Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1636: beneficiary

  【Non-existent】after being successfully activated.

   Orshaga's [Existence] becomes a special state.

   has become a state between [existence] and [absence].

The feeling of    is essentially similar to a special third perspective, which not only allows him to better observe everything in the world, but also allows him to more easily influence various things.

   In this state where he can do whatever he wants with external things, but it is difficult for external forces to influence him.

  The external existence can only affect Orshaga if it successfully reaches the two [standard lines].

  One: The strength is similar to him.

  2: The ability is special.

  The former naturally has some in the current event arena during this period when he was suppressed.

   The latter means literally.

The ability of   , that is, the special 【Abyss Lord Level】 with 【Authority】, is not a rare thing.

   And some of them naturally have a probability of possessing [special authority] to restrain [non-existent].


   Even if the ability is restrained, the strength of the user must not be too different from that of Orshaga, so that [Authority] can be used.

  If the strength is much worse.

  How to die, or how to die.

   I got up, he gave me seconds, that's all the scene description.


  As Orshaga kept attacking...or rather blatantly, no one could actually deal with it.


  Some guys who vaguely sensed something was wrong and couldn't figure out the specific situation, also had a change in attitude and started various alliances.

  They already understand.

   Even in his current state, Olshaga is still a little too difficult...

I do not know how long it has been.

   Possibly several years.

  Suddenly, a red light passed by in the distance.

   Just a moment.

   ran around the tree that carries an infinite amount of time and space, and ran for an unknown number of times.

   The incidental effect alone caused the surrounding [time] to stop flowing, causing the continuous [time] to split into an infinite number of fragmented fragments, as if it had been stopped countless times by time.

   and then.

  The red light fell to the ground.

   is not a fall on a physical level, or even a deeper level.

at that moment.

   Below the tree, in the infinitely extending [Space-Time Structure], a crimson beam of light appeared.

   It runs through the continuously expanding [ladder-shaped space-time layer] from top to bottom…

  The boundless wave was born.

  Infinity variables appear quickly under the illumination of red light.

   brought all kinds of destruction to those [ladder-shaped space-time layers], but also brought them a brand new future.

   Not sure yet.

   But at least a lifeless future!

   Another unknown time passed.

  [Ladder-shaped space-time layer], the red light stopped moving forward.

   Or it should be said that the trend of moving forward was stopped.

   That is the **** from external force!


   One after another figure broke into the inside of the red light, and the infinitely huge [Independent Time and Space] joined the already protracted battle situation...

   After witnessing a large number of contestants being easily devoured by Olsaka.

  Many contestants who didn't plan to fight with Orshaga already didn't want to let the other party continue to unlock their own power...

   is like a lot of unlucky people are sent to the upper area to close the small dark room.

   They felt that the game trumpet of Orsega also needed to come with the same package...


   in the next instant.

   As more contestants pour in.

   An even greater power erupted directly, frantically overflowing from the inside of the [Independent Time and Space] whose external form was a red light!

   The shock that was born when a large number of competitors fought.

   Even if it is only the overflowed part, it still looks like a violent hurricane from the end!

   is just on the way to spreading.

   exploded the infinite [space-time structure] of this layer of [trapezoid space-time layer] on the spot, and it continued to spread to the outside world...


   Even so.

   in layers of attacks.

   That **** light that is equivalent to the main battlefield, there is always no tendency to collapse.

   It even evolved a huge blood-red ghost, expanding indiscriminately in the ten directions...

   The infinitely expanded [Ladder-shaped Space-Time Layer] turned into the outer side of the battlefield.

   That striking red brilliance.

   is both like a wave and a flame, directly making the tree at the top turn into a striking and beautiful crimson under the illumination of infinite red light, as if it is burning fiercely...

   Accompanied by the endless [Evil Consequences] spreading rapidly.

  In that tragic battlefield.

   All kinds of **** scenes naturally happened without restraint.

   The flesh, strength, and breath of a famous contestant full of [demon nature] and [divine nature]... When they were torn apart, some were erased on the spot, while others remained tenacious.

   Therefore, in those remnants, the majestic vitality is constantly bred.

  From those flesh and blood, from those depths of power, from those breaths... All kinds of monsters, after the first roar of filial piety, began to be born without limit!

   Then, just like the contestants fighting in the center of the battlefield.

   After those monsters were born, they naturally carried the idea of ​​slaughtering the enemy, and they entered the endless killing around the main battlefield!

And the flesh and blood and various residual influences left by those monsters in the fight will soon split to generate lower-level monsters... The continuous cycle of the cycle makes the scope of the battlefield continue to extend, and even crosses countless layers of infinite [trapezoid] Time and space layer], transmits killing intent and disputes to random areas...

   Of course.

   Even if it is killing intent, even if it is bloody, these things have injected vitality and change into the areas that were originally desolate.

   at this moment.

   As more and more monsters keep fighting to die.

   is like being nourished.

  The entire [Trapezoid Space-Time Layer] is in the process of destruction and slaughter, nourished by endless corpses, and constantly growing itself...

   makes nascent structures.

   On top of those dilapidated old structures, steady growth…

   Another unknown time passed.

   in the midst of a long battle.

The    dispute finally came to an end.

   Orshaga stepped on the broken ground.

   looked at the remaining opponents.

   I knew in my heart that most of the weak ones had already been cleaned up, even if they didn’t die out.

   That can only temporarily resign behind the scenes and wait for a new opportunity.

   The remaining guys are mostly old fritters.

   is not a good solution.

   thought of this.

   He felt that it really didn't make much sense to fight again.

   as the main beneficiary of the presence.

   directly chose to turn and leave.

en route.

  No one tried to stop it.

   Because of the previous battle.

   He was basically fighting with most of the rest by himself.

   siege, sneak attack, curse, joint spell…

   Almost all the means were used by the besiegers.

   But it turned out that Olshaga was still standing here.

   the whole process inside.

  There is no hiding, no dodging, no fear, and no defeat.


   Olshaga's strength is still fighting non-stop, far stronger than the previous level.

   is like an unstoppable phenomenon…

   And the guy who is his enemy.

   Most of them have been forced to play dead.

  I don't know which hiding place I'm hiding in, waiting for the time to show my face again...

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