Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 670: Brothers war

  Chapter 670 Battle of Brothers

after one day.

  The industrialized underground secret room that was originally filled with all kinds of mechanical parts has become an operating room filled with all kinds of flesh and blood.

  Countless blood and flesh and blood, like torn residue, are scattered all over the underground chamber at will.

  And those things mostly come from Misra's subordinates.

  Faced Yogmov.

  They had no resistance at all when they were guarding nearby.

  Easily, it becomes a pile of minced meat that cannot be described in detail.

  And Misra as the main target.

   is even more miserable now, like a specimen that has been air-dried, quietly hung on a shelf.

  His abdomen is like an opened box, which has been thrown directly from the middle.

  A large number of organs have long since disappeared.

  Instead, many refined mechanical artifacts are forcibly maintaining Misra's life.

  His lips were cut.

  After a long period of transformation, even the power to scream is lost.

   exhausted his last strength, but only asked feebly:

"who are you?"

  Faced with this boring question that is almost tired of listening.

  Yogmov first scratched the opponent's liver with his hand, and inlaid something resembling a miniature gear in the gap of the blood vessel.

   answered casually:

   "The [Disabled Stone] that you took, was able to be born because of part of my credit. Guess who I am?"

  Hear this.

  Mishra, whose brain was already dizzy, flashed countless messages in her mind.

  As the existence that relies on the [Stone of Impairment] to be able to rise.

  Mishra naturally studied [the history of the Solan people] in depth.

  To know roughly the truth about the destruction of that powerful ethnic group.

  And among them.

   focuses on a madman.

  A crazy, cruel lunatic who directly led to the destruction of [Solan Civilization].

  It is said that the birth of [Power Stone] and [Disabled Stone] is directly related to the lunatic and another [Sorlan Man] genius.

  Looking at the guy in front of me.

  Especially after combining the other party’s means of action.

  Misra was both surprised and unbelievable.

  After hesitating for a while, he was a little uncertain to say a name:


  Hear the words.

  Yogmov, who was named, showed no change in his expression, but sighed nonchalantly:

   "It seems that my fame, even after thousands of years, is still pretty good on this old soil of [Solan Kingdom]..."

   While talking.

  He took out dozens of slender metal nails from the toolbox on the side.

  Forcibly nail them into the joints of Mishra's body.

  After that, he took out a special-shaped tool and began to slowly make gestures to Misra's skull, as if he was planning to perform a craniotomy on the opponent.

  But it's still the kind that doesn't take anesthetics.

  Listening to his default words.

  Look at these scenes again.

  As a victim, Misra can only feel infinite despair in her heart.

  He is very clear.

  Don’t say it’s this time.

  Even in a state of proper preparation, he is not qualified to fight this madman named Yogmov.

  This is one of the most famous geniuses in the history of [Solan People]!

   also understood why the artifacts and artifact creatures he made were robbed of control without resistance.

   To put it bluntly, the technology he used was nothing more than a few stumps left by [Solan Civilization] back then.

  Naturally can't resist Yogmov, who has mastered high-level technology!


  The thing that greets Misra is eternal despair...

  His brain was forcibly opened, his soul was ingested, and his self-consciousness began to be forcibly rewritten...


  Two days later.

  Everything has ended.

  The basement was calm again.

  In this **** environment, Misra seemed to have recovered intact and stood on the ground again.

  From the appearance alone, it is almost impossible to see any problems.


  At this time, if anyone can peel off his skin.

  You can immediately discover that Mishra has at least 70% of his body, replaced with a special metal structure.

  Various spell patterns, energy cores, and artifact parts have replaced the internal organs that he originally relied on for survival.

  And his own will.

   also sank into the eternal darkness under the irresistible force and became the servant of Yogmoth.

   "Don't let me down, do the tasks I have arranged."

  When the figure of Yogmov gradually left.

  Mishra, who had been transformed into a semi-artifact creature, knelt down on the ground, and responded enthusiastically: "Respect your will."

   is like an avid believer who has listened to his own deity.


  Under the will of Yogmov.

   has long been different from the previous Misra, and began to frantically absorb the fallen knowledge from the [Phyrexian World].

  Based on this.

  Continuously expand their power.

  In front of Misra’s terrifying technology, as well as his indefatigable and death-defying army of artifacts and artifact creatures, ordinary forces are simply unable to effectively resist...

  Decades later.

  Mishra, whose power has expanded to a certain extent, saw a familiar figure again.

  His brother.


  Just as he rules countless mortals now.

  The opponent has successfully ruled a powerful kingdom.

  So after many years, the two began to confront each other again.

  It’s just that this time, the situation is no longer the same as the last time.

  Under their will, millions of artifacts and artifact creatures, like locust swarms that cover the sky and the sun, have launched an extremely fierce fight!

  Two connected geniuses.

  Showed his power to the whole 【Dominaria World】……

  Countless mortals can only tremble under their feet.

  Even those with extraordinary abilities are amazed by the superb skills of the two.


   did not arouse any suspicion.

  Everyone just treats this as a regular struggle within the world.

  Only Urza, who was fighting Misra, found something wrong with his own professional knowledge, but could not tell the problem.

  He looked at his younger brother and the other's subordinates, all full of traces of reformation.

  I don’t understand at all, how the opponent transforms himself into an artifact creature.

  But after some thinking.

   also just thought that his brother had gone on a crooked road.

   did not deliberately guess something that was too conspiracy.

  Because he is sure.

  The other party is indeed his younger brother!

  Only in terms of personality, it has changed a lot from the past.

  And those changes.

   was also subconsciously classified as the normal change after the influence of time, without thinking about it at all.

  (End of this chapter)

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