Cutting off the back road, knowing that he will die, but also pulling the enemy's life, this idea of killing one without losing and killing two to make a profit, made Chen suffer heavy losses here, fortunately, there is a steady stream of teams that follow the signals marked in the jungle to support here, otherwise Chen Zhi should be worried that his formation will be broken through by this army of outlaws.

Chen Zhi and Ling Bao had a short fight, and neither of them got a bargain from each other.

Separated by a zhang, Ling Bud stared at Chen Dao, and Chen Zhi only had Ling Bud in his eyes.

Only by killing Ling Bud will this outlaw team lose their arrogance.

And Ling Bao also knew that only by killing Chen Zhi, the main general, could he escape with his brothers.

However, this was just a confrontation, Chen Zhi became more and more calm in his heart, that attack, Ling Bao still used the impact of the running and the condescending advantage, and Ling Bao still attacked with all his strength, and he still had spare strength.

Just now, if it was replaced by any of Guan Zhang Zhao, and he had such an advantage to cut a knife, then there would only be two consequences, Chen to death or the knife to be broken.

Chen Zhi lightly glanced at the ring-headed knife with a gap, and then looked at Ling Bao's eyes, and there was still a trace of panic.

This look was well captured by Ling Bao, and Ling Bao was determined in his heart, the other party was already afraid, so it meant that the opponent had lost half of it.

Chen Zhi felt like he was retreating, and moved back half a step slightly, preparing to run away.

Ling Bud sneered, raised his knife and rushed forward suddenly, his pace was sharp, and he was as heavy as a thousand pounds.

I thought that Chen Zhi would choose to retreat, but he didn't want Chen Zhi to take a step back just now, his body suddenly leaned forward, his legs kicked the ground, and he charged forward with his strength, and chose to confront Ling Bao head-on.

The moves of the two are simple but fierce, and the fighting skills on the battlefield are like this, there are no bells and whistles.

Sparks splashed everywhere, the sound of metal collision was particularly harsh, the ring-headed knife that belonged to the standard long knife of the imperial army was not a magic weapon, and every attack and block of the two of them could make a gap appear on the blade.

A few catties and taels of Ling Bao, Chen Zhi felt it clearly, Chen Zhi took advantage of the battle with Ling Bao to persuade again: "Ling Bao, you are not my opponent, give you another chance, return to Shun, you are a Shu lieutenant general, you will be reused."

Ling Bud panted, the fight with Chen Zhi was not as easy as he expected, Chen Zhi was clumsy again, at this time he felt great pressure, he didn't dare to have the slightest distraction, the slightest loophole, he might be killed by Chen Zhi.

He has done his best, even with one breath, to play extraordinarily, but Chen Zhi still seems to be a little reserved.

Even so, Ling Bud was not afraid, nor did he think about surrendering.

Dying on the battlefield is his best destination, Ling Bao has long been ready to die in battle, and if he dies today, he will achieve eternal loyalty and fame, and set an example for the generals in Shu, Liu Bi's disciples will inevitably be spurned, and he will not let go of such a despicable villain as a ghost after his death.

Ling Bao has completely made up all the responsibility for the loss of Fuzhou County to Liu Bi, in fact, Liu Bi is also very innocent, who would have thought that he would be stabbed by his brother.

Chen Zhi held the knife with both hands, and he had always held the knife with one hand before, and he retained about forty percent of his strength to fight with Ling Bao.

"If you want to die, you will die!" yelled.

A loud roar does not give the bud strength.

Chen Zhi twisted his body, the long knife in his hand and its ingenious angle slashed away

, the speed was so fast that Ling Bud did not expect! Ling Bud's body hurt, and then suddenly a violent pain broke out, Ling Bud felt as if his body was torn, the strength of his body passed quickly, and in an instant, Ling Bud was no longer able to support himself to stand, his legs were weak, and Ling Bud stuck the long knife in his hand in the soil full of blood and water, so that he would not fall to the ground.

The blood continued to flow down the body of Ling Bao, infecting the ground, making the ground appear red.

Chen Zhi easily killed several soldiers who wanted to come over to save Ling Bao, Chen Zhi saw that Ling Bao's breath was about to be cut off, Chen Zhi said to Ling Bao: "Let's have a good lord in my next life."

Ling Bud quietly closed her eyes, and her body still did not fall.

"The bud is dead, but the one who descends can live!" Chen Zhi roared angrily.

There are loyal and brave people who want to live who put down their weapons, stop resisting, and do not want to surrender, angry at the death of the head of the family, just to repay the kindness of the encounter, still resist to the death, causing great casualties to the soldiers of Chen Zhi.

A quarter of an hour after Ling Bao's death, the battle completely stopped, and this steep slope was full of corpses, most of which were the corpses of the soldiers brought by Chen Zhi.

The lethality of this gang of outlaws should not be underestimated.

Xiang Lang was wounded, and there were not a few of the Bai Yu soldiers who were wounded, but none were killed.

"General Chen, a person like Ling Bao should be buried thickly. Xiang Lang looked at the bud that was supporting his body with a knife, and said to Chen Zhi.

