Accumulate Wealth in Life

Chapter 1314: .Rolling red dust (7) three in one

Rolling red dust (7)

But this second sister should also come to ask for a child.

Although I don't know why it appeared in Qiantang, since it is a child seeking, it must not be abandoned halfway.

So, Lin Yutong said: "If you have something to say, you can go back and say it. You can't delay today."

The cousin hesitated for a moment: "Then you follow me." I was afraid that she would run away again.

"I'll definitely follow you." Lin Yutong said and introduced the lady of the You family.

The lady of the You family was originally from a merchant family, and she was very good at observing words and expressions. Seeing that the sister of the lady of the Jin family was luxurious, there were as many as ten servants and maids who came after them, and they all advanced and retreated in moderation. She knew that it was not wrong for Xiang Gong to say that the Jin family and his wife were nobles. No, I'm afraid I'm running into a more noble lady from a family. She quickly greeted her.

This cousin helped the person up and gave her a compliment.

She came here to ask for a child, so she should enjoy VIP treatment. Anyway, people don't have to line up and go directly to the category. I'm afraid that if I hadn't run into Lin Yutong, I would have gone in long ago.

When encountering such a noble person, ordinary people not only do not feel that there is any problem with others jumping in the queue to call themselves, etc., but feel honored. look! Even the nobles and us have bumped into one place. It can be seen that this place is effective, and it is not an opportunity that ordinary people can encounter.

The cousin turned around and sorted out her appearance, covering up her gaffe just now, and in a blink of an eye, she regained her restraint. Looking at Madam Bai and Madam Xu behind Lin Yutong, she nodded to them and signaled to the people around her that they could all follow later.

It is a great honor to be invited by nobles.

Madam Xu was a little restrained, but Madam Bai's eyes were full of joy: "This noble person is a kind person at first glance, don't be afraid of my sister."

Saying that, he helped the eldest sister and followed directly in.

Along the way, this cousin kept holding Lin Yutong's hand. She was accompanied by two women dressed as servants. When she saw Lin Yutong, she saluted with excitement on her face. This was probably the one who went out with her cousin.

Entering the lobby, the cousin knelt down silently, closed her eyes and muttered something, as if she was praying for something.

Lin Yutong couldn't see anything else, but her eyes and ears were sensitive, and she heard Bai Niangzi's sudden inhalation. She glanced at Madam Bai, and saw that she was looking at the row of clay dolls under the Madam Concubine's seat with a surprised expression on her face. Before she could tell which one she was looking at, she heard Madam Bai take a deep breath.

Lin Yutong couldn't help but look at this cousin's stomach - two?

Why is this scene so familiar?

Before I could think about it, the cousin had already finished worshiping. Forcefully asking Lin Yutong to worship, Lin Yutong only said: "Forget it today, I just came at the invitation of You Family Xianggong..."

let it go. Asking God to worship Buddha, the most important thing is sincerity.

After Lin Yutong waited for the lady of the You family to worship, she said hello to Madam Xu and Madam Bai, and followed the cousin away.

Fourth Master was already waiting not far outside. Not far away, there was a man in his twenties with a beautiful beard, and Qi Yuxuan was also very dignified.

Lin Yutong and the fourth master looked at each other, and when the fourth master saw that Tongtong was being pulled so tightly, he guessed something. Although I don't know who is pulling Tongtong, it must be someone from the original family.

The fourth master walked this way, and the handsome bearded man over there came with his entourage, and shouted, "Ma'am."

"Master." The cousin called out and pulled Lin Yutong forward: "Master, look who this is?"

The man looked Lin Yutong up and down: "Isn't this... the third sister?" After speaking, he looked at the cousin: "Second mother, is it the third sister."

Xu Shi was so surprised that he didn't even call 'Mrs.' outside, he just called 'Er Niang'.

This also means that Lin Yutong knows that this person is the second cousin.

After receiving the affirmation from his wife, Duke Mei-beard sighed, "Father-in-law was studying politics before, and he stayed in Hangzhou for so many days, but he just passed by like this. I'll send someone to Kyoto now, and if I hurry up, maybe I can Walk in the door with your father-in-law."

Xuezheng Lin Yuankun is the father-in-law of Duke Meibeard and the father of this cousin.

