Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1589: [Ideal Dream Country] (5)

  【Ignorance Period】.

I do not know how long it has been.

   With the unlimited expansion of the number of life forms and the unlimited expansion of the available land.

   After all kinds of strange messes were made one after another.

  Many problems are gradually exposed and need to be resolved as soon as possible.

   For example, some things require a common standard.

   Another example is that many weak guys are inconvenient for many things. Their private rooms are hundreds of trillions of light-years in diameter, but their movement speed is only sub-light speed, so they are tired of wandering in their own rooms...

   So who makes the rules?

   Because as long as you are born, you will all be immortal.

   There is no concept of deleting numbers in place,

   Plus there is no so-called language.

   Everyone basically relies on the heart to communicate.

   There are no lies and deceit.

  , at most, has some basic symbols used to mark simple information.

   So the so-called power gap, in a way.

   In fact, it has a relatively limited effect on the residents of [Ideal Dreamland].

   