Ivy League University, one of the best universities in Yorkshire, is mostly middle-class and above families who can study here, and only a few people with exceptionally good grades are likely to break this threshold.

The Ivy League University is located in the Nancheng District of Oak City. It is a well-known university in the country. It is famous for natural sciences and history. Of course, the status of the Ivy League University in this era has suffered some impact, because the most popular subject in the Old World is steam. Studies and mechanics, and Ivy League universities are undoubtedly lagging behind in this regard.

Occupying a vast area, adhering to nature, it is not solemn and gorgeous, but it is picturesque. On the campus of Ivy League University, you can see verdant branches and beautiful flowers everywhere, all year round and seasons.

"Wow, Katie, you are so beautiful today."

As a direct bloodline of the Montell family, Katie is naturally a figure in the Ivy League. As she walked into the campus, people immediately surrounded her.

In fact, under normal circumstances, Katie should go to Foster University, the capital, just like Sean. In terms of learning knowledge, the university education is probably not as good as the private education in Earls Court.

But later, because Countess Muriel was reluctant to leave her little padded jacket and the special factors of extraordinary recovery, Katie was sent to Ivy League University.

"Katie, your bouquet of blue roses is so beautiful and has a magical aura. It's an extraordinary plant."

People are divided into groups, and those who can stand beside Katie are naturally noble disciples. It is no secret for them to be transcendent, and many of them are transcendents themselves.

"This is the Galaxy Water Rose, a third-order supernatural plant, given to me by my brother."

Holding the delicate blue rose in her hand, Katie's face immediately showed an undisguised smile when she heard the praise of others. The smile was like a flower, and the people and the flowers matched each other.

"Is it Baron Sean? Katie, when will you take us to meet your brother?"

"Yes, yes, I heard that Baron Sean is a super gentle person?"

Speaking of Sean, the sister group around Katie immediately became lively, as if they were all Sean's fans.

Upon hearing this, Katie immediately changed the subject. She didn't plan to take these people to see Sean, let alone them. During this time, even she rarely saw Sean.

"Okay, the results of the monthly exam should come out, let's go and check it out first."

After speaking, Katie took the lead to walk towards the campus.

Although it can be regarded as an aristocratic school, the teaching situation of Ivy League universities is very strict. There is a monthly examination every month, and each subject is divided into four grades abcd. In a school year, if a student has 6 grades D, then He has only two options, either to retake the course or drop out.

The results were announced at the beginning of the month, and the bulletin board was crowded at this time, but when Katie and his party arrived, these people all gave way.

Walking to the bulletin board and looking at the results on the bulletin board, Katie raised her eyebrows, but the people behind her did not speak.

Katie has more than 500 people in this session. This time Katie's total score is ranked second. It looks very good, but it is a bit difficult for Katie, although this is not the first time.

"Katie, that kid is just lucky this time, you don't need to care too much."

Seeing Katie was silent, someone who guessed her thoughts spoke up.

"Yes, Katie."

"That kid is just a fluke, how could he be a commoner than you."

The echoes sounded everywhere, and the people who followed at this moment spoke one after another.

"Are they all a?"

Looking at the performance of the person at the top, a trace of dissatisfaction flashed across Katie's face. In this exam, her other subjects were all a, and only history was b.

"Next time I will definitely beat you."

Retracting her gaze, Katie turned and left here.

As soon as Katie left, the others naturally followed.

"Hey, isn't that the Surik kid?"

Walking on the road full of flowers on both sides, someone suddenly spoke. Upon hearing this, Katie immediately cast her gaze over, and soon she saw the familiar and unfamiliar shadow.

Sulik, an out-and-out civilian, both of his parents died in his early years, and now he lives with his uncle’s family. Because of his excellent grades, he was funded by the Oak Foundation, so he was able to enter the Ivy League university, and every exam was basically He and Katie competed for the first place.

"Surik, stop for me."

Seeing Sulik walking towards him, thinking of what happened before, someone wanted to give Katie a sigh of relief.

Hearing this, he glanced at the crowd on the opposite side. He was thin, with golden curly hair, brown pupils, and wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses. If possible, he doesn't want to deal with these people.

"I told you to stop, didn't you hear?"

Seeing Sulik's deaf ears, the woman who just spoke was even more angry. As a noble, how could she tolerate Sulik's contempt by a civilian?

Shoo, a wind blade shot out, passing straight in front of Sulik.

Stopping, watching the fine hair fall, Sulik couldn’t help clenching his fists. There were various emotions in his brown pupils, just a little bit, just a little bit more, he just had to take one more step just now. It might be dead.

"What do you want?"

Suppressing the anger in his heart, turning around, facing the noble woman, Sulik's expression was as blank as ever.

To be honest, the result of the wind blade just now was also a little afraid in the noble woman's heart. After all, she did not intend to kill Sulik. The behavior just now was only the result of anger, but of course she could not show it at this moment, let alone Sulik now This expression made her even more uncomfortable.

"Surik, you immediately kneel to me..."


Just when the noble lady wanted to fix Sulik~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Katie said.

Hearing this, although the noble woman was not upset in her heart, she still sensibly silenced.

"Surik, congratulations on your first place in this monthly exam."

With words, walking forward, Katie handed the Galaxy Water Rose to Sulik. For this man of civilian origin, Katie’s senses are complicated, from ignoring at the beginning to paying attention later. Until now, I am not convinced, but I don't hate it.


Looking at each other with Katie's purple eyes, and reaching out to take the rose, Sulik thanked him.

Seeing Sulik holding the rose and gradually moving away from the back, the corner of Katie's mouth quietly outlined a beautiful arc, and she was inexplicably happy.

At this time, the Jinglian Demon Fire Mark on Katie's forehead suddenly lit up, but it quickly returned to normal.


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