Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1637: self-doubt

   After Olsaka left.

   Not long after.

  The rest of the survivors quickly made the same move and left.


   When leaving.

   They are all a little dignified.

   Because they understand.

   The current Olshaga has completely become a hurdle that he must overcome before he can win.

   To win.

   You have to find a way to get rid of the other party.

at the moment.

   If it weren't for the interference of various restrictions, the power could not be unlocked.

   The other party may have recovered to [Abyss Lord Level], maybe...

   for a while.

   in that one after another leaving.

  On the scene, only the ruined scene and the endless corpses scattered all over the area of ​​the [Trapezoidal Time and Space] were left.

   looks full of run-down.

   It seems that you have just experienced the catastrophe of the apocalypse and completely reduced to a desolate wasteland!

   But also at this time.

   The indigenous lifeforms located in the [black area] and the [red area] finally moved.

  The deepest part of the icy black metal earth.

   slowly walked out of a tall human figure with a long-handled metal hammer in his hand.

  Her body is entirely made of metal.

   In terms of appearance, it looks more or less like a [metal life form].

But in fact.

   There is a fundamental difference between the two.

   She has a metal body.

   is just because this form is more in line with the stability of [order], and can well symbolize [stability] and [unchanged], but it is not really what it looks like now.

   As long as you want.

   You can change the look completely.

As for the [red area] that is full of high temperature and flesh and blood, there is also movement. In that majestic and fast-paced giant tsunami of flesh and blood that contains waves of waves, a figure controls the destructive power inside the tsunami of flesh and blood. On the prestige of the appearance.

   That is a flesh-and-blood life that looks rather strange.

  Like skinned beasts, skinned humans, and all kinds of weirder things.

   In short.

   on that hard-to-detail appearance.

   is full of all kinds of flesh and blood.


   You can also see a lot of blood vessel-like things hidden under the muscles, constantly contracting, as if accelerating the blood flow in the body.

  Compared to the former metal shape.

   This guy's appearance is not suitable for children, and even the TV needs to be mosaic (shaking his head).

at the moment.

   She just showed up.

   has already revealed the aura of an evil BOSS.

   Makes the already chaotic atmosphere around them even more indistinguishable.

   All kinds of liquid-like flesh and blood tissues are rapidly mutating, becoming extremely strange!

   is full of an overly wild beauty~

   has a strong opposition.

   Normally, when they meet, they have to make gestures. After showing up, they first glanced at each other.


   immediately moved their respective positions.

   appeared together in the previous battlefield.


  Even though they were already very close, they had absolutely no intention of making a move.

   Quan was carefully observing the actual situation nearby. …

   "...Although this group of outsiders is a bit annoying, is it beneficial after all..."

   This is what one of the guys said.

   And the other guy acquiesced to that fact.

   They are very clear.

  Originally, the tree and the things under the tree still need a long time to make up for various defects and get out of their infancy.

but now.

   With the various contestants messing around, a large number of [information] from the outside world have silently filled a large number of vacancies.

Such as the overwhelming and uncountable monster tides before, although it seems that they are only fighting for themselves and destroying the environment everywhere, the birth and death of those monsters are ultimately carried out within this [plane], so they All kinds of information generated are naturally recorded successfully.

   This desolate [planet], which did not breed many living creatures at first, automatically had a lot of breeding experience immediately.

  Be aware that the guys who created those monsters are all contestants.

  The life forms created by their experience and technology, no matter how weak or spicy, is a relative thing.

   Just pick one and put it among the many [planes], and it must be a level that can be obtained.


   With their troubles, the entire [Trapezoid Space-Time Layer] was not lightly damaged, turned upside down, and was almost reshaped, but it was also a blessing in disguise and successfully re-engraved a lot of precious technologies.


   Large-scale production of biological groups to complement the existing incomplete biological chain will naturally no longer be a problem.


  Due to the generous contributions of each contestant, a lot of [Life Templates] have been directly stored here, which can be used at any time in many cases.

Even other information other than this is also extremely precious, like a burst of nutritional supplements, forcibly milking [Plane] N more mouths, it will inevitably continue to accelerate for a long time in the future. its growth.

   Attracting the local real indigenous people is a joint benefit!

   is precisely because of this.

   Even though Olshaga and the others were a little too noisy before.

   seems to be demolishing the house.

   The [local order side] and the [local chaos side] hidden in the [black area] and the [red area] were still silent, as if they were dead, allowing outsiders to mess around in their own territory.

The reason behind   .

   Except they want to observe the specific strength of those contestants.

   is because of the trouble, as long as it can make a profit, it is not unbearable...


   recalled the actual situation when the group of contestants fought.

   After looking around for a while.

   Looking at this unrecoverable battlefield.

   Of the two, the guy who didn't speak before still sighed slightly:

   "Although it has a geographical advantage, can this place really exist under the influence of those guys until the end of the event..."

   in discourse.

   contains a bit of self-doubt.

   As the creation of 【Unbounded Fantasy】.


   or their [main body].

   is also the two [Original Wills] that govern the [Red Area] and the [Black Area]. …

   Actually, the existence behind the scenes was contacted a long time ago.

   The great being who created the current [plane].

   And, got some promises from the other party.

  If the event ends, this [plane] still exists.

   Then this place will have a certain degree of autonomy!



   They are actually one of the contestants.


   In fact, the two still have sufficient confidence in the survival task.

   Even if those contestants are all degraded superiors, they have an absolute advantage in experience.

   But they also have a homegrown advantage.


   There are still some guys in each contestant who want to play 【Good God】.

   can barely be counted as their assistance.


   Logically speaking.

   Keeping the state alive until the end of the activity should not be difficult.

   But not so long ago.

   what they saw.

   Orshaka's combat power is completely crushing superiority in the same level.

   really made them a little self-doubt...

   Incidentally, they couldn't help but wonder if the other party has been weakened in various abilities at this moment...

   Even if his strength is weakened, he still has this fighting power.

   It is difficult for them to doubt whether the other party can wipe out all the contestants alone after recovering to a certain state...


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