Accumulate Wealth in Life

Chapter 1313: .Rolling red dust (6) three in one

Long years (161)

Lin Yutong put away the phone, and regardless of whether Ma Xiaoting was real or fake, she carried the person back to her seat in the past. Strictly close, across an aisle diagonally ahead. He took two quick steps, and as soon as the person pressed onto the chair, a sharp knife in his hand knocked the person unconscious.

Then there was silence in the car.

Lin Yutong looked up and down Strictly and smiled: "You take Qingning to the front to sit, I will sit with your father in the back, and the child will stay with us."

Strictly complied, stretched out his hand and dragged Qingning to the front. When passing by, he said to the fifth one: "I just fainted, and I woke up when I passed out, nothing major."

The old five nodded again and again: "It's very good!" Ghosts are not afraid of people, but they are afraid of murderers and villains. He felt that strictly belonged to the murderer.

From time to time, Qingning turned her face to look at Ma Xiaoting, and then at the child sleeping soundly in her father's arms: "It's weird..."

No wonder!

Lin Yutong asked Qingping to sit in the back and reached out to pick up Qiming. Fourth Master waved his hand: "You are busy with your work."

Lin Yutong sat next to him, with his mobile phone in his hand, constantly editing text messages, but his mouth was not idle, and he whispered to the fourth master: "...Now just one side, the death toll has risen to ten ...and what we don't know about ... After the truck collided with the three wheels, it collided with the passenger car bound for the provincial capital from Shayuan, causing the entire vehicle to overturn on the side of the road with a drainage of nearly two meters deep. Quli... how many died, how many were injured, there is no data yet..."

The earliest bus from the township to the provincial capital is 4:40. You can enter the provincial capital in time for dawn.

As long as you go to the provincial capital to do business, and you want to go back the same day, you like to take this train, so you don't delay your work.

Therefore, we generally know the situation of this kind of car. Running on the country road is mostly overloaded. Coupled with the people who went to the county or city along the way, they felt that there was not much way to go. Some buses are specially stuffed with Mazars. It is convenient for people who are standing to take it out and sit down in the aisle. Occasionally encounter inspections, first ask the overloaded to get off, and then drive over to call for inspection. After passing the inspection post, wait for those who got off the bus just now to come up again. In the middle, it is only a road of seven or eight hundred meters and one thousand meters. This kind of thing, for various reasons that can be said and cannot be said, most of them will turn a blind eye.

If this is the case, it will be another bus, and it will overturn the canal again. Will this casualty be a small number?

Now it is only a major traffic accident, or a very serious traffic accident.

How the responsibilities are divided is not their business. But among the people who died was the elder brother of the fourth master. What Lin Yutong and the fourth master were worried about was that they were afraid that someone with a heart would escalate the situation.

What should be involved here should only be legal means, not political means.

What if someone excludes dissidents in the name of 'value'?

Lin Yutong said, "I have a few people invited to have tea together, and the time is set for tomorrow morning?"

I sent people back today and settled down so well that I rushed to the provincial capital overnight.

You can't go back if you don't go back. Jin Mancheng's funeral must be done as soon as possible. It is best to bury the person in three days. Watch it! As soon as this happened, these family members would not hold funerals without proper compensation.

The body was carried to the door of the driver who caused the accident, to the door of the traffic police team of the Public Security Bureau, and to the highway to block the road to deliberately make a big issue to gain attention and get compensation as soon as possible, and it is not uncommon.

But can you tell things to go in that direction?

If the fourth master didn't come back, he really made people run around with Jin Mancheng's body. It just couldn't be easier.

When they came back, they put the things that were supposed to be dealt with on the original track. They cannot be treated 'specially' because their family members are involved.

There are many examples of unscrupulous attacks on political enemies, but they do not want to be the knife in the hands of others. If you sneeze on the top, it must be a violent storm below. This kind of thing must be put to an end!