It seems that the two people's previous concerns were right, Xuezheng is really the uncle of the original body.

Lin Yutong hurriedly said: "Brother-in-law, don't be in a hurry, what I said is unclear, the family is more anxious. Let's go, let's sit at home first... There are some things, let's sit down and talk slowly." Lin Erniang said, "That's my husband, I haven't introduced it to my sister-in-law yet."


Lin Erniang and Mei-beard looked at each other and looked at the fourth master up and down.

Originally, he was a bit picky, but after looking at it, the two of them couldn't help but nod in their hearts, and they didn't ask many questions outside. alright! If nothing else, I called a sedan chair and went home.

To be honest, the place to live is really not that shabby. But as soon as Lin Erniang entered the yard, she still shouted: "It's suffering! It's hard for you to suffer?"

Lin Yutong didn't know what to say to this. She walked in here with Lin Erniang, and listened to the fourth master and the beautiful beard talking in front of her ears.

The two were polite.

The fourth master called each other "Master Chen", and Master Chen also called the fourth master Jin Juren, very polite.

Lin Erniang heard the two talking. She looked at Lin Yutong unexpectedly: "Brother-in-law is raising people?"

"It's still my father-in-law's examiner." Master Chen turned around and explained to Lin Erniang, "Why didn't we recognize each other at that time? Didn't the third sister tell her brother-in-law about her parents' family."

After speaking, he entered the hall to divide the guests and the host and took their seats.

Lin Yutong asked someone to serve tea, and then said: "So that the second sister knows, it's not that I don't want to go back... It's really... I can't remember much..."

Lin Erniang's expression changed: "How do you say this?"

How do you say this? Could it be that I only know what Akiba told me. Then people want to ask, what about Qiuye? When did she tell you? Why don't I tell you more?

How do people answer this?

Could it be said that the ghost of Akiba said it?

This is too nonsense.

So, there are some things that can be said, and some things that should be concealed. She said, "I knew it was because of the birth date that Prince Xiu was eyeing..."

"King Xiu?" Master Chen was taken aback: "It is said that in order to prolong his life, King Xiu joined forces with demons to steal other people's life..."

"Yes!" Lin Yutong nodded: "However, obviously, they have a choice. Only those who are born with the eight characters of pure yang can do it. I don't know if it is because of the actions of others that people suddenly become confused. However, it seems that It didn't take long for Xiuwang to have an accident. Everyone in the other courtyard was detained. At that time, Qiu Ye took me to hide... I don't remember how long we were hiding, I just know that I was very hungry, Qiu Ye Ye went out to look for food, and I haven't come back for a long time. I went out to look for her again, and then left the courtyard in a daze, not knowing where I went...I was picked up by my husband and brought home. Later, I met an eminent monk and saw that I was insane, and he helped me restore my mind, but it may have been a long time, but I couldn’t remember many things.”

"Amitabha, you still remember me anyway." Lin Erniang did not doubt what she said. The things involving King Xiu were basically true.

Lin Yutong smiled awkwardly: "Actually... I just looked at the second sister, but my mind was still fuzzy."

"This evil king, Xiuwang, really deserves to be killed." Lin Erniang said, she stood up and saluted the fourth master: "There are more brothers-in-law, if I hadn't met you, I don't know what my sister would have done."

Picked up a stupefied woman and could marry her as a wife. If this man was a peasant or a butcher, that's all. Even at a young age, he is already a man. The future is limitless.

Even if the third sister didn't have this incident, the family could find a marriage, that's all.

Lin Erniang pulled Lin Yutong: "It's okay to forget! I'll tell you what I forgot."

Lin Yutong knew more after he said more. Lin Erniang is the direct daughter of the second room, and she is the second daughter of the Lin family. Married the only son of the Chen family. Married for five years, no children yet. The Chen family is in a single line again, and the couple is more anxious. The second brother-in-law, Chen Lun, is also a dignified talent. At the age of 18, he became a jinshi, and at the age of 23, he achieved the seat of the prefect.

In addition to my ability, I can only say that other people's background is not generally thick.

The Lin family is only one aspect. The Chen family, who can become a family friend with the Lin family, are involved in a wide range of branches.

