Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 671: [Artifact-Same Zhao]

  Chapter 671 [Artifact-Same Omen]


  This is the kingdom ruled by Urza.

  At this time, looking at the various information presented on the strategy map.

   Keza couldn't help frowning:

  \'There is indeed a big mistake...\'

   Right now, his war with Misra has been going on for several years.

During this time.

  The two sides have been in a stalemate.

  There are winners and losers.

  But as the number of fights increased, he also became more aware of the weirdness of his brother.

  Even if there is an almost irreconcilable contradiction between the two brothers.

  But they are unquestionable blood relatives.

   And they have supported each other for more than ten years when they were young.

  So, they know each other deeply.

  The current Misra, in Urza’s eyes, seemed to be an obvious fake and shoddy product, which made him feel the discomfort and dislike from deep in his heart.

  But according to his temptation.

  The other party’s memory is intact again, as if there is nothing wrong with it.

   But the strong and unignorable sense of disharmony still made Urza unable to let go.

  ‘It must be investigated again...’

  Finally, Urza confirmed the matter.

  A series of names began to be slowly listed in the brain.

  Those guys are excellent intelligence collectors he knows...


  Three months later.

  After dying a lot of manpower and consuming a lot of resources.

  Some information from the investigation was placed in front of Urza.

  The information surveyed by different personnel is recorded in detail, and a series of re-weighting and proofreading have been done, and the originally scattered information has been roughly sorted into a relatively simple and understandable line!


  Using the above information, Urza confirmed that Misra’s affairs were indeed very wrong!

[Before a certain day seventy-six years ago, Misra was still conducting research along the normal artifact maker route, but after that day, he began to research the transformation of flesh and blood creatures into semi-sacred creatures, resulting in I have a very strong interest...]

  This kind of thing is like an expert in machinery, suddenly rushing to study biology.

   is very directly full of a sense of violation!

  Especially if Urza knows his brother’s character very well.

  It is really that simple to change his interests, and he and the other party will not have a falling out.

  [After changing the research direction, not long after, a large number of results were born in Misra's hands, biological modification method, semi-artifact armor, biological aids...]

  Seeing this, Urza was even more certain that something must have happened to his brother.

  Any normal subject is something that is rigorous and takes time to pile up.

  In the period from failure to success, countless failure cases will inevitably occur.

  And these works of Misra are not just one after another.

  Technology is still relatively mature.

  There is almost no failure rate at all!

  According to Urza's guess, Misra has a high probability of directly acquiring relatively mature or fully mature technology, which may cause such a phenomenon!

  The guys or forces who gave him these skills must have an inseparable relationship with the changes that took place in Misra!

   But even if this is confirmed.

  Urza is still not sure that Misra at this moment is not his own younger brother.

  Think of this.

  His eyes became a bit sullen...

  No matter how big the contradiction is!

  But the affection between him and Misra is also a real thing.


  If his brother is really killed by someone else, he is replaced by someone else with a fake...

  So no matter what the price is, Urza will complete the revenge for Misra!

have to say.

  Human emotions are indeed very complicated.

  Even if he and Misra will hate each other, the connection between childhood memories and blood will give them another feeling.

  Let things no longer be friends or enemies in a simple sense.

  Instead, it has become a somewhat self-contradictory complex state.

  I can flatten him, but others can’t!

  In short, it's almost like that.


Five years later.

  In a fierce battlefield with various attacks and weapons flying all over the sky.

  Urza, who was covered with blood, and his injuries were obviously serious.

  Looking at Misra who was standing not far in front of him, there was a little unconcealable sadness in his eyes.

  The guy in front of you.

  Maybe part of it is his younger brother.

  But that's all.

  He can’t really be his brother...

   After repeated temptations, Urza finally completely confirmed this fact!

  Since then.

  The other scenes in the battlefield did not arouse his attention anymore.

  Even though his side has fallen into an absolute disadvantage, it seems that he will be pushed completely right away.

  In front of Mishra, Urza smiled wildly and said:

  "[Phyrexian World]?

  Although I still don’t understand your actual identity and situation...

  But you have ruined my blood relatives, and I will surely make you pay a heavy price for it..."


   Hearing this, Misra, whose consciousness and life form had already been changed by Yogmov, immediately showed a very puzzled expression on his face.

  He wondered why the other party was able to say this kind of words at this moment.

  After all, he has the absolute upper hand here!

  However, the next moment.

  The energy detection equipment mounted on Misra's body suddenly uttered an extremely harsh scream.

  It is as if the battlefield they are in has suddenly become a different space full of energy!

  In the hands of Urza, the [Power Stone] that can strengthen [Artifacts] and [Artifact Creatures] suddenly released a strong and incomparable brilliance at this moment!

  Urza shouted with a ferocious look:

   "Let's die together!"

  Do not wait for Misra to make any response.

   More than ten meters below the ground, an artifact named [Tong Zhao] was officially launched.

  This is a super artifact that Urza spent a huge price and consumed a lot of non-renewable resources.

  Have the power to destroy the country, destroy the army, and destroy everything!

  Under its own power and the strengthening effect of [Power Stone].

  A giant lightning that is powerful enough to tear the sky down, instantly descended from the void!

  This moment!

  With its landing point as the core, whether it is plants, soil, minerals, flesh and blood... or those artifacts and creatures with special functions, they will all be destroyed in an instant!

  A crimson invisible halo, accompanied by the apocalyptic storm, in the blink of an eye, it spread from nothing to the edge of the sky!

   Things along the way.

  Whether it is the enemy and us fighting fiercely in the battlefield, or the towering mountains, the vast lakes that are not bottomless, the powerful and energetic advanced countries...

  Everything, in the face of its destructive power, is like a sand pile encountered by a hurricane, and disappeared in a blink of an eye!

not only that.

  The crust and continental shelf of the entire continent were forcibly interrupted by that lightning!

  In this situation, just like something slowly sinking into the depths of a swamp, that huge continental plate has also begun to sink irreparably...

  The extremely strong storm, like an uncontrollable torrent, directly affects the entire world!

  Thunderstorms, hail, heavy snow, tsunamis...

  Countless natural disasters.

   appears randomly everywhere without any rules.

  Even, even the originally stable space-time structure itself has undergone some changes under the impact of this huge force.

  At this moment.

  In this doomsday scene of shaking mountains, backflowing sea, cracking sky, and sinking land, the whole [Dominaria World] seems to be crying!

  (End of this chapter)

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