Lin Yutong said: "I didn't see it on the spot. From the information I heard, there are many responsible departments." The direct responsibility, of course, is the driver who caused the accident. But indirect responsibilities, such as the highway department, whether the road surface is up to standard, whether the roadside guardrail warning signs, etc. are matched. Also, if the passenger car is overloaded, the traffic police department also has a big responsibility.

There are also vehicles, whether it is a problem with the manufacturer, which is subject to forensic investigation.

Whether it is a major traffic accident or a very serious traffic accident, because it involves the Executive Deputy Department of the Organization Department holding the hats of many officials, this matter will be taken 'especially seriously'.

The result of this is often that many related and unrelated people are involved in large or small because of various reasons that cannot be placed on the table.

So, what is the benefit to Fourth Master and Lin Yutong?

What a great prestige! Is the spectrum in your hometown a little big?

A lot of things are bad in small people and small things, and I don't necessarily know about it myself. Therefore, be cautious whenever possible.

As Lin Yutong said that, he took Qiming over, and the fourth master swayed with modesty.

When they arrived at the county seat, Qingping Xu Qiang and Strict Qingning picked up their children respectively and got off from here.

Qingping and Xu Qiang must have gone home first, and Xu Tian must be waiting at home. Leave the child to grandpa, it's fine.

Qing Ning and Yan Jian went straight to the hotel. There was a funeral in the Jin family. Shi Ke had to go to the ceremony and take care of the children. The house was calling for help with cleaning, so I settled in the hotel first.

When I saw the child, I felt very distressed, "Look at our poor..." The extra sentence was hard to say, for fear that Qingning would be over-hearted. She checked the child first to make sure that the baby grandson, who was sleeping like a pig, was all right, so she could take care of her son and daughter-in-law.

Dissatisfied in my heart, I didn't say it directly, but said euphemistically: "I also said that it would be nice to put the child in the capital and ask Yuesao to follow you to your uncle's house. Don't you worry about your aunt, and don't worry about your aunt?"

The eldest aunt refers to the eldest aunt of the Yan family, Yan Dong's mother. My aunt is Qiao Guohong.

Strictly said: "Gao Jie's father... I can't even look at it. It's only been a day or two. I went to see Qingning once before..."

Shi Ke was taken aback: "You said this happened..." Waking up from a vegetative state is indeed a miracle only found in TV dramas.

Strictly said aunt again: " aunt is accompanying Sister Nannan..."

Qiao Nan has no children since his marriage, and now he is discussing whether to do test tube or not. No one has anything to worry about. Compared with their own side, my aunt is of course more distressed for her niece.

Shi Ke wanted to say something: If Qingning doesn't come back, why don't people bury them?

Where did Qingning not know that her mother-in-law was dissatisfied?

She smiled bitterly: "Mom, this is a complicated matter. When Qingyuan called, they only said that there were no people. I thought that the people were probably all packed up and could not enter the village, so I was in a hurry to rush me..."

Seeing that Shi was puzzled, he explained: "People who die outside are very particular. This filial son and filial daughter have to go to the village entrance, and it is not enough. If there is a shortage of people, the bad luck is still there. After the shack was suspended and the coffin was sealed for 7, 7, 49 days, it was allowed to be buried in the cemetery specially reserved for people who died. In fact, I don't think it matters when the burial is. People die like a lamp goes out. But this If my uncle is uneasy about the burial, other people's homes will not be buried. I thought about making trouble and losing money. If I don't bury people here, I thought my parents and my mother would support it. How will this happen? I I have to come back! I thought it would be difficult on the way back this time. When I get there, the child will be handed over to you. But who knows... My uncle seems to be injured the most in his legs, but in fact, after an inspection, he can Knowing that the head fell even harder... I was brain dead, and I was reluctant to take off the ventilator immediately, so I kept it like that. When we arrived, we were just dying..."

Strictly said: "This time I took another one in the car, and I was breathing when I got in the car..."

Shi Ke was so uncomfortable, he simply waved his hand. Yes! Messy things, anyone can predict just right?

She said, "What about now? You have to rush back?"

