with them, so for Liu Bei, Li Yan's good impression is very high, and after contacting Tianwang several times, Li Yan has a firm mind to vote for Liu Bei.

After that, he was ordered to enter Mianzhu, which was also secretly arranged by Zhang Song and Skynet earlier, which Liu Zhang did not notice in the slightest, but because this matter was too secretive, Liu Zhang thought from the bottom of his heart that Li Yan was a good person and a suitable candidate for guarding Mianzhu.

After Meng Da and Zhang Ren's 20,000 men heard that Fuxian had been attacked, they stayed in Mianzhu and prepared to defend against Liu Bei here.

There were 30,000 people crowded in the city, three generals, and now they needed a general with a unified command, but Liu Zhang obviously didn't consider this matter, and just ordered Meng Da and Li Yan to defend Mianzhu.

So without knowing that the other party had secretly voted for Liu Bei, Meng Da and Li Yan began to fight for the command of defending the city.

Meng Da wanted to swallow Li Yan's 10,000 people, and gave Liu Bei two large gifts with the capital of 30,000 troops and the city of Mianzhu in exchange for future reuse.

Li Yan also has the same mind as Meng Da.

There is a Zhang Ren in the middle, who has been reconciling the contradictions between the two.

"I just received a letter from the lord, asking us to strictly investigate Liu Bei's meticulous work in the city, the lord said that Liu Bei's meticulous work is pervasive, and there must be Liu Bei's meticulous work in our army. Early in the morning, Meng Da summoned Zhang Ren and Li Yan to a meeting, but Li Yan did not come.

Meng Da just said these words to Zhang Ren.

"What is Zidu going to do?" asked Zhang Ren.

"I suspect that Li Yan is a spy, and you and I will repair a letter to the lord, asking for Li Yan to be dismissed.

Zhang Ren looked embarrassed.

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