Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1623: 【Azathoth】

  Insect-eaten wooden house, if it is not dealt with as soon as possible, sooner or later, there will be wormholes everywhere, and eventually it will collapse...

   Even a vast embankment of a thousand miles will collapse into a trivial ant nest...

   Countless cases all illustrate one thing.

   Small problems, if left unattended, often turn into big problems.

   This is a very simple truth.

   The power of the imprisoned.

   Although it is only increasing slowly at the moment, the rate of increase is not high.

   Even if it is repeated and repeated to increase the intensity.

   That magnitude is still nothing.



   The nature of the imprisoned person at this time is not so much that they are getting stronger, but it is actually closer to self-recovery, recovering their own strength that has been suppressed to death.

   So, what does this mean?

  This means that small problems can really become big problems…

   Like the ant colony that would fester the dam.

   Gradually increase with strength.

   The [essence] of the imprisoned person will be slowly and automatically unlocked.

   Even the existence of [Prince of the Abyss] cannot completely erase that characteristic.

   And when those [essences] are restored.

   as a coherent effect.

   Her strength will definitely increase by leaps and bounds.

   Little by little, gradually jump out of the existing range of increases that can be described in regular mathematical terms.


   Slowly approaching the power that [Abyss Lord Level] really should have, the increase rate that mortals can't imagine is slowly approaching.

   To achieve cross-class and cross-reality change.

   And until then.

   In the face of the prisoner whose strength has officially begun to recover, what will happen to the three jailers?

   No need to ask at all.

   is bound to be automatically absorbed.

   is like any other thing eaten by the other party.

   won't make any difference.

   Not a single trace of residue can be left behind!


   Can't resist 【Abyss Lord Level】!

   This is the gap in strength!

   And its homologous, even more so!

  Instant kill is not even to mention.

   Just the various effects passively caused by the opponent's recovery can automatically erase them!


   To prevent things from festering uncontrollably.

at the moment.

  Although the power increase of the prisoners is still very small, and the process is not even accelerated by distorting the [time scale], the three of them still need to deal with the problem as soon as possible.

in this regard.

  The contestants, who were also very clear about the situation, also gave them some means.

   enables the jailer to release his power to a certain extent through his special connection with the imprisoned, rather than simply being backlogged and hoarded.


even so.

   How long this palace can imprison each other is still unknown.

   The strength of the imprisoned is about the upper-middle level in the same level.


  Even though it is just a [Vest] of a [Clone] at the moment, the [Essence] is still that [Essence].

   The actions of the jailers to let the other party vent their strength are like artificially releasing water to the dam.

   Although there are a lot of them.

   But the speed of the other party's hoarding is completely unprincipled...

   One bad thing may usher in a stormy wave!


The actual effect of    can only be determined by fate.

   Fate has arrived, and so will the effect.

  If fate doesn't come, then everything will be over.

in this case.

   Facing the light group's rhetoric.

  The proposal to curb the increase in the prisoner's energy first.

   The other two guys naturally have no reason to refuse.

   Even if they hate each other very much, they really want to kill them and then hurry up.

  The two of them still agreed with each other's proposal.


   "Let's get started."


   After a simple exchange.

   They activated some sort of back-up that the rest of the contestants had left to them.

   That is some kind of initiator that connects all the [Spell Ritual] in the entire palace.

The actual effect of    is to draw out the energy of the imprisoned, and then discharge it after purification.

no way.

  Emissions are also subject to the Basic Law.

  If you don't do a good job in energy purification.

   Those energies from the imprisoned, once discharged, will immediately become an endless army of monsters or some kind of natural disaster.

   while performing safe operations on the back hands left by the rest of the contestants.

   as one of the operators.

   The guy who keeps changing shape.

  Because of his relatively active or changeable nature, he didn't stay calm for long, and asked the other two casually:

   "By the way, do we want to give ourselves a name?"

   As a guy with various basic knowledge.

   They naturally understand the importance of names.

   The constantly proliferating mass of meat, after thinking about it, replied:


   And the glowing light group said calmly:

   "Normally speaking, my name should be given by His Majesty, but she obviously doesn't have that kind of mind... So, we can choose it ourselves."

   as a tiny part from a prisoner.

   Although the three of them already have some independent reason.

   Plus an instinctive fear of the imprisoned.

   Logically speaking, it should be particularly disgusting.

   It’s normal to be rude from time to time.

   But, even so.

   They are still in awe of each other instinctively.

   Even if he is releasing energy to the opponent, he does not dare to mock the opponent verbally.

   Always address each other as Your Majesty.

   As if...

   is still showing loyalty to some extent...

   This means, their instinct, their reason, their thinking...

   All are faintly surrendering to each other automatically.


   That is their origin and their master.

   This is an unchangeable fact!


   Once they are completely freed from the influence of each contestant, their independent rationality will immediately collapse, making them go mad and try to return to their origins...

   And that is one of the secret hands left by each contestant.

   The [existence] of the three jailers needs to be maintained by them.

   Another time passed.

   After thinking about it for a while.

   Eventually, the three jailers settled on their respective names, or primary names.

   As a high-level existence, if they want to, there may be countless names in the future.

  Like Olsaka full of 【Vest】…

   All kinds of [titles] and [titles] are too numerous to count.

   Any [vest] may have plural [title] and [title].

  The glowing light group——【Yug Sotos】.

  The ever-proliferating mass of meat——【Shabu Nicholas】.

   An indescribable object whose appearance changes randomly—【Nyarlathotep】.

   As for the prisoner.

   Although he has a [true name].

   But because of the lack of reason, it is no different from having no name.

   follows a special bond with each other.

   The three jailers knew part of each other's [true names].

  It is usually called——【Azathoth】.

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