Qing Ning is not in a hurry, "The whole world is looking for Qing Shou and Yang Meili. When the time comes, Qingyuan will call me." Who knows that these two people haven't appeared yet? This is something no one thought of.

Strictly asked Qingning to wash, "I don't have much milk, can I squeeze it?"

Qingning nodded: "It's rising. You scalded the bottle..."

Squeeze it out and put it in the refrigerator, it will still be hot when feeding the baby. It is very inconvenient to be in a hotel.

Shi Ke was anxious: "Why don't you go home first. Everything in the house is ready-made. Even if you only clean out one room, you can live in it." She hurriedly picked up the child gently, and said, "What if you don't care? Now, let's feed the milk powder for two days..."

"He picks his mouth." Strict turned around and looked at his son tenderly, "I also eat milk powder, unless I'm really hungry... I'm going to have a postpartum re-examination with his mother. How long will it take to go to the hospital? Yes, eating milk powder is like taking medicine..."

Shi Ke tapped his grandson's nose: "I'm used to it." Then he pretended to be angry, "Just starve hard for two meals..." After saying that, he was happy with his grandson's little face, "Grandma's kiss Grandson, grandma can't bear to starve our baby, right? We are born tall, so naturally we have to be picky..."

When Qingning came out, she saw her mother-in-law holding her child and talking to herself, and then listen to what she said...

what are they?

On the way home, Shi Kecai discussed with Qingning: "I have to prepare for this salute... You are busy with you, I will ask a few acquaintances from the past to help..."

Qing Ning said: "No, I'll discuss with my sister and buy it together. The person will be buried at 12 noon the day after tomorrow at the latest. I'm going to send my uncle back first. It's two or three hours before and after. I will go to the grave in the morning and greet the ancestors in the evening. It can be finished in an hour. I will come back immediately after I am done. The day after tomorrow, we will go there early in the morning and ask the children to have a brazier, and I will send you and the children strictly. return……"

The child has a brazier, is to go to filial piety. Hanging red on the body means that all evils do not invade and filial piety does not overwhelm the body.

"If you don't enter the gate, the brazier is usually placed at the entrance of the alley." Qingning explained again.

Oh! Then it will be fine.

Today, the morning is also quite warm. It only took an hour for her to come and go. She dropped by to have an incense stick, and after a ceremony, she brought the child back.

Just as he was talking, Qingyuan's phone came and called.

Shi Ke was surprised: "Does it really prevent you from being called into the village?" This is a custom!

Reunited with Qingping and Xu Qiang, and found Xu Tian holding the child.

Qian Gao is still good, the full moon child does not recognize people, anyone can bring it. But Qiming can't do it. This kid is over a year old and has already recognized him. Xu Tian is a grandfather again, but if he doesn't see children often, he naturally doesn't kiss him. Can't cry. My parents are in front of me, and my grandfather can hold it. When my parents were not in front of me, I cried. What to do? Grandpa hugged and followed.

In the car, Qingping also said: "I don't understand the rules on our side now. At that time, milk... Was it considered a violent death..." It seemed that there was no such thing at that time.

Xu Tian said, "That's in the village, not outside."

He listened too much, so he explained to a few children: "In your town, there are two rows of people along the road, you can count, is there a guy in his twenties or thirties that has disappeared for various reasons. The old don't die, and the women don't see any accidents, only the young, strong guys in their twenties and thirties die..."

Qing Ping had heard it a few times, but Qing Ning didn't know about it at all.

Xu Tian explained: "Whose head is the easternmost head? My son died on the construction site. When I pulled it back, I was afraid that someone would stop me, so I didn't tell anyone. I pulled it back secretly in the middle of the night. From the beginning of that year, on that road, a young man died every year... It's been so many years, counting my fingers, and now every family has not been spared..."

Qing Ning didn't believe this at all.

Of course, if you want to say it is a coincidence, then others must believe that it is a coincidence.

There is this particular emphasis in the first place, but as a result, the accidental deaths of young people one after another over the past few years, some people say that it must be a good thing done by the old man's bastard.

