Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 958: You have to understand me

  Chapter 958 You have to understand me

Shortly after.

  The vast and endless void beyond the [material world].

  The inside of the [Pantheon] that is inaccessible to mortals.

   Accompanied by a huge and ear-splitting roar and the shroud of dazzling radiance.

  A high platform made of ninety-nine grade gray stones slowly emerged.

   is also at that moment.

  The gods who have phantoms in the [Pantheon] are all in touch.

  So, crossing the obstruction of time and space, projected part of his consciousness.

   Then, under the gaze of the gods.

  On the towering quaint platform, a building resembling an altar was quickly built.

  There, a strange stone slab with a width of forty centimeters, a length of 70 centimeters, and a thickness of 20 centimeters is enshrined in rows!

  The first time you see it, you don’t need to observe anything specially.

  All the watchers will instinctively have a strong possessiveness in their hearts.

  ‘The Treasure! ’

   No need for any communication or illusion.

  In the hearts of all the [Gods], that common idea was born directly!

  With accompanying.

  There is also a feeling of greed.

  It's just that, driven by that emotion.

  Some [Gods] understand in their hearts that that thing is not something they can touch.

  So, even though their hearts are still reluctant to give up, their mentality quickly regained their peace.

  There is not too much entanglement with the problem of the treasure itself.

  Some guys, because of their nature or negative influences such as [the characteristics of the priesthood], are not so normal.

  Even if they knew that the thing was not their own, they still had extremely stubborn reluctance in their hearts.

  Because, in their opinion, it is definitely a treasure that can make you extraordinarily powerful!


   Soon, they didn’t wait for them to start thinking and fantasizing about the origin of the stone slab.

  【AO】The calm and instinctive voice that made people feel awe-inspiring directly echoed silently inside the 【Pantheon】, answering all the doubts in their hearts:

   "No need to be surprised, this is a treasure named [Stone of Destiny]."

   "Its history is quite long, and it has always existed since the beginning of its creation." (Although it is in the form of [evil snake] body surface dust~)

  "In the past time, due to the imperfections of each [world], its structure was relatively scattered and undefined." (The dust that has not been rubbed together is naturally a bit scattered~)

  "Until recently, as the rules of each [world] tend to stabilize, it has been completely formed."

"It's just that it's like a special cornerstone that stabilizes the [worlds]. Of course, it contains endless power and the deepest secrets of each [world], but its existence also symbolizes some special meanings. , Don’t act rashly!"

   "For this, right now, I decided to place it inside the [Pantheon] for close supervision!"

   "In addition to that, in order to make motivating actions, you, as the [God] who maintains the [rules of the world], will have the opportunity to learn about it if you make significant contributions in the future..."

  In the long words.

  [AO] directly took the stories he had just finished composing a few [God of God] as a fact, and told it to a serious person.

  In terms of expression and tone, the appearance of the middle-aged man he used did not show any falsehood at all.

  Yes, it’s just solemn and solemn faces...

  See this situation.

  I don’t feel that [AO], who is the [God God] at all, has a reason to deceive this group of [God] gods in these aspects, and there is no suspicion.

   is very straightforward, and one after another believes what he said.

  After all, what the other party said, they are also part of the verification.

  They are [Gods].

  It is very clear that the rules and order of the various [worlds] have indeed gradually and completely stabilized not too long ago.

  And that situation also increased the credibility of [AO]’s words...

  One time.

  Faced with the pie drawn by [AO].

  Although I don’t know what the other party’s major contribution is.

  But each [God] subconsciously noticed in their hearts.

   have felt.

  Perhaps, I will have the opportunity to comprehend the [Stone of Destiny] in the future, maybe?

  However, some [Gods] don’t care much about the so-called opportunity for enlightenment.

  One mind, just want to get the [Stone of Destiny], and then take it as my own.

  It can be said that the strength of [AO] is unfathomable. No matter what they are doing, if they change the holder, they will have to fight immediately...

  It’s just that, even so, they are still a bit too tender after all.

  I don’t understand at all, how sinister and despicable the minds of [God Gods] are...

  As for these things, [AO] didn’t care too much about it, and just treated them as trivial things.


  This black and bright scapegoat will be here from now on.

  In the future, no matter who dares to make trouble, and no matter whether it is done or not, all the problems will be detained on the other side anyway...

  That kind of feeling, to be honest, is completely the same as standing by the sidelines.

  【AO】I don’t panic at all~

  After all, he knows the urinary nature of this group of [Gods]...


  And the same moment.

   Inside [Seal City].

  In a large courtyard as huge as an ancient forest.

  [Ms. Pain] was sitting on the stone bench, looking at the one not far away as if nothing was done.

  Have not stabbed the clone of [Oli Damara] and snatched all the other party’s belongings. This kind of thing is Orrga’s heart.

  I don't have any angry thoughts.

  The mentality is very stable.

  As a [God God].

  Don’t say that Olga just stabbed [Olida Mara]’s clone to death.

  Even if he really stabbed the other person's [real body].

  【Ms. Pain】In fact, it can also be regarded as nothing happened.

  There is only one factor that can really be slightly cared about by her.

  That was Olga’s actions, some of them were too blatant.

   Killed the opponent in full view, and left silently...

Such actions undoubtedly affected the internal discipline of [Seal City].

  That’s why she found Olga to say a few words.

   while facing her words.

  Orrauga was also very confident and replied:

   "I don't want to do that either!"

   "After all, I am also an [Abyss Demon] with an identity."

   "But if I run out of money, I can't continue eating, drinking, and gambling!"

   "And I am too lazy to engage in troublesome money-making transactions."

   "So, I can only do some non-capital trading and eat and drink."

   "You have to understand me!"

  (End of this chapter)

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