Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1615: [Order] and [Chaos]

   What is the general situation of a 【Abyss Lord Level】 who has no brains to act according to his instincts?

   You could say they act rigidly.

   But can't say they are stupid.

  Because they only rely on instinct, since they can successfully grow to the [Abyss Lord] level, they must have a variety of sensitive senses beyond imagination.

   makes them able to easily avoid all kinds of conspiracy traps and mortal situations even if they have no ability to think.

   Besides, you could say they are mad dogs.

   But definitely can't say they are weak.

   Their strength, in the same level, almost all start at a medium level.

   There are no weaklings.

  A pure violent adder.

   A little bit of intelligence is not added.


   Their combat power must be extremely strong.

   belongs to the martial arts faction that really relies on killing, killing, and killing all the way.


   In the face of the few fruits that are about to fall, the rest of the contestants dare not be careless.

   First of all, he wanted to send those lunatics away quickly.


   A careless word.

   It is really possible that the other side will overturn the car.

   Or, while doing various plans, being disrupted by that group of neuroses disrupts important processes.


   years later.

   in the tireless tree-cutting operation of that indigenous life.

  A dark red fruit finally fell under the eyes of the public.

   That moment.

  Some kind of weird power immediately began to permeate and manifest, and it seemed that he couldn't wait, as if the life forms in it had long been impatient.


   is a huge roar of filial piety!



   It sounded like the announcement that the bloodthirsty beast was about to come out of the cage.

   That invisible sound wave.

   At this moment, it turned into a beam of light and exploded in mid-air!

   It seems that the other party is announcing its own existence to the entire time and space in a posture of sweeping everything.

at the same time.

   That strange power surged towards all directions like a tsunami.

   Regardless of this area that relies on trees.

   is still the black area or the red area.

   has changed.

   A lot of existing rules are getting messed up.

   attracted some guys who didn't intend to be in charge, and they all looked in the direction of the tree.

   In that cold, silent, pitch-black black area, like nothingness itself.

The    form is somewhat similar to the tall figure of the human shape, sitting on his lonely throne, his eyes are calm and calm, watching what is happening around the tree.

   Look around.

   The other party's unchanging expression seemed to be an extremely stubborn icy cold sculpture. Even if the previous roar of filial piety caused a small disturbance in the area under her rule, she did not show any expression at all.

   is just a thought.

   Let those chaotic rules be put to rest.

   makes everything orderly and stable again.

   In this new [planet].

   She symbolizes 【Order】.

   And it was full of light and heat.

   In addition, there is only a large amount of amorphous flesh in the red area.

   Countless crimson flesh and blood, like plasticine, automatically condensed into a huge and weird face that looked both human and beast-like, with an extraordinarily terrifying face.

   on that face.

   Her eyes were full of rage.

   While staring at the new life that caused the movement in the distance.

   in that silent distant gaze.

   She felt that her power was being challenged.

   Just the boundless heat emanating from the eyes, it is already as if countless [universes] are heat-dead.

   That boundless might is enough to make [time] and [space] perish!

   In this new [planet].

   She symbolizes [chaos].

   And these two guys have a certain sense of sight just by looking.

   is basically the pillar of the current 【Plane】.

   symbolizes the most basic [duality].



  【inorganic matter】and 【organic matter】.


   In short.

   The two sounded to be very specific.

   is placed in many stories.

   They belong to the type where just hearing the [settings] makes people feel like the two guys are going to be strangled to the end.

   Except for them.

   under their command.

   There are also several famous horses.

   Each holds different [authorities].

   Therefore, they are the same as the two original factions of this [planet].

   That tree.

   gave birth to a large number of trees of primitive gods and demons.

   is actually something made by some of their horses.

   As for why the tree was planted.

   They don't understand much either.

   They simply knew that they should make a tree.

   seems to be 【Fate】.

   seems to be 【causation】.

   seems to be a process that the story must go through.

   They instinctively understood that strange and magical tree.

   will be some kind of important turning point!

   is precisely because of this.

   In the face of the new life that is constantly being born and doing things,

  [Order] and [Chaos] did not interfere at all.

   Just stay in their own territory, watching everything calmly.

   They understand that it is not yet time to act...

   Even now.

   They still chose to watch everything silently.

   There is absolutely no intention of directly intervening.

   And after the first scream after birth.

   That dark red fruit, I don't know when, has turned into a cloud.

  A piece of flesh that is made up of countless twisted pieces of meat, covered with fangs, sharp teeth, eyes, and constantly uttering strange babbling flesh clouds...

   She was simply showing off her power.

   things around.

   began an irreversible change.

   became cloudy and unclear.

   becomes difficult to describe.

   However, even so, a special power still overflowed from the body of the flesh cloud.

   That is the [authority] of [Creation].

   symbolizes that the other party will be 【Creation God】.

   As for what kind of world was created, it's hard to say...

   Faced with this scene, even the guy who was digging in the trees couldn't help but linger for a while.

   Then, just when she wanted to continue cutting trees.

   The cloud of flesh attacked without hesitation.

   looks like he wants to stop the other party.

   But in fact, that feeling is called hostility and obstruction.

   is more suitable for appetite.

   felling trees?

   That flesh cloud-like life doesn't care.

   She simply wants to destroy everything in the world.

   The reason why he would directly attack the feller.

   is only because the other party is relatively close...

   and the victim did not hesitate.

   launched a counterattack directly at her.

And then.

   is nothing then.

   The [Abyss Lord] who was downgraded is still the [Abyss Lord].

   Except for those guys with some special permissions.

   It is impossible for the lower life to resist them.

   Even if he ends up in a trumpet now, it's the same.

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