Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 957: 【Stone of Destiny】

  Chapter 957 [Stone of Destiny]

  Discuss the various necessary factors related to [disciplinary mechanism] more or less later.

  At the time of the end immediately.

  As the last question.

  【AO】Suddenly asked several other 【God Gods】:

   "Since the general direction of the matter is almost completed and finalized."

  "Then the introduction of [Disciplinary Mechanism], do you have any arrangements?"

   "You can't forcefully brainwash everyone, and then insert that [setting] in, right?"

  Since the large-scale revision of the rules, the completion of the second creation of the world.

  Many [worlds] in this [plane] have already experienced a period of growth and development, and all the rules are in a stable state.

  Now, if you want to forcefully insert a new [setting], it is undoubtedly a very contradictory thing.

  Especially when the [settings] itself is very influential, even more so!

  There is no need to doubt anything, it will definitely make it feel wrong to exist more.

  Especially the gods whose main influence is the target, it is impossible to ignore it.

  After all, that feeling is like a mountain suddenly added to your door.

  As one of the targets being asked, the [evil snake] who felt that there was nothing wrong with the words, with an attitude of trying, he spoke:

   "...or else, find someone to hold back the pot?"

   "Be specific."

"Perhaps, we can come up with something that is extremely tempting and special, but we must not act rashly, waiting for some restless guys to take the bait, and whoever moves something at that time will carry the scapegoat. "

  Wait for him to finish.

  [Good Snake] immediately interrupted in puzzlement:

"It sounds pretty good."

   "But, is there such a thing?"

  He didn’t know that there were treasures of that degree in this space and time.

  After all, the four of them are basically empty-handed.

  Even [Ms. Pain] The stalkless blade that automatically rotates next to him is also more decorative than actual, and can only be used when abusing food...

  So, because there is no demand, there is no principle of result.

  In this time and space, naturally, there are no special treasures.

  Faced with doubts, [Evil Snake] retorted disdainfully:

   "This is very irrational."

   "Is there anything like that, isn't it the few of us who have the final say?"

  As the referee, setter, host...

  In the case of multiple halos, the so-called treasures are, in the final analysis, their products.


  [Evil Snake] automatically flew out of a scale as large as a vast world.

  Among them, there are countless rays of light flowing wantonly, which looks quite mysterious.

   Then, its surface.

   Countless dust slowly floated out.

  Like a sandstorm that obscures the sky and the sun, covering multiple worlds.

  Wait for them to come together.

   Soon, in the eyes of the rest of the [God God], a slate-like object with a simple appearance appeared...

  Its existence, it seems to be full of traces of time.

  There are not only some patterns that make people completely incomprehensible, but also feel unclear and sharp.

  It is also full of a vague special position, which will be attracted subconsciously.

  Even if it is [God], it will inevitably be affected!

   "Jie Jie Jie~"

  After a weird laugh.

  Completed the [evil snake] of human working leave and artificial old-fashioning, when even I was very happy to show off:

   "Look, isn't this a treasure?"

   Apart from showing off, He did not forget to add:

   "However, in order to make it more attractive, we can also compile some very interesting origins and some special meanings that sound very powerful."

  "Even though, its biggest practical function is actually decoration..."

  While talking, [Evil Snake] also did not forget to reinstall his scales intact.


  Although it is a bit disgusting, the nature of the piece is basically the sludge on the surface of the body. [AO] also casually compiled some settings:

  "It is the [Fate Slab], this is the [sacred fetish] that existed at the beginning of the creation, and it records all the secrets in the entire time and space?"

   "However, because it contains a lot of secrets, it also symbolizes a certain rule in time and space, which cannot be easily used. A slight accident will cause disaster..."

  As a slate made of various stones and dust, it also represents the tragic fate of the [Gods] in the future, and it is called [Fate Slab], and it is true.

  As for the origin, it is not a random compilation.

  The dust used as raw materials really existed at the beginning of the creation.

  As long as you can break through the secrets and find its creator [Order Double Snake-Evil Snake], then there is a probability to learn all the secrets from the other party!

  If there is a real existence that can understand those things of unknown meaning, and after finding the [evil snake], it is not eaten by him...

  And for the stories newly compiled by [AO], [Evil Snake] is also very satisfied:

   "Very good, just like that~"

  "In the future, just find an opportunity to show this thing out, and then store it via [AO]."

   "You don't need to hide it too tightly. Anyway, store this thing in a place where most of the [Gods] know the location, but don't dare to approach it!"

   "Next, we will wait for the restless guy to do it and we're done."

   "At that time, if anyone really touches this thing, we will immediately activate the [disciplinary mechanism], and release news and notifications, claiming that all things were caused by the [Stone of Destiny]!"

   "That way, naturally there will be guys who are backing us~"

   "And, at that time, you can also think of a cool name to call that [Disciplinary Mechanism]."

   "For example: [God Catastrophe], [Holy Man Catastrophe]... or something."

   "People can feel the seriousness of the matter just by listening!"

"Also, even if the [Fate Slab] is restored afterwards, we can also say that in the process of using [Fate Slab], certain parts of the rules in time and space have been irreversibly changed after all, so every once in a while Or after a certain condition is triggered, that kind of disaster will happen again..."

  After listening to all this in silence.

  One time.

  [Ms. Pain] also has an inexplicable sense of sight.

   directly couldn’t help but vomit:

   "This is really a double of [Feng Shen Yan Yi] in [Feng Shen Yan Yi], and even a copy of [Feng Shen Bang] has been made..."

  (End of this chapter)

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