While talking here, someone posted a message outside saying that the county magistrate had come to visit.

Don't ask, I know it's for Chen Lun.

Chen Lun took the post and invited the county magistrate to come in to speak, only saying that he was here for private affairs, not official business. But still left the county magistrate to drink a cup of tea. To do so, in fact, is mainly for the fourth master's face.

This county magistrate is also sensible. This time, he not only brought a gift, but also returned the gift that the fourth master and Lin Yutong had given them before. This includes the beads that Xiao Li tried to keep Lin Yutong by his side at that time. That bead was broken by Xiaoqing, that is the inner core of the water ghost, which is very evil. When Lin Yutong put it away, he specially added the soul-soothing talisman drawn by the fourth master to ensure safety. These are all things to talk about later. It is only said that the two are here, and it is not easy to say that they will leave for the time being.

In the age of kinship, cousins ​​were very close. Come home, stay at least one night. The partial room at home was cleaned up, and the couple stayed overnight. As for the servants and entourages they brought, they stayed at home except those who served closely. Others are arranged to temporarily live in the inn.

Chen Lun and his wife only stayed here for one night. The place is small, and it is indeed difficult to live there. Furthermore, Chen Lun couldn't lose his business.

Fourth Master and Lin Yutong put the two of them on the boat and promised to take Tongtong to visit Xiaozhu in a few days, so they sent them away.

But it's not as simple as sending it away. On the Lin family's side, it's fine if you don't know. The people here send a letter, and they will know about it later. If Lin Yutong just pretended that there was no Lin family, this would definitely not work.

So, after discussing, pack up and go to Hangzhou Mansion for a short stay. Then go to Kyoto.

There are only two people here with a room, and they can leave if they want to go. The only thing left is the little carp.

For Koi, this is not a problem. And don't worry about starving her. There is no one at home, so she can practice with peace of mind. Besides, there is Xiaoqing. She often sneaks to find Xiaoli in the middle of the night.

It's going away, no one told it. But the white lady still knew. To be honest, Lin Yutong was quite envious of the white lady's ability to count with her fingers.

She is here to send the entanglement: "It's a little trivial to know that the two nobles are going to travel far."

Lin Yutong took it. Seeing that there were more than ten bottles of various beauty pills in addition to the silver, she smiled, knowing that Bai Niangzi was a gift for herself. This white snake is getting more and more thorough in doing things. If you deal with her, she is so considerate that you can feel comfortable all over. After thinking about it, she gave Bai Niangzi two more bottles of medicinal pills: "It's getting hotter and hotter, you keep these medicinal pills. If you really can't stand it, Niangzi can take Xiaoqing to the mountain to fast..."

It's because they can't stand the hot weather.

Lady Bai thanked Lin Yutong for her kindness: "I will bear with you."

There is nothing to settle at home, and after finding a good day, I set off. It was the You family's boat, and everything was very well arranged. When they arrived at the dock, the Chen family's housekeeper was already waiting. The sedan chair stood upright on the side, got on the sedan chair and went directly to the back office of the government office.

Lin Erniang was waiting, "Why did it take so long to come?"

"It's only been a few days?" Lin Yutong looked very cautious when she saw the old woman following her, and smiled, "It seems that I want to congratulate the second sister and the second brother-in-law."

Chen Lun laughed and said, "The Niangniang Temple is indeed a well-deserved legend, and it is very effective."

Lin Erniang said, "This is the blessing brought by the third sister."

In her opinion, a boudoir daughter who has suffered so many hardships can still live her life as it is today, which is definitely a lucky person.

Chen Lun is now no matter what his wife says, he laughed and said yes.

The sisters went to the back to talk, and Chen Lun invited the fourth master to the study.

Chen Lun is a kind person, and he mainly mentioned the fourth master: "...My letter is probably already here. If my guess is right, the second brother and brother will come over in person. This time to the capital, for Brother Jin, It's not an opportunity." The two are now brother-in-law, he is open-minded, he feels that the fourth master is restrained and stable, and he likes such a character, so he can't help but say more: "The situation in the DPRK ... while the father-in-law is still there As far as I can tell, in fact, it is better to seek an expatriate earlier than to wait three years for the palace exam. Now the emperor is more and more concerned about things... And there are many conflicts between Qingliu and Liang Xiangguo in the court... Liang Xiangguo This person is human..." Chen Lun shook his head: "It's a little bit stubborn and must report... I'm afraid that after three years, even if it is a gold medal title, I'm afraid it won't be able to do anything. Rather than wasting time, it is better to take the opportunity to find a shortage... "

The fourth master thanked the other party for his kindness, and he got another news, that is, Qingliu in the court and Liang Xiangguo were like water and fire.

