Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1648: 【Group cooperation】

  【Trapezoid space-time layer】.

   The interior of a certain layer [space-time layer].

  The environmental structure here is a huge wilderness without boundaries.

   And in the wilderness.

  There are some lakes or oceans scattered around.

   Whenever the breeze blows.

  Those weeds that are taller than people will squeak, and bend their waists slightly, revealing all kinds of beasts, beasts, beasts hidden in them...

   And a higher figure, I don't know when, has come here across an endless distance.

  Her figure is constantly changing every moment, either like a beast, like an insect, or like a lump of meat...

   It is a subordinate branch of [Red Existence]—[Adabos].

   In addition to being one of the local powerhouses, the strength is relatively good.

   She is also the direct creator of each [Native Flesh Race] in the current [Plane].


   In fact, it can also be called the [God of Flesh and Blood].

   Now is the moment.

   After she descended on this boundless [Space-Time Layer], she didn't make any extra moves.

   She is more of an observation.

   silent observation.

   Observe the life of those existing races, witness their development, measure the potential of each other in mind, and then make various decisions and analyses.

   This kind of thing sounds boring, looks boring, and is just as boring to do, but she has done it countless times in the thousands of years when the situation was relatively peaceful.

to be frank.

   For a key member of the [Chaos Faction], this is really a bit inconsistent with the style of painting...


   There is nothing she can do.

   Facing the threat of outsiders.

   Even her immediate boss—[Red Existence] has reached a cooperation pact with the boss of the hostile faction—[Black Existence].

  So, for this matter, she can only bear it hard...

Under normal conditions.

If there are no outsiders, [Red Existence] and [Black Existence], as beings that symbolize the extreme concepts of [Chaos] and [Order], should have begun to exclude each other long ago, and they are the lower branches of the two. , [Adabos] and [McKahn] should have started to fight to the death long ago, no matter how they scored.

   Of course.

   Now, everything is just a dream bubble without a trace...

At least.

   Before the outsiders are dealt with.

  They probably couldn't fight, and they didn't have the energy to fight.

   at this moment.

  【Adabos】The reason why he would go to various areas to observe the existing biological groups is actually for one thing.

   That is, as the [God of Flesh], she can clearly sense that the existing native races in the entire [Trapezoidal Space-Time Layer] are a little bit tasteless after all.

   Missed a vital taste…


   During this period of time, she will wander around and investigate, and constantly make various observations.

   This kind of thing is actually nothing to her as a local powerhouse.

   She is not as difficult as Olshaga and the others to get in.

   As long as you don't use excessive force.

   Here for her.

   is a place like a back garden.


   Another period of silent observation.

Her eyes saw the top of the sky, and above the clouds, all kinds of birds are flying recklessly, and she saw the dark depths of the ground, and the monsters who were fighting in the deep crypts. The swarms of galloping on the boundless plain seem like waves, and the huge herds of beasts that can cause earthquakes just by running...

   But, without exception, even if the vitality is so lush, even if the number is so large, she always feels a little bit bad...

  ‘What’s the bad feeling…’

   She stood motionless and fell into deep thought...

   Fifty years later.

  Stand on the wilderness where the surrounding environment is already changing with each passing day.

  [Adabas] who has not moved for decades.


   She has inspiration!

  ‘[Group cooperation]! ’

  ‘These guys lack the [group cooperation] between the entire ethnic group and even between different ethnic groups! ’

   'Although the living beings today can barely be regarded as a whole, there is not much [cooperation] between the individuals of these races, and they just simply live together...'

  ‘This makes them, whose individual strengths are not high, appear to have limited potential…’

   These first generation races.

   A new race that has just been created for thousands of years, is it weak?

actually not.

   mainly depends on who you are comparing with.

   as the initial life group.

   Even if the [personality] is far away from the [primitive gods and demons] bred by the [tree of knowledge] in the upper area.

   But they still managed to get some benefits at the end.

   Even the most inconspicuous beast.

   As long as it is thrown on the earth in the 21st century, it is also a monster that can run at supersonic speed, tear through steel with one claw, and use its body to resist cannonballs.

   If it involves the [Characteristics] that comes with the [Trapezoid Space-Time Layer].

   The [rule differences] between each layer of [space-time].

   is also the suppressing effect of [Upper Space-Time] on [Lower Space-Time].

   The beasts here can even shout that they are invincible in the [Lower Space and Time], and every move will wipe out the Dao, and the universe will be born and destroyed.


   This kind of strength is really useless for the entire [plane].

   Even those who are far higher than the beasts, can tear apart the sea of ​​​​stars in the local [Beasts], [Divine Beasts]...

   Or those [Gods and Demons] who are entrenched in different [space-time layers] and whose development status is still relatively primitive, the same is true.

  【Adabos】can wipe out all of them with just one breath.

   Hope that group of guys can do something in the face of outsiders...

   It is better to dream in situ.


   Even if you can't directly fight against those outsiders.

   Then, it’s not too much for the local life races on our side to deal with the various lower-level minions made by the group of outsiders.


   These weaklings are really too useless...

   hold this idea.

   As the [God of Flesh and Blood], in order to share the pressure of the superiors on his side, [Adabas] has also been seriously thinking about how to create a new race with more potential and expandability that can help him stabilize the lower-level situation!

   And now.

   After having an idea.

   In her mind, she immediately had a general idea of ​​the overall situation.


   It is not difficult for her to simply create a new life group, she can do it at will.

   But giving those new life groups - [group cooperation], is a bit beyond the scope of business capabilities.

   She is a member of [Chaos Faction].

   is the type that is good at fighting alone.

   is exactly that.

   The group of creatures she creates will be extra savage.

   And [cooperation], that thing belongs to the business category of [order camp]...

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