Whether it is true or false, everyone feels that they would rather believe what they have and follow the rules, and everyone will feel at ease with each other. Everyone is afraid that something will happen in the future, and the host is also afraid of being blamed if something goes wrong. Then everyone follows this rule.

This is not a family affair. You say no, you say superstition. Then you explain why the people on both sides of the road all died young young men. If you can't explain it, if you can't explain it, then why do you follow the rules? Can we ask each other for peace of mind?

Don't tell the police if you don't call the police. If some problems in rural areas can be solved by just calling the police, there will be no need to keep saying that the problems at the grassroots level are complicated.

When they arrived, Qing Shou and Yang Meili were both there. Old Yangtou took his daughter back. He knew where the girl was, and he knew that the girl was with another girl, and she lived a good life. For so long, they have raised their granddaughter and haven't called their daughter back. Just thinking about it for a long time, the Jin family gave up. Ask the girl to get the certificate from the serious person over there, and live a good life. But isn't it okay now? If something like this doesn't tell her daughter to come back, Jin Mancheng will have to stay at the entrance of the village for forty-nine days. People are placed in coffins, but everyone knows that corpses will rot. Thinking that their relatives can't be buried in the ground...Do the Jin family hate it? The deceased is the greatest, regardless of whether they were alive or not, and regardless of how difficult it is for the living, to come back quickly, bury the person first, and then talk about it.

He called his daughter back and brought his granddaughter.

Yang Meili was obviously pregnant, pregnant with that man's child, but she still came.

Following Qingning and the others, Huahua's parents and their child Qi Rui brought back.

Lao Yang kicked Yang Meili and said, "I will sort out your father, and I will say that you are back, and ask your father to follow you home..."

The clearing was to see Yang Meili so hated that she wanted to strangle her to death, but at this time she was also held back by Qingfeng. To be able to come back and send my father into the house, all the grudges are gone!

Over there, even Wu Da and Wu Shuang came with his wife and children, for fear that some people would deliberately embarrass others.

If there is an old man who likes to take care of things in the village, he will come to see it. After reading the Jin family members kneeling at the entrance of the village one by one, there was someone reminding: "This... is the son-in-law of the second family... That is the daughter-in-law of the third family... This is the son-in-law of the fourth family... What about the daughter-in-law of the fourth family?"

Qingyuan said, "Grandpa, I'm not married yet."

"Are you engaged?" he asked again.

Qingyuan shook his head: "No!"

I don't know who shouted again: "How did I hear that the daughter of the third family is engaged..."

The third child is angry, "Who said that?"

Some people say they have noses and eyes.

Some people said no, "You're engaged, why don't you come? If it's a bit unlucky, if something happens in the future, who's to blame?"

There is no one who does not agree.

Someone saw Xu Tian hugging Qiming, and asked, "Didn't the fourth family have a grandson."

Someone shouted: "Don't look for it, it's okay if the two children don't come... The niece is doing my filial piety to the uncle... These two nieces are grooming..."

The man shut up. He also explained to the person next to him, "I'm not afraid of offending people. I'm more afraid of accidents than offending people."

To go back, you have to take the road, and the road must pass the door of the two rows of people who have the accident. The family is all sons and grandsons who have died, and they are extraordinarily sincere.

It's just that Qing Juan's son-in-law got it.

I stimulated Qing Juan, but it didn't end, Liancheng came. It was brought by his grandfather himself. Knowing the rules here, I called my grandson. Then hurry up, it's still too late.

The young man was beautiful, and he bowed his head embarrassedly when he was looked at by so many people. Then quietly stood by Qing Juan's side.

Qing Juan was angry again for breaking the rules, but also happy that Liancheng could come. She asked in a low voice, "How come?"

"Driving back." He whispered, "Wait for me?" He looked very uneasy.

When everyone arrived, everyone in Wu Yangyang knelt down. There must be a lot of people. Big or small, Xu Tian hugged Qiming and hid to the side.

