Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1622: three jailers

   None of the contestants wanted to talk to the prisoners.

   is no good.

   is also troublesome.

   This is the easiest reason.

   But it’s definitely not okay to ignore it at all.

  This thing is bound to bite everywhere after it runs out.

  See who bites who.

   Indiscriminate attack!

   If you are not careful, you even have to lift the table!


   If they want to do big things with peace of mind, they have to deal with this guy.

that's it.

   under these premises.

   In the end, the plan to let the unlucky guy imprison him by himself came out smoothly.

   Benefited from the opponent's severely suppressed strength, plus the rationality of the tragedy level.

  The whole plan has enough room to play because of this.


   Compared to outsiders.

   Those three guys who were just created by the contestants, due to the connection between the powers, can undoubtedly perceive the actual state of the other party more clearly, so that they can respond more accurately.


  Compared to the various contestants who would go crazy and make trouble from time to time.

   Those three jailers are naturally more concerned about each other's situation due to the fundamental reasons of their own interests. They are extremely caring and never let their guard down!


   and other situations were confirmed to be correct, after leaving emergency contact information for the three jailers just in case.

   Numerous contestants soon chose to leave one by one.

   Not long.

  In the entire huge palace, except for the poor boy who fell into the [Dream] and was eating and drinking in the [Dream].

   There were only the three freshmen left, the three hapless jailers.




   In this long silence.

   The three guys clearly felt the malice between them.

   That is both physical and psychological exclusion.

   arises from homology.

   There is no subject to stabilize their respective [existence].


   at this moment.

   They both wanted to eat each other a little bit.

   Everything is clearly felt.

   Once you eat the opponent, you will become much stronger immediately!

   has nothing to do with magnitude.

   is more essential to become stronger!

   And this is also deliberately done by the other contestants.

   After all, if the three guys are too in sync, there will inevitably be various problems.


   Being afraid of each other and restraining each other is undoubtedly more in line with their vital interests.

   Also, the reason why there are three in terms of number is their consideration.

   One will become one word.

  The two are easy to fight recklessly.

The three    are just stuck in quantity, and they hate each other but are not very good at starting, for fear of being picked up by a third party, thus forming a stable triangular relationship chain.

   for this situation.

   Even if the three prison guards knew it well, there was no good way to do it.

   comes from the unlucky ones who were forcibly injected with independent reason.

   As long as you don't want to die.

   had to rely on those contestants.


  The most important point is that their strength is not enough to support the dissatisfaction in their hearts to be vented...


   If you don’t want to endure it, you have to endure it!


   In the undisguised disgust of each of the three guys.

  The three guys who were silent for a long time.

  The group that is constantly changing its appearance, like something uncertain, was the first to say:

"……What should we do now?"

   That voice is like the product of countless extremely harsh screams in the world.

   Merely listening can damage the mind of the weak-minded.


   Another long silence.

   It took quite a while before the mass of meat that kept multiplying answered with a similar voice, angrily replied:

   "Guard that guy."

   "There is nothing in the outside world anyway."

   as a being known by birth.

   All three of them gained a lot of knowledge from the makers, the contestants.

   Some of them are information about the general situation of the outside world.

   makes them understand that the outside world is temporarily desolate enough to not even have a single stray dog...

   And that knowledge.

   In addition to giving them more detailed basic cognition, the most important role is to allow them to think more clearly.

after all.

  Sometimes, the more you know, the more awe of the situation, and the ignorant guy will die in ignorance.

   The contestants don’t want the jailer they created to be ignorant and ignorant, who will kill themselves if they don’t pay attention.

   Therefore, the most basic kindergarten education is naturally arranged properly.

   While still in 【Cocoon】.

   All kinds of necessary knowledge were instilled in these three guys.

   cause just born.

   These three guys already know the profound meaning of life——【Protect Yourself】and【Do what you can】.

  By the way, they also learned some messy things.

  [The 33 trillion meter of backstab teammates. Simple version], [In life, in addition to being brave, there is also cowardice - bullying the soft and fearing the hard. Hardcover version], [Manufacturing manual of various types of low-level horses]...

   In short.

   Just seeing these things that take care of them in every aspect is enough to make people cry~

   Another time passed.

   The guy who was born first, even the style of painting has some kind of huge difference from the other two, and the appearance appears as a large light group or an aggregate of countless glowing bubbles, and finally made a sound:

   "...First think of a way to contain the increase in His Majesty's power..."

   Although there is no such organ as a mouth.

   But that extremely indifferent voice, as if there was no emotion at all, was conveyed to the other two very smoothly.

   as a tiny offshoot of the sleeping guy.

   The three of them can clearly feel that although the other party is sleeping for the time being and has not replenished even a shred of energy, the energy in the other party's body is still continuously increasing automatically.

   Rapidly increasing every moment!

   That is the [Infinite Energy Feature] that comes with [Abyss Lord Level].

  Even if it's just a trivial [vest].

   And it has also been suppressed and repeatedly reduced by [Cat God].

   But that [Characteristic] is in effect automatically after all, and will not disappear completely due to arbitrary circumstances.

   At most, the effect is greatly reduced!

   Just like the 【Immortality】 of 【Abyss Lord Level】, even 【Abyss Prince Level】 can't be completely suppressed, it's all an unchanging fact!

at the moment.

   That point of increase, although for [Cat God], or the rest of the contestants, it is just a situation that is not worth mentioning.

   can even be described with regular mathematical vocabulary.

Roughly every time a unit of [Planck Time] passes, the energy in the opponent's body will automatically increase to the power of the [Ge Liheng Number] on the basis of the existing energy... Cycle 15,800 Multiples after ninety-two.

   But in the eyes of the three jailers, this is always something that needs to be stopped as soon as possible.

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