Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1616: music

   Quickly after the first meal.

  Like a thirsty beast, that cloud formed by countless twisted flesh and blood tissues.

   Soon, he turned his countless eyes to the thing closest to him.

   The tree that has nurtured a large number of primitive gods and demons, and is constantly changing the internal structure of the [plane].

   What does this thing mean?

   She couldn't understand, let alone think.

   But in her eyes.

   That thing is without a doubt an extremely delicious food!


   did not mean to hesitate.

   She was just like a hungry locust that was dizzy, and flew towards it without covering it up.

   Along the way, her already extremely deformed body automatically grew more and more sharp teeth, tongues, tentacles... and a series of feeding organs.

   Intended to have a good time directly.

   The situation is probably a bit like eating sugar cane.


   Before waiting for her to approach, she used her inherent skills [Big Tongue Lash] and [Feasting]. Under the warning of instinct, she urgently stopped her fast-moving figure.


  The appearance of each one is a bit too random, not only in random size and position, but also full of hunger and thirst eyes, and immediately released one after another dim light, launched an indiscriminate attack in all directions!

   on her weird body.

   Strange tentacles covered with hair and dense mouths, with disgusting and highly poisonous mucus, slashed towards the surroundings at high speed.

   Even if it is brilliant.

   In front of such a terrifying speed, it is as slow as standing still!

   All it takes is a wave.

   is enough to smash any regular [Great Demon-level Lifeform].

   But this level of temporary counterattack is really meaningless to the rest of the contestants who have been prepared for many years in advance.

  Let's not say anything else.

   Even though this fleshy cloud is strong.

   But who can successfully join the [United Council], how can they be so weak?

   Even if the hard power is slightly weaker than the opponent, the gap will not be too big.

The reason why    join forces against the enemy.

   is just to solve troublesome matters as soon as possible.

   is by no means afraid of anything.


   At the same time as the fleshy cloud attacked, various countermeasures had already arrived.

   Blades, claws, spells…

   A variety of methods are offsetting those attacks that are lasing from the eyes.

   also quickly dismantled those weird tentacles like a paoding jie an ox.

   Almost instantly.

   When attacked, they are cut into a flat shape from the bumpy fleshy cloud.

   All kinds of sarcomas that bulged and sunk with strange sticky pus were all removed.


Before the body tissues that were cut off were mutated into other dangerous monsters in mid-air and turned into beast hordes to attack, the power from the various squatters repeatedly cleaned them up many times and completely purifies them. , not even a shred of it.

   The decisiveness of the action, the quickness and ruthlessness of the attack, can be called a lore!


   looks like it.

  The ambushed person can be said to be directly in a desperate situation.

   makes people feel that the other party may be miserable in the next moment!


   Will it really be like that?

   is obvious.

   That is impossible.

   At least it can't be that simple.

   Even if it’s just a [Clone].

   As a great existence that has no brains and can rely on instinct to traverse countless years, kill wherever he goes, and destroy infinite lives like natural disasters.

   The current predicament.

   is not really a big problem at all.

   In her long life, she has experienced countless times...

   One enemy is many...

   Killed all the siege by himself...

   All are the most basic operations.


   Even if it is suddenly and directly injured, it is not light.

   In the face of various threats.

   The other party made the most perfect response immediately.

   Without warning.

  The endless screams appeared in an instant...

   Under that enormous force, everything was immediately disintegrated.

  [time point] at this moment.

   even split into countless invisible string-like transparent objects.

   symbolizes an infinite number of 【possibilities】 blooming at this time!

  Infinity and infinite [parallel time and space] are also extended.

   Their head is connected to the [Cause] at the beginning of the creation, and the tail is infinitely extended, spreading towards the [Effect] at the end of the world.

   And, with that huge power, the [time scale] is also stretched endlessly, and the moment is close to eternity.


The    music was played.

  The music of creation and the music of destruction, the absurd but strange music, echoes on a level beyond [time] and [space].

   in the music that keeps playing.

   All attacks.

   All distractions.

   Whether it is a sword, a sword, or a stick.

   Still sharp fangs.

   has become countless notes!

   was exiled to the far end by the attackers, where he kept wandering and circulating.

   The [space-time structure] that leads to an infinite number of [parallel space-time], changes again uncontrollably.

   Any [Parallel Time and Space] has achieved infinite creation and destruction in an instant.

   And with those [parallel time and space] as many as elementary particles in the [universe], it keeps wandering back and forth between creation and destruction.

The number of    is even more huge [possibility], and it is also automatically conceived as if stimulated...

   In the face of such a vision, even the tree that gave birth to a large number of primitive gods and demons.

   was evoked inexplicable changes.

   The brilliance it radiates.

   starts to go up, down, and extends to a deeper area.

   spreads along those endless strings.

   automatically restrains and integrates those messy [parallel time and space].

   Because of the [plane] itself.

   feel that they are what they need.

   Under the impetus of that will.

  The [space-time structure] similar to the ladder shape was gradually bred.

   And, he began to absorb all kinds of chaotic energy in the center of the vortex-like battlefield, so that he could grow rapidly.

   It looks like a staircase descending from heaven to the mortal world.

   is continuing to spread downward, constantly opening up a wider territory...


   All these events mean nothing to the strong ones who are having a strong conflict.

  They at this moment.

   has already focused most of his attention on fighting each other.

   The voice of the attacked person is actually just to banish all kinds of attacks.

  【Plane】The changes caused by this?

   That guy doesn't care.

The reason why the phenomenon of creation is triggered is probably because her current [identity] is [Creation God], and she has no brain, so [Cat God] directly gave her a fairly matching [identity background setting] ], more or less, manually adding a little power with the nature of creation for the opponent.


Even if the opponent wearing this layer of [vest] is attacking the surrounding environment in a crazy manner, there will be a probability of creating [world], [universe], [different dimension], [parallel time and space]... The [space-time structure] of the class.

   In other words.

   is equivalent to being installed with some passive ability that is useless to himself.

   As long as she is outputting power, this passive ability may automatically take effect randomly.

   As for whether the result is destroying the world or creating the world.

   That basically just depends on fate.

   Anyway, there is a lot of energy, you can play casually...

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