No matter how polite Chen Lun said, from the meaning revealed, this is definitely not a simple conflict. The struggle for power is never tender.

He also reminded Chen Lun: "I heard that Liang Xiangguo's only son Liang Lian came to Hangzhou. There are also Liang Xiangguo's two nephews. Brother Chen should be careful. Don't let these three have an accident on Brother Chen's site. ."

Chen Lun was shocked: "Is there such a thing?"

"You can't go wrong." The You family's news is relatively well-informed: "It's better to ask people to inquire." After speaking, he reminded again: "Jinshan Temple was built with the funds of the Liang family."

So, there must be news.

Chen Lun immediately sent someone to go, and turned around and said to the fourth master: "The son of Liang Xiangguo is also the number one dude in Kyoto. Unfortunately, Liang Xiangguo is very protective of his shortcomings..." He sighed: " I'm afraid I'll find something out for me." As he spoke, he seemed to remember something and hesitated for a long time, but he didn't tell the fourth master in the end.

It was only after returning to the Queen's Office in the evening that he discussed with his wife: "I think it is better to ask the third sister and brother-in-law to go to Beijing quickly. Don't delay here. I remember, it seems that Liang Xiangguo sent someone to his nephew to beg the Yue family. My dear, what I want is the third sister."

Lin Erniang also remembered such a thing: "Yes! Yes! But the Liang family's nephew is a lustful and lustful, and the family did not agree. And the third sister is now married."

Chen Lun shook his head: "What if you're married? It's not a problem if you want to find something? What's more... The third sister is the most colorful among you sisters. Even the empress in the palace is not as good as the third sister. Before Seeing the third sister, she is still young. Let's look at it now, not to mention the color, just this kind of bearing, is it not so much better than the empress in the palace. "

More than just give up.

Thinking of this, she also became worried: "Then... Otherwise, let's send someone to **** the third sister and brother-in-law to Beijing first."

Chen Lun thought for a while: "It's good, what do you think we are doing? Otherwise, let's tell the truth or tell the truth. It's good to have a precaution."

Only then did Lin Yutong know that in the early years, the original body had such a rotten peach blossom.

"This Su Cheng lost his father since he was a child. Because his mother was Liang Xiangguo's younger sister, the husband's family did not dare to force him to observe the festival, so he got married. It was not a matter of marriage, and he couldn't bear his son. So he put his son in his mother's house and handed it over to him. The elder brother and sister-in-law took care of him. In the early years, Liang Xiangguo was empty, and this nephew was only raised by his son. The son's father was not cared for by his mother, and his uncle and aunt just spoiled him blindly. Later, when he got older, he got most of the Su family's wealth and moved out of Liang. After getting home, he became more and more out of control, and lingered in the fireworks field all day long. Such a person is a good match, so he rejected it at the time... This person is not difficult to deal with. It's just that he has a half-brother. , was born after his mother's second marriage, called Zhao Guan..."

"The last name is Zhao?" Fourth Master asked involuntarily.

Chen Lun nodded: "That's right. Liang Xiangguo's younger sister was still married to the royal family when she married the second time. Although Zhao Guan's family is far away, it is indeed a royal. , but relying on his own identity and the power of his uncle, ordinary people really can't do anything about him..."

have to!

Fahai hasn't solved it yet, so he has to get two such enemies.

Lin Yutong said simply: "Then go, tomorrow morning, go."

It can be said that there are a lot of ghosts and ghosts, so I said that I got on the boat smoothly and went all the way to the capital along the canal.

After leaving Hangzhou, it will be all right for the time being. I just let go of my heart, but I can't walk less than ten miles of water. The river was blocked. It's not a man from the yamen of the government, and they have moved troops.