Chen Zhi said to the crowd: "Clean up the battlefield, bury the brothers who died in battle on the hillside, and erect a monument with their names on them." "

And what about these people?" asked one of the soldiers, pointing to the soldiers who had died in battle.

"The same thick burial, try to ask these surrendered soldiers to ask the names of these soldiers who died in battle, and also erect a monument to write their names. Chen Zhi said.

Xiang Lang said: "The general is benevolent and righteous.

"Sort out the good life of Ling Bao's corpse and bring it back to Fu County."

Liu Bei did not wait for Chen Zhi's return in Fu County, but waited for Zhang Song's arrival, which made Liu Bei, who had won a big battle, even more refreshed on a happy occasion.

Suddenly, the tail was a little cocked, and a banquet began in Fuxian County to celebrate.

Liu Chan was speechless, Pang Tong was speechless, this war had just begun, and it was celebrated like this, which really made people feel that Liu Bei was impetuous, but both of them were people who were familiar with Liu Bei's character, Liu Bei was not impetuous, he was just a little upset, and he got carried away.

However, Zhang Song, the uncle, finally survived and was safe, which made Liu Chan also breathe a sigh of relief, and the joy in his heart was no less than that of Liu Bei, so he gave a lot of rewards to the Skynet spies who escorted Zhang Song.

If it is a native of Yizhou, Zhang Song can be compared to the first person in Shuzhong with rare records in history, Zhang Song can survive, Liu Bei's strategist group can be said to have one more pillar-like existence, and it can also be said that there is one more mastermind.

The future variables cannot be predicted, but they are always good, which is where Liu Chan is most happy.

Liu Bei developed the habit of introducing his son to the courtiers he valued very much and telling about his son's intelligence.

The plan to let Zhang Song lose was designed by Liu Chan, and it was also Liu Chan's plan to let Zhang Song survive, but there was a little mistake in the middle, Zhang Song's secret correspondence with Liu Bei was revealed by Zhang Song's brother Zhang Su, and the brotherly relationship between the original brother and brother Gong fell into a trough all of a sudden, and Liu Chan was a little embarrassed.

However, Zhang Song was frank and frank, and he blushed all the words of the son of destiny and the favor of the gods, can Liu Chan not blush.

"The great victory of Fuxian, the first merit should be Skynet, and the rest of the soldiers are fighting hard, and they all have great merits, and they should be rewarded for their meritorious deeds!" Liu Bei toasted with everyone, drank a full glass of wine, stood up and said loudly.

Pang Tong is now nominally the supreme person in charge of Skynet, the head of the spies, Liu Chan is just a little ghost hidden behind, Liu Bei praised Skynet, Pang Tong, the representative of Skynet, stood up and thanked him, all of which were some routine polite words, and Liu Chan looked extremely boring.

Thinking that this was the end, Liu Bei continued to be very happy and said: "Military Division, today's victory in Fuxian County, Ziqiao is back again, it can be said that I am very happy, I salute the military division."

Pang Tong's personality has come up, and he is also very stubborn, the kind of temper that a few cows can't pull back, and he was extremely unhappy with Liu Bei's extravagant and wasteful banquet today, but now Liu Bei is showing off in front of him, Pang Tong has no slightest appreciation, and said with a cold face: "Killing other people's countries to set up banquets for joy is definitely not a teacher of benevolence and righteousness."

Liu Bei drank a little wine and drifted a little, and immediately retorted angrily: "King Wu is slashing, singing and dancing, isn't such an army a teacher of benevolence and righteousness? Shiyuan, your words are inappropriate, if you don't like such a banquet, you can leave!"

Liu Chan touched his forehead, helpless for a while, one is a straight boy, saying such a bad thing, the other is drinking a little wine, and he floated after a small victory, sure enough, no matter how powerful a person is, he has small shortcomings.

Liu Chan was about to stand up and say a few words, but unexpectedly Zhang Song was faster than himself, he bowed towards Liu Bei, and then saluted Pang Tong: "Lord, Shiyuan, can you listen to the next word."

Pang Tong, who was about to walk out, stopped, and Liu Bei also said, "Ziqiao, please speak."

Zhang Song said slowly: "The husband overlord, must be benevolent and righteous, believe in obedience, and if there is no thing, then it has a long way to go, the lord raids the land, seizes the territory, and the faith and righteousness violate the sentiment and righteousness, and the morality and righteousness are lost, although the merit has flourished since then, but also should be sad for the things it has corrupted, such as cutting off the arm to save the body, what is there to celebrate?"

What he said made Liu Bei unhappy even more than what Pang Tong said, Liu Bei's face was dark, Liu Chan sighed, how can they be such a group of people who can't be straighter, it's too upright.

Zhang Song continued: "Shi Yuan publicly accused the lord of his mistakes, without considering the principle of humility and prudence that courtiers usually had towards the monarch. Overkill, it is inevitable to be too extreme, but it shows Shiyuan's pure heart and upright and outspoken style.

Liu Bei's face softened slightly, Pang Tong also nodded, and Zhang Song continued: "If the monarch is at fault and can directly hear the criticism of the courtiers, then it proves that the country does have talents. Adopting the right opinion without sticking to one's own assertion is an expression of obedience to the truth. With such an upright person, the authority of the monarch can be established. "

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