Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1634: 【Fern Artus】(End)


   As an ability possessed by every 【Abyss Lord】or many subordinate beings.

   The biggest difference between [Abyss Lord Level] and the lower level is its own [authority], which has [absoluteness] to a certain extent.

   As long as the conditions are met.

   Then you can do all kinds of unimaginable operations.

   Even some operations that sound ridiculous.

   And when multiple distinct [authorities] are combined with each other, they will form the [Power System Framework] unique to each [Abyss Lord Level].

  For example, Olshaga, his existing power system is a combination of multiple main [authorities] that complement each other.

   That is his foundation and frame.

   And, in this regard.

   Even though many existing [authorities] have similarities, they look somewhat similar.

   But it benefits from the difference in their developmental tendencies.

   Those [authorities] that look quite similar are actually quite different.

  For example, Olshaga's [Authority of Pain - The Source of Suffering for Eternal Calamity], the effect of leading things to become bad actually symbolizes part of his development path and nature.

   If it is replaced by another existence, even if it also has the [Power of Pain], it may not show a similar effect.

   After all, even if they walk on the same road, their footprints may not be exactly the same.

  Essentially, it can be seen as on the same main road, each has opened up its own branch route.

in this regard.

   Those who learn from me live like me and die.

   is stated very directly.

   As pioneers on all branches, in order to prevent being influenced by competitors, they disdain to imitate other guys, all [authorities] will carry their own understanding and understanding.

   And when a guy successfully reached the top.

   Those main roads and branch roads will be completely restrained.

   At that time.

   All their efforts are just icing on the cake for the climbers.

   as now.

   Among the various [authorities] held by Orshaga, there are certain [authorities] upstream, already occupied by great beings.

   So, whatever Orshaga has achieved in those [authorities].

   In fact, they are just some fruits that the opponent will automatically obtain.

  At the same time that Olsaka successfully introduced the old and brought forth the new, the other party can instantly read the relevant progress information, and even automatically carry out various optimizations…


   No matter what, he will never be able to surpass each other in related fields.

   This is a must!

   has 【absolute】!

   is an irreversible result!

   No matter how hard you try, it's pure wage earner behavior...

   is precisely because of this.

   Even the [authorities] that he uses the most, inevitably have a priority in Orshaga's heart.

   The kind that can continue to climb up is undoubtedly the key goal.

   Conversely, those that can’t climb up are just secondary goals, temporary tools that can be used, and can even voluntarily give up when necessary.

   is the same.

  The rest of the [Abyss Lord Level], many of them also act in the same way, directly dividing their [authority] into primary and secondary.

   And now.

  When [Fern Artus] truly revealed the [authority] he possessed.

  Although it was only the first time that the two had fought each other, Orsaga couldn't accurately judge what the opponent's [authority] was.

   But through his own perception.

   He still clearly perceives one thing.

   That is the [authority] that the other party is using now, and it is already occupied by the rest of the existence at the top level...

   It made him understand.

   The [authority] that the opponent is using at this moment has a high probability not to be the most important hole card.

  Want to come.

   This should be some kind of pre-means, or a secondary means.

after this.

   There should be other surprises.

   And when the opponent points the blade at himself.

   Orshaga even more clearly sensed that the opponent was designating himself as a certain target.

   That was a weird feeling.

   As if the two were placed on a strange scale at the same time.

   is not just about strength.

   Luck and the rest of the intangibles.

   all belong to the scale of Libra.

   Once the opponent's weight overwhelms itself.


   The opponent will get some kind of bonus.

   A certain kind of [authority] will also take effect.

This feeling…

   Indistinctly, Olshaga also felt a sense of crisis.

   As if he was walking a tightrope.

   A little careless, it will fall.

   Of course, facing this feeling, the large number of Olshaga laughed a little dumbly...

   couldn't help but sighed with emotion:

   "Although this [authority] is not bad."

   "But it's really not suitable for dealing with me..."

next moment.

   In the perception of [Fern Artus].

   That was a Libra that swayed from side to side.

   The Libra that symbolizes whether [Blade of Omnipotence] is effective.

   fell to Olsaka in an instant, which means that she is not qualified to overwhelm the opponent at all...

The target designation process of   【All-Around Blade】 also failed on the spot.

  ‘? ’

  ‘How could the decision be completed so quickly? ’

  【The Omniscient Blade】The criterion for measuring the enemy is not pure strength.

   There are also factors such as luck, status, geographical location, etc.


   In the case of the same level.

The    decision process takes time.

   also because of this.

[Fern Artus] After activating this [authority], he can fully use the remaining targeted [authority] as a supplement to temporarily expand his own advantages, and quickly turn the advantages to himself temporarily, in order to increase his own advantage. chips at the time of judgment.

   At that time.

   Once the judgment is completed on the way.

   Even if the original advantage is temporary.

   By the effect of [Blade of Omnipotence].

   She has also completely turned a temporary reality into a solidified reality, quickly eliminating all kinds of enemies that were difficult to deal with.

   Even achieve the goal of instant kill!

   is equivalent to a complete combo with beheading effect.

   Even some difficult opponents may be taken away on the spot.


  Now, during the judgment process, Orshaga instantly overwhelmed her.

   That feeling…

   caught her off guard.

   Especially when Olsaka was obviously suppressed by [Cat God] and [Unbounded Dream] far more seriously than her.

   And Olsaka finished with emotion.

   didn't have any idea to confuse the other party, so he directly manipulated a large group of [future bodies] and started to attack at the same time...

Shortly after.

   The center of a large group of Orshag.

  【Fern Artus】, has become a corpse.

   One of Orshaga was restraining the opponent's [Immortality].

   The mouth slowly cracked open, revealing sharp teeth, and biting at the top of the opponent's head...

   This is good food, just right to help him unlock some of the powers that are now suppressed...

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