And the filial sons and daughters kneeling are burning paper and setting off firecrackers to get rid of bad luck. Then kowtow and throw money, it is to buy a way with various gods. In the end, he gave one of the white lanterns he bought from the paper shop and lit it up. One person per hand, leading the way home for the dead. Strict and Xu Qiang both took two, one big and one small. Got it for two kids. Lao Yang took it for Qifu, the daughter of the Qingshou family, and Huahua's father helped Qirui to take it.

All the way to throw money all the way, all the way to call people all the way.

The junior couldn't open his mouth, so the people in the village who accompanied him said: "Stop if you don't shout, wait for your uncle... Otherwise, who will harm anyone if you leave a little soul behind!"

Qing Juan took Qing Yue: "Sister how to shout, just follow along..."

It's like playing tricks here, there are still so many people watching, singing monkey opera is not like this.

Qing Yue was about to cry.

Liancheng still had a way, squatted down and didn't know what to say to Qingyue, and then the baby shouted loudly. Liancheng, who thought he was particularly shy, shouted in a prudent and rhythmic manner.

Later, when Qing Juan asked about it, he said. His father died on the operating table. Also dead outside. At that time, the place where the grandparents lived was not the county seat, but the county suburb. At the age of four, he also called his father so. I'm afraid I won't be able to bring my father home.

Even though this uncle and father-in-law has never been seen before, he still acts very religiously.

Just walked all the way, shouted all the way. Only the "people" were welcomed into the house.

Then firecrackers burned paper and kowtowed again, thanking the gods from all walks of life for opening the way to protect their relatives home.

At this point, Qing Ping and Qing Ning felt that it would be fine if they were not there for the time being. I lit a brazier at the entrance of the alley, stepped over the brazier, and today's matter is over.

Qing Ping took the child back to the town house, Qing Ning and Strict returned to the county seat, and the child still had to breastfeed.

Yao Siyun took Qingyue and Qingjuan to send Liancheng away, and followed Qingping back to the second child's house.

When he got home, Qing Juan scolded: "This is so rude. It's all the time, and it's still like this. And my dad's uncle, who looks like he's sick, why do you call your niece to go. My dad and I My second uncle is also...don't say stop...and my second uncle, and asked my eldest sister to go..." Then he asked Qingping: "The eldest sister is still bold and not afraid at all. Hmph! If it were me! I'll take care of him. Go to the ball! My son and daughter-in-law don't even go, why do you tell me to go! I just went in and didn't move, did you have the ability to bite me?"

Qing Ping said, "I used to hear people say 'Men depend on their family, women depend on their parents'. I have never understood what this sentence emphasized by the old man means. This time, I really know it."

There has always been a saying in my hometown that the post-90s may not necessarily know it, but as a group of the post-80s, they still know a little bit.

This sentence is 'Men depend on foreign family, women depend on mother's family'.

She didn't understand why a man should rely on a foreign family, but she simply thought that a woman should rely on her parents' family to say that if a woman was bullied by her husband's family, she had to rely on her parents' family for support.

In fact, this understanding is very one-sided.

That's not what it means at all.

Why did Uncle Meng over there, at such an old age, appear in the hospital in the provincial capital as soon as possible. Why did he point fingers at the funeral, but no one refuted it. Even my father heard it.

Now, when I think about the funerals in my family or the village, I will find that if the man died in the family, it was the male master. Then the person who was called first must be the man's uncle. If my uncle is gone, so can my cousin. Neither cousins ​​nor cousins, nor cousins. If there are no relatives in the uncle's immediate family, it means that the uncle's main family has to come to someone. If there is really no one from outside, people will say that it is really pitiful. If it is the hostess, it must be the brother of the mother's family, the nephew of the mother's family. If there is no one from her family, she will also be labeled with a pitiful label. At the beginning, Yingzi and Lin Yutong were somewhat coerced to recognize the Lin family, and Aunt Jin said, "Women depend on their parents' family. Even if they have brothers again, their surnames are Guo and Lin! Bad words."

