Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1633: 【Fern Artus】(4)


   looked at the infinite number of Olshaga that suddenly appeared in front of him.

   As the guy surrounded by the center.

  【Fern Artus】, also fell into an unspeakable silence.

   If it is not suppressed.

   This kind of operation of the other party, she can easily do it.

   But right now it's not just the power being restrained.

   Even the [authority], [essence], and [characteristics] are completely suppressed.

   She really is not very good at doing the same...

  For example, from the infinite number of [Parallel Time and Space] that were created before, the operation of receiving various attacks was just receiving various attacks.

   instead of pulling the other self directly over to fight.


   Not to mention that after pulling [Past Body], [Present Body], and [Future Body], we will give them the same [Infinite Energy] and various abilities.

   This situation at this time.

   directly means that Olshaga's power will increase in an unreasonable way.


   in a short while.

He may also use his [will] to run through the various [timelines] within the current [plane], continuously drawing power from [self] of each [timeline] and each [time point] , to achieve infinite split automatic increase...

   thought of this.

   After thinking for a while.

  [Fern Artus] then secretly denied:

  'No...[Cat God]'s oppressive power should temporarily restrain the opponent...'

  ‘At least, now, she shouldn’t allow contestants to quickly reach the [Abyss Lord Level]…’

  ‘After all, that would be boring and not fit the theme of the event…’

   Even if you are not familiar with 【Cat God】.

   But she still knew that the other party was a bad guy.

   It will not be so easy to let contestants pass the event.

   And the existence of another [Prince of the Abyss].

  【Unbounded Dream】, you are still looking forward to the interesting 【Dream】.

   Obviously, it won’t let the event come to a quick end when it’s boring…

   And the fact.

   was exactly what she expected.

   When using the current game trumpet.

   Orshaga's power will always be limited to the [Abyss Lord Level].

Only after he summoned his game tuba, that is, the [main clone] in the [final venue], the power that he can use will it be logical to break through the many restrictions and reach the real [abyss lord level]. Unlock most of your own power.

   But if he wants to summon the game tuba, he needs to meet the preconditions - in the current [plane] in the [planet prosperous period], destroy most of the traces of life in it!

   This is still in the initial stage.

   Even the living races have not yet multiplied, and it is not at all prosperous in terms of the current [planet].

   is obviously something that cannot be done yet…

  To really destroy something, at least you have to wait for it to actually appear...

   is exactly that.

   Olshaga, who was temporarily unable to complete the mission, had only made a definite choice before.

   Even the prerequisites for killing the Quartet have not yet been created. …

   He is really too lazy to work hard...


   Even if the conditions are ripe, he will not necessarily work hard just…

   With that skill, he might be more relaxed and happy when he does something else?

   is the same.

   It would be difficult for him to restore to [Abyss Lord Level].

   If the rest of the contestants want to activate the power of the [Abyss Lord], they also need to fulfill various completely different conditions.

   Although the items are slightly different.

   But most of them are quite difficult things~

after all.

   Whoever recovers to that level first.

   Then it is a well-deserved foundation for victory!

  Unless unlucky, there are several guys recovering to that level at the same time…


   at this moment.

   looked at the 【Fern Artus】 who seemed to be thinking about something not far away.

  The corners of the mouths of that infinite number of Olshaga, due to the connection of consciousness, can be counted as a single person performing multi-line operations, and they showed exactly the same wicked smile at the same time.


   He didn't know what the other party was thinking.

   is also too lazy to make all kinds of boring guesses.

   Just want to have fun...


   As long as things are interesting.

   "It took a long time to get interested."

   in such words.

   The Orshaga opened their mouths at the same time and stated:

   "Don't let me down..."


   They all held out one of their fingers.

   pointed to [Fern Artus] together.

next moment.

   Infinite power.

   at the same time silently converge at their fingertips.

   and then burst out in an undisguised form like some kind of beam ray.

   at this moment.

Those beams of energy are extremely conspicuous, like the energy beams of the weapons thrown by the gods. It is like some kind of unimaginable [anchor], which violently fixes various [space-time structures] around it, preventing the collapse of the area and The process of constraining the spread of energy is also like a special cutter, constantly revising all the surrounding [matters], from [destiny], from [causal]...from all aspects that are invisible to the naked eye, quickly cutting out as a Ershanjia's opponent's [Fern Artus] at this moment successfully resisted the attack or successfully avoided the attack's [Possibility].

   Forcibly restrain the other party.

  Force the opponent to resist the attack head-on.

  Force the opponent to die in this wave of attacks.

   Face this attack.

  [Fern Artus]'s figure instantly became illusory.

   And like something sinking.

   kept sinking into that deeper area.

   Those cloisters that were shaped before.

   At this moment, in a sense, it has become her shield.


   is constantly made more defensive by her.

   is used to resist various attacks.


   This defense.

   Now it's just a shield that breaks with a poke...

   Those rays have not yet arrived.

   The fluctuations they radiate have already penetrated them smoothly.


  The biggest effect of those barriers is to slow down the speed of the energy ray a little bit. …

   And that is also the main goal of [Fern Artus].

With the delayed [time difference], [Fern Artus] forcibly restrained the interference of some external forces on his [possibilities], and screened and intercepted his own needs from the endless [possibilities]. time.

   in her observations.

   That is your best chance!

   So, without any hesitation.

   The four sharp knives that she held tightly in her hands immediately began to swing rapidly.

   in front of that extremely sharp blade.

   All visible and intangible things are cut!

  New possibilities are forcibly opened up here!

   The so-called predicament is solved on the spot!

  I see.

   Slash wherever it goes.

   The energy beams that were about to hit [Fern Artes] and exploded with unparalleled power, causing heavy damage to her, were all vanished into nothingness, as if they were completely non-existent!

  【authority—the blade that cuts everything】.

  【Effect: According to your own thoughts and strength, you can designate the target item as something that you can slash. Once you successfully designate and successfully launch the slash, the designated item will be eliminated or divided. The scope of matters that can be specified, including but not limited to enemy attacks, various tangible and intangible substances and energies...and even more abstract matters, such as the multiverse itself, the possibility of failure to advance, the possibility of defeat, the existence of Injuries and various negative states... In short, whether it will succeed when specifying a target and launching a slash mainly depends on the strength gap between itself and the target. 】


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