I thought it was to arrest a wanted criminal, but it turned out not to be the case. The steward of the You family went out to inquire and found out that it was the concubine of a nobleman's new concubine who had escaped and was looking for it. To search ship by ship.

A person who can be called a noble person, who has not yet left the boundary of Hangzhou?

I don't think there is anyone else but the three.

Lin Yutong was thinking about putting on makeup if she couldn't do it, so she avoided it first. As a result, suddenly, I smelled a strong fragrance of apricot blossoms. Just as I said something bad in my heart, I heard a commotion outside: "Here... on this boat..."

Then the ship swayed, and a large number of people rushed to the ship.

It seems this is inevitable.

This time, it was actually harmed by Xinghua.

The coldness in the fourth master's eyes flashed, and before the two had time to say a word, the door curtain was lifted. People on the boat were put on their necks with knives.

The housekeeper of Chen Lun's family shouted: "This is the family of Chen Zhifu's family, who is going to Beijing..."

"I don't care who's family." A man in colorful clothes came in with a folding fan in his hand, "I'm looking for my love..."

Taking advantage of this gap, Lin Yutong had already covered his face with a silk scarf. It would never be that simple for Xinghua to pit her. I was afraid that the scumbag directly turned into her appearance. As long as this guy sees his face, he can't tell who he is even with ten mouths.

It seems that she is still too kind, always thinking that it is not easy to cultivate grass and trees, and she has always held the greatest kindness towards these aliens. I didn't expect these things to be easy to learn, but it's too easy to learn badly.

She is just persistent in wanting to achieve her goal, and she doesn't care what means she uses and what consequences it will cause. Blame her? She is more innocent than anyone else. Because I'm not a person, I can't think of it so comprehensively. It seems that the gods and Buddhas in the sky are also easier to forgive the strong.

The colorful one came in. He didn't see his love girl, so he pointed the fan at Lin Yutong: "Take off the veil, don't tell me to do it. I want to see, are you..."

"No!" Fourth Master said, with a sincere smile on his face: "I dare to ask this gentleman if he is looking for a girl who is full of apricot flowers and wears apricot flowers on her body?"

"Have you seen her?" The man immediately looked at the fourth master: "Tell me, where has my Aiji gone? Someone saw her on this ship just now."

"She was on the boat, but she came to ask for help, she just said that someone wanted to bully her because of her son's absence, so she escaped. She only said that his son had dealt with that person, and she went back. The fourth master pointed to the window of the cabin: "Jumped down from here. She said that if her son-in-law looks for her, he must send a message to her son for her. For this, she also gave us a gift of thanks as a husband and wife." After saying that, he looked at Lin Yutong: "Show this young master the thank you gift that Miss Xing left behind."

Lin Yutong took out the apricot nectar that Apricot Blossom left to the fourth master back then and handed it over.

The fourth master didn't drink this thing. Lin Yutong carefully put it in a porcelain bottle and put it away, but he didn't expect it to be useful now.

As soon as he smelled this smell, this guy no longer doubted, but only burned with anger: "Who dares to insult my beauty, huh! Let this son know, I can't wait to peel him." After speaking, he couldn't wait to pull out Open the cork and take a sip.

Lin Yutong found that after drinking a sip of apricot nectar, his eyes instantly turned red, and even his eyeballs were dyed red. Then the whole person became fascinated and walked straight out: "My beauty..."

As soon as he left, the people who followed him all left.

The housekeeper of the Chen family has another post from the Chen prefect, other ships were not released, but this ship was released directly.

After passing the checkpoint, the fourth master left in no hurry.

Docked at the small wharf at night and checked in at a small inn on the wharf. The fourth master asked Tongtong for an apricot flower that Tongtong put away at that time.

At that time, two things were left in the original owner's room, one was a bowl of apricot nectar, and the other was a blooming apricot flower.

After the apricot flower was taken out, the fourth master tied the apricot flower to a stone and put it in the water basin to prevent it from floating. Then I asked for the bead returned by the county magistrate from Tongtong: "Give it to me."

After pouring the beads into the water, the water immediately boiled. Gududu kept rolling, but no steam was coming out. Then there was a woman's moan in the water, a torment-like sound.

Lin Yutong jumped: this Xinghua is really stupid and poisonous.