Why poor? Why do you say to take care? What to do?

The man died, and the uncle came. The woman is dead, and the family is coming. What are you here for?

to supervise! Come to check! Let's see if there is anything wrong with filial piety here.

When did this rule pass down, it cannot be tested. But the original intention of formulating this rule should be for the word "filial piety". To monitor whether their children are filial.

For example, the old man in the family died. Either from a foreign family, or from a family member. After coming, people will designate someone to wash the old man. At that time, there were not one son. Some people had daughters, and some people didn't have daughters. For those who have daughters, they usually point to the daughters to groom the old man. why? A daughter-in-law will not hide it for her daughter-in-law. For example, whether the old man died abnormally, and whether the old man had scars on his body after being abused. The old man was sick in bed for a long time, and his care was not meticulous, which can also be seen from the corpse. There are those who are not careful, and the bedsores on the old man's body are rotten and maggots. If the son and daughter-in-law don't wait for someone from another family or her parents to come and dress it up, will no one know? Back then, He Xiaowan's family had a case where a son and his daughter-in-law strangled his mother, but it was not discovered by the married daughter. Why did I dress my mother before I arrived? This is not in line with the program, and it is naturally tricky.

If you don't have a daughter-in-law, either point to your married niece, or point to another daughter-in-law who doesn't often live in the same courtyard with the old man to wash up. The purpose is the same, that is, in the name of grooming, to check whether there is anything inappropriate on the elderly. If it is a more particular family, someone from a foreign family or her parents' family should watch it all the way.

There are also special cases. For example, there are three relatives, six parents, and few children, or there are special cases of death. The clothes on the body are not easy to take off, and the shroud is not easy to put on. Wear it by someone who can wear it. Then give people a red seal.

But like in the hospital, there is no one in the village to help except his own family. What's more, this is the person appointed by Jin Mancheng's uncle himself.

Why don't you dare to shirk when you point at someone in person?

The original intention of this rule should be good. After such a set of procedures, everyone knows that elders are abused and treated badly. Even if no one finds out the elders while they are alive, they will definitely not be able to hide them after death. Once this is revealed to be unfilial, no matter whether it is in the past or now, as long as you want to be shameless, you really can't stand the accusations of thousands of people. Some elderly people can't stand the pain, so they don't dare to commit suicide. why? I am afraid that when the funeral is carried out, people will know that the death is not peaceful. I am afraid that my children and descendants will be criticized by others. There are those in the village. When the mother's legs hurt, the pain is unbearable, and the conditions of those years are simply impossible. The old man hanged himself. Then his son was stabbed in the spine, and he was expelled from the election for the village mayor. why? You are not filial to your mother, why are you still serving the villagers? Serve your grandma's legs!

Everyone has an old day, doesn't it?

With this rule, there are those who are not filial, and he has to weigh whether he dares to go too far.

But this rule has been passed down for many years, and no one knows when it was passed down. But over the years, there must have been some evolution. After all, nothing is set in stone. Moreover, the implementation of the rules also varies from person to person. Just looking at the character of the uncle or natal family, or whether the relationship between the two families is good, has a direct impact on the execution.

Originally, the function of these people was to supervise, but later it evolved into pointing fingers at funerals.

Whether the prepared shroud is good or not, whether the coffin is good or not, and the covering of the pavement, can you see it? If you can't see it, then sorry! If you are not satisfied, these people will not show up at the funeral.

People who don't know will say, love or not!

But if you don't come, you can't do it.

Whether the supervision in the past is a normal death or whether the elderly have been abused. If there is a bad situation, other family members will not come. If you don't come, it will be a big deal. No one in the village dared to help bury people. What if there is a lawsuit involved? Can you be an accomplice?

Therefore, these people do not appear, do not speak. Then no one beats the cemetery, and no one dares to carry the coffin. Almost no one at home came to help.

Graveyards are not allowed!

Who can carry their parents into the wild, dig a hole and bury them by themselves?

