Xicheng District, the civilian area of ​​the Oak City, after leaving the school, Sulik returned to his uncle's home.

After greeting his aunt who was preparing dinner, Sulik slipped back to his room in the attic.

The room is small and the decoration is very simple. There is only a single bed and an old desk. The whole room has only a small window. Not only does the air flow is poor, but it is also difficult for sunlight to come in. It is cold in winter and summer. Heat is a true portrayal of it, but Sulik is already very satisfied with it. If it wasn't for his uncle to take him in, maybe he would no longer know that he died in that corner.

Going back to his room and glanced around, Sulik immediately locked the wooden door.

Leaning over and digging under the bed, Sulik took out a shabby book with a black cover and yellowed paper.

After the large-scale recovery of the demonic wave, although the Old World has not actively promoted the existence of the extraordinary, it has not covered it too much. Being in an Ivy League university and having more contact with the children of the nobles, Sulik naturally knew the existence of the extraordinary early. , Just like the wind blade that almost killed him today, that is an extraordinary power.

As a wise man, Sulik knows that if you rely on pure reading and his background, the best result after graduation is to engage in some literary work and get a good salary. After a few years, you may be able to get some Savings, but this is not what he wants, he wants to live better, wants to change his class.

However, it is not easy to achieve this goal. Class, a simple word, is a threshold that many people cannot cross in their entire lives.

In the path Sulik currently knows, transcendence is the last to achieve this goal. Only by becoming transcendent and mastering powerful power can he change everything. As a good historian, Sulik is in the past history. A lot of traces of extraordinary powers were found in it, and the faintly displayed power made him yearning.

"If I remember correctly, it should be on page 17."

The thoughts in his mind turned, and Sulik opened the book in his hand.

The book in his hand is only a thin layer, which looks very thin, but it contains a lot of content. So far, Sulik has not finished reading this book.

Wow, the pages of the book were turned, and a smile appeared on Surik's face when he saw the content on page 17.

"Sure enough."

Spread out the galaxy water rose wrapped in waste newspapers, its brilliance, and the sky blue flowers are exactly the same as the pictures on the pages of the book.

"This is the nobleman, and it is the third-order transcendental plant at hand."

Seeing the bunch of galaxy roses in front of him, Sulik inevitably thought of Katie.

"But with this thing I can finally become a truly extraordinary person."

Turning the pages of the book, Sulik focused his gaze on a mysterious ritual. This was the only way he could find to become a transcendent. He had been lacking suitable transcendent items as a guide before, but now the Milky Way Rose has made up for it. One link, but what he didn't notice was that when he was performing the ritual, strange lines began to breed behind him, looking like a colorful spider, coquettish and weird.


"My lord, I performed so well today, do you want to reward me?"

In the dim room, a delicate voice sounded, and a woman with disheveled clothes appeared. It was Katie’s attendant. Reya who shot Sulik today, but at this moment she no longer has the pride of aristocracy. , Kneeling on the ground like a bitch, his brown pupils are full of desire.

"Hey, have the seeds of **** have been planted? It seems that you have done a good job during this period, and I should really reward you."

The hoarse words sounded, with unconcealable excitement, and then a slender figure appeared on the white wall under the light of the light, with a long whip in his hand.

Pop, pop, pop, as the whip marks continued to fall, the sound of pain and pleasure echoed in the silent room.


Earls Mansion, Sean, who had been staying at the Oak Root of the family's highest research institute during this time, returned to Earls Mansion rarely.

"Master, the master let you in."

Just as Sean looked at a figure thoughtfully, Plant came to him.

Hearing this, he withdrew his gaze, and Xiao En walked towards the study. He didn't know what Heston had to say this time when he specifically called him back.


Walking into the study, looking at Heston Montell who was meditating, Sean bowed and asked hello.

"It seems that you have a good harvest at Oak Root this time."

Looking back at Sean, who was clearly in good spirits, Histon’s face showed a smile. In this day and age, with such a blood inheritor as Sean, no matter what happens, the Montell family The inheritance is always more guaranteed.

"Originally, I called you today to tell you about the maze. After all, the time for it to open is almost up, but before this time I have something that you need to refer to."

There was light in the azure blue pupils, and Heston talked about the purpose of looking for Sean this time. Now that Sean has been promoted to Tier 5, he needs to come into contact with some things in the family.

"Father, you said."

"Mr. Browning, the director of the Steam Association, came to me and hoped that I could allow the Steam Association to build a branch in Oak City."

Hearing this, Sean’s heart moved. He thought of the weird man he saw when he just walked in. The body of this weird person in perception has undergone a large-scale mechanical transformation. To a certain extent, he can no longer be regarded as a pure flesh and blood life.

"Father, I don't know what kind of conditions Mr. Browning gave?"

With the mind turning, Sean asked the most critical question. Judging from the nature of the Steam Association, it is actually unnecessary to resolutely resist the establishment of a branch.

"Mr. Browning promised to provide technical support in the next two years, to help us build a railway that runs through the York Group, and to help us open steam and mechanics at Ivy League University."

After speaking, Heston Montell turned his attention to Sean.

When he heard this, Sean fell into contemplation. Seeking truth from facts, the conditions given by the Steam Association were very good. Fortunately, Sean didn’t understand why they wanted to do this. He had to know that they were simply building a Steam Association in Yorkshire. The division does not seem to be able to reap much benefit.


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