Poison is unscrupulous, to achieve her goal. It's stupid to dare to hand over the body to others like this. I just don't know when the fourth master guessed that the apricot flower is the body.

There was a cry for help from the basin, but the fourth master remained unmoved from beginning to end. Lin Yutong and Fourth Master had seen how evil that bead was, but what that guy devoured was actually the power of the soul. That kind of struggle little by little, feeling that my strength is slowly disappearing, and then completely drowned in the water, what is the feeling of Xinghua?

On the other side, the dude who was still wandering looking for Xinghua, as if being pulled by something, suddenly walked to the side of the boat, shouted my beauty, and plunged into the water.

The people on the side panicked, jumped down one by one, and hurried up to save them.

Liang Lian frowned: "Cousin, what's wrong? Why does it look like a demon."

Zhao Guan over there said angrily: "It's also the following wastes, even individuals can't see it."

The person over there was rescued, but it was all right, but as soon as he let go, he threw himself into the water. There is no other way but to tie people up and completely tie them to the boat.

Liang Lian instructed: "Go! Jinshan Temple! Cousin seems to have fallen in love, find Fahai..."

Fourth Master didn't know that they had left overnight. He was still thinking about how to clean up that guy.

As a result, when they woke up in the morning, the blockade of the river was lifted, and the fourth master and Lin Yutong knew that they had left. After inquiring about the whole process of the crazy person, I have a good idea.

Apricot nectar is actually something that controls the mind.

This apricot flower is indeed somewhat affectionate to the original owner, and does not hesitate to leave the body to the original owner. But the fourth master came suddenly, and after changing the core, this Xinghua probably noticed it. She left the apricot nectar for hate, not love.

I used to think that apricot blossoms were love, but now it seems that they are not! She was running to avenge the original owner.

Her goal was very clear from beginning to end, that is, to kill herself and the fourth master.

The pretense before was all acting.

Who said that monsters are not cunning, if they are cunning, people may not be their opponents.

But even if she had a last resort like this, Lin Yutong didn't plan to let her go. The pot of water, together with the body of the water ghost Neidan and Xinghua, were sealed in a large jar, and the seal was sealed with a seal. Lin Yutong took it alone. As long as she was still alive, she would not come out easily.

Things can only be like this for the time being, and the two set off to continue their journey north. However, in the fourth master's small book, Liang Xiangguo must have made a note.

The fourth master and Lin Yutong didn't mention the journey for the time being, only that Liang Lian and Zhao Guan took Su Cheng to Jinshan Temple over there.

"Fahai, take a look, what's wrong with my cousin?" Liang Lian shouted to Fa Hai anxiously, while Zhao Guan pulled Liang Lian's clothes, Liang Liancai made a slip of the tongue: "I'm sorry. Now, Master!" His tone softened: "Master Fahai, please help my cousin to see what's wrong with him? He jumped into the water all the way when he saw water... he didn't give him any water or soup, I don't even dare to see the water basin when I wash my face..."

"Amitabha." Before Liang Lian could finish speaking, Fahai interrupted him with a Buddha's call: "This gentleman... is stained with demonic energy, yin energy... He bumped into something unclean... "

Liang Lian and Zhao Guan looked at each other: "Demon Qi? Yin Qi?"

The two of them took a deep breath, they could have been with Su Cheng all the time: "How is it possible?" Liang Lian took out the purse hanging around his neck: "This is the amulet that the master gave us, and it is safe from evil. ." After speaking, he showed a bit of suspicion: "Could it be that the master is lying to us?"

"Amitabha, monks don't lie." The golden bowl in Fa Hai's hand tilted and looked towards Su Cheng who was on the stretcher. An apricot blossom loomed over Su Cheng's body immediately. But this apricot flower was entangled with hair-like filaments, and water light floated on it.

This scene shocked Liang Lian and Zhao Guan: "This is..."

Fahai leaned over again, took off the purse from Su Cheng's neck, and took out the amulet inside. Everyone in the house can smell the strong aroma of fat powder from this amulet.

Obviously, this amulet was tainted by the filthy aura of Goulan Courtyard.

Of course, this cannot be said to blame Fahai again.