With this kind of restriction, one would not dare to be disobedient at all times.

But as it evolves, it seems to have changed a bit. For example, if the coffin is not well prepared, he is picky, and if the shroud does not fit, he is also picky. If you don't do what he says, he won't come. You can't be buried. People who don't know think how disobedient you are.

So, if you vomit blood in anger, you have to do what he said.

However, most people are more reasonable, and it's not that kind of thing, and they don't want to offend people. People are dead, so what are they doing?

Of course, there are some reasonable things to pick on. For example, when Aunt Jin's coffin was too short, didn't the fourth master put on a coffin? It doesn't matter which son you're looking for. People only need to ensure that the Meng family's aunt is buried with dignity.

There are also people who are more concerned about their own mothers, or people who have a lot of feuds in the relationship between relatives. I deliberately spoil you while doing business and stink your reputation.

Between cousins, if there is a threat to someone, they say: You wait. Let's wait until your father is dead. Seeing that I don't clean it up, it's strange that you are called Lord.

This threat is quite deterrent.

It's not only the reputation that stinks, the key is as a child. You shouldn't put your old man in a coffin and stink because of this.

Uncle Meng is not only the uncle of Jin Mancheng, but also the uncle of so many brothers in the Jin family. If you offend him, you offend the Meng family. Then how did you say that? In the future, the four remaining brothers will be gone. Do you have to hire someone from the Meng family to be the younger generation?

Then wait for the Meng family to come back and disgust these children?

Although this is a matter of the future, it does have this aspect to be considered.

Don't talk about the far ones, isn't the near one right in front of you?

For example this time:

Row! You don't listen to what I said, right? Then I'll go back now. What about your funeral?

Fourth Master and Lin Yutong came back, wanting to facilitate the funeral as soon as possible, so that the funeral should not be extravagant. Originally, she was afraid that Li Xian'er would carry the corpse along with them and make trouble with them. Can my family delay because of this?

What's more, local customs believe that the person who is pointed to wash the old man is a filial person. It's not bad luck, it's good luck.

This is called great filial piety. Fortune must protect future generations.

Therefore, the children of Qingping and Qingning don't have to go dark when they are at the entrance of the village!

When people talk about funerals, they will also say: Whoever's family is gone, and whoever's grooming. This person has groomed several old people... She is blessed!

Qing Juan said, "...Huahua doesn't understand the rules here, and neither does Qingfeng?" He called him by his first name.

Qing Ping explained: "You didn't go there, you were injured like that... I couldn't bear to see it..." She felt that anyone who saw her biological father like this would be unbearable.

Just as he was talking, Ye Ye also came.

Yao Siyun asked, "How is it over there? Has a mourning hall been set up?"

Ye Zi nodded: "It's set. Qinghui and Qingyuan went to buy a coffin. They were sent over overnight."

Qing Juan sneered: "How much did you give?"

Leaf stretched out two fingers: "Two thousand."

Two thousand is neither too much nor too little in rural areas.

Qing Juan said, "Why didn't his uncle choose Qingfeng and Qingshou? Two thousand yuan, didn't he say the coffin was cheap?" Then he asked Yao Siyun: "Mom, my father, the uncle, is also with you. Like my milk, I prefer my uncle..."

Where is the preference for your uncle?

It's just that your second uncle and your father offended someone who was regarded as an uncle.

"Your fourth uncle and four aunts have become such big officials." Yao Siyun hummed, "Meng's family, my uncle and uncle's family, didn't get a dime. I've asked your second uncle and your father, and said they want to Find a job for this son, and put the grandchildren's granddaughter in the university. They were all blocked by them. How old is his uncle this year? What can you do? When you were in the provincial capital, your dad said, just call one of his cousins ​​over. Who would have known that someone would come. It was inconvenient at that time, but now that he is back, he will not be offended. If not, go to the Meng family. If it really doesn't work, just talk with money. The juniors below are not all like this uncle." After that, he said Qingping, "I was afraid that your temper would bring your father back... …”


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