Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1649: 【Double Holy Tree】

   Not long.

  【Adabas】remotely contacted another existence.

   That is logically speaking.

   An existence that has to fight each other as soon as they meet—【McKahn】.

   If we say that in [Chaos Faction] and [Order Faction], [Red Existence] is the guy corresponding to [Black Existence].

   Then, between the two factions, the guy corresponding to [Adabas] is [McKahn].

   The two are natural opponents.

   Basically, the kind that you have to touch whenever you stay in one place.

   And now.

   Facing the call of [Adabas].

   is almost the next instant.

  [McKahn] came to the front of [Adabas] and looked at the other party calmly.

   Although he didn't say a word.

   There is no malicious words against each other.

   But that feeling of what the **** you are looking for from me is still there.

  The two sides will not meet directly due to the situation.

   But how much communication and tacit understanding you expect from them is obviously impossible...


   After meeting.

   Neither side bothered to say hello.

   Both felt disgusting to each other.

   Facing the gaze of [McKahn], he also felt disgusting, and [Adabas], who was too lazy to communicate with the other party, did not hesitate, and directly took out some of his thoughts and threw them to the other party.

   That was the specific plan in her mind.

   contains what she wants the other person to do.

   Wait until that part of the idea is absorbed.

  【McKahn】 did not answer directly.

   instead fell into thinking.

   She was slightly moved by her suggestion of [Adabas].

   After thinking about it.

   She did not make the decision alone.

   directly turned to his boss—【Black Existence】, and conveyed the situation completely.

next moment.

The    reply was accepted by her.

   She conveyed the message directly and said to [Adabas]:

   "We can do our part here."

   "But correspondingly, we need some control over those life groups."

   And that [Adabas] who also contacted [Red Existence], without hesitation, replied directly: "Yes."

that's it.

   In the quick talk, the two sides who hated each other directly negotiated a cooperation project.

   Time of the day, later.

   The figures of [Adabas] and [McKahn] came to a new area.

  The terrain here is gentle, the four seasons are like spring, and it has a good environment.

   And the resources are very rich.

  Whether it is water resources or all other resources.

   Therefore, there are naturally a lot of herds thriving here.

   There are even many monsters that can move mountains and seas.


  After arriving here, [Adabas] was just a thought, and those monsters that inhabited here and could be counted as the top of the local food chain were moved to another place tens of millions of miles away.

   didn't even react.

   They were surprised to find that their living area had become an extremely lush large forest...


   looks full of doubts.

  ‘? ? ’

   And after doing this kind of move for local residents.

  [Adabos]'s body automatically crawled out of a bit like an earthworm, the surface was covered with all kinds of bloodstained things, and automatically drilled into the depths of the ground...


   It didn't take long.

  A huge vibration occurred.

  The flat earth is slowly cracking.

   A chasm continues to spread on the ground.

   Large chunks of land were raised from the depths of the earth.

   in places invisible to the naked eye.

   The branches and vine-like things composed of flesh and blood continue to extend underground, forming a very stable structure underground like a spider web.


   is to grow upwards…

   is about tens of seconds later.

   A huge tree appeared there.

  The shade of the trees stretches for an inexplicable range, covering the surrounding sky like a canopy.

   After a while.

   A fruit appeared on a lush, leafy branch.

   That was the first member of the new tribe.

   Although not yet born.

   But that majestic vitality can already crush most of the monsters.

   seems to be some kind of [born god] that has not yet fully developed.

   is also at this time.

  【McKahn】beside 【Adabos】 moved.

  I saw that the long-handled metal hammer in her hand just tapped lightly in the air.

   A crisp sound echoed in the empty mid-air.

   As if someone was wielding a forging hammer, forging something with force.

   this moment.

   In fact.

  【McKahn】is indeed forging something.

   She is forging 【Rationality】 in the air.

   and give it to the one who has not yet been born, to synthesize the opponent's [wildness] as a creature, so that the opponent can think more calmly.

  《My Healing Game》

   and calm thinking is also one of the necessary prerequisites for the cooperation between individuals...

  After transforming that fruit.

   belongs to the power of [McKahn], and it even stretches towards the tree without stopping.

   gives it the basic ability to spread 【reason】.

from now on.

   All creatures it creates will have the basic characteristic of calm thinking.


  This tree has also become a joint venture between the two parties, and both [McKahn] and [Adabas] will have some control over it.

   And the two of them have control, which means that [Red Existence] and [Black Existence] have actual control...

  Wait for [McKahn] to recover the hammer.

   Almost the next moment.

   Fruit on a tree.

   There is already movement.

   After shaking it slightly.

   then fell safely to the ground.


   in the tearing sound.

   In that still steaming juice.

   A figure slowly opened his eyes.

   tore the peel that wrapped himself, got rid of the juice like amniotic fluid, stood up slowly, and respectfully came to [Adabas] and [McKahn], half-kneeled and said loudly:


   "Great Creator, your humble creatures, pay homage to you..."

   did not care what the other party said.

   Feel the extraordinary potential and perfect thinking ability of the other party.

   [Adabas], who was quite satisfied with the results, said:

   "You will be the original leader of your ethnic group, and you will be the guardian of this tree. I need you to lead your ethnic group to become stronger and prove to me the value of your waiting..."

   The new born who was born with all kinds of knowledge, without hesitation, replied with respect:

"I understand."

   "I will definitely complete the task!"

   "Now, can you ask the great creator to tell me your names and give me the corresponding names of the ethnic group..."

  [Adabos] and [McKahn] each replied:

   "My name—[Adabas]."

   "My name—[McKahn]."

   "As for the names of your ethnic groups..."

   Speaking of which.

   follows some inexplicable perception.

  [Adabas] said automatically without thinking:

   "Named [Human]."

   "And you, as the first leader of [Clan-Humanity], is called [Adam], which means [the first human being] and [the first human king]."

"This sacred tree that nurtures you, you can call it the [Double Sacred Tree] in the future, and soon, it will also nurture your partner, the second leader of the [human race], and To give you and other ethnic groups the first shelter..."

  The Demon of the Abyss

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