However, Zhao Guan mentioned it again: "I remember that the master counted our lives for the three of us. If I remember correctly, you said that my eldest brother and I will grow old safely, but it is Liang's cousin... There will be a disaster this year... He pointed to Su Cheng, "Is it safe for my eldest brother to be like this now?"

It's because Fa Hai's calculations are not accurate, and such a big catastrophe has not been calculated.

Fa Hai's brows furrowed: "This is exactly what the poor monk is puzzled about." As he spoke, he put the golden bowl in his hand on the table, and gently brushed his hand over the golden bowl, and several people turned towards him. Look in the golden bowl. However, I saw a misty area in the golden bowl, and then I looked at it again, first it was pitch black, like an abyss, and then an extremely dazzling light rushed towards it accompanied by the sound of howling dragons.

Liang Lian and Zhao Guan were forced to take a step back by the momentum, Fa Hai barely stood still, and couldn't help but mutter: "It's them!"

"Who?" Liang Lian asked hurriedly after he stood firm.

But this kind of momentum has only been seen in Fahai's life. How could he tell a few **** about something he couldn't understand?

So he shook his head and said, "The poor monk is saying that the golden bowl is originally owned by the senior brother, and there are many things that the poor monk still can't understand. No matter where this variable comes from, it can only be answered when the senior brother leaves the customs."

Can Liang Lian believe this?

The son-in-law has seen a lot of people of all shapes and sizes.

Originally, I felt that Jinshan Temple was my own temple, and the monks in the temple were domesticated monks. If Fahai did not have a two-way line and a bit of reputation, he wouldn't even give him the respect for face. Now, it really is not worthy of respect. Just now I said that my family doesn't lie, but in fact, the nonsense came in a blink of an eye.

But now, he can't handle it. Just ask: "My there a way?"

"We need to find the bodies of these two monsters." Fa Hai shook his head: "Nowadays, the poor monk can only temporarily suppress this evil spirit."

That can only be so.

The evil energy was temporarily suppressed, and Su Cheng also temporarily woke up. Ask him if he remembers what happened before, but he doesn't remember at all.

Unable to bear the hardships of Jinshan Temple, the three of them brought people to Qiantang.

Because Su Cheng was bound before, he suffered some injuries. I also used trauma medicine, but it was hot on this day and others were fat and prone to sweating, and the weather in the south was humid and hot.

When you arrive at Qiantang, the first thing you do is to find a doctor.

As long as you go out and ask about it, you will know that the most famous doctor in Qiantang and even Hangzhou Prefecture is Doctor Xu from Bao'an Tang.

So, today, Baohetang has a big business, and the guards of Prince Liang's mansion came to Xu Xuan with ten taels of gold ingots.

It was hot in the afternoon, Xu Xuan and a few guys were at the front shop, while Bai Niangzi and Xiaoqing were at the back. The weather is hot, and Xiaoqing is a little impetuous, even if he takes the medicine that Lin Yutong specially left behind. In such weather, she felt like the skin on her body was about to burn. Bai Niangzi was saying, "If you can't, just go back to the mountains..."

"How can I do it?" Xiaoqing poured cold water on her body, "My sister just found out that she is pregnant, and I'm leaving at this time, what should you do? The official, who is used by my sister, doesn't understand anything, what? I can't do it. My aunt is pregnant again, so I can't take care of it."

Really, Xiaoqing is busy all alone at home.

While the sisters were talking, Xu Xuan sent his buddy to come to the doctor, and he came back soon, and asked Xiaoqing to come to the front to support.

Xiaoqing pointed to the outside: "Sister, take a look! Just take a look. I just said, this family can't be without me for a moment." After speaking, she changed into clean clothes and held a wet handkerchief in her hand. out.

As a result, within half an hour, Xu Xuan came back with the medicine box on his back and his face covered with his sleeves. Bai Niangzi was carrying herbal tea to the front and wanted to change to Xiaoqing, but she saw Xu Xuan who was very dodging: "What's wrong?"

Xu Xuan ducked again: "'s okay...I accidentally fell..."

How could it fall?

There is clearly a slap print on his face!

"That's really outrageous!" Xiaoqing's anger went straight to his forehead: "I haven't seen the doctor in the past, but the doctor was beaten, I'll find them..."

Saying that, with a flash, he left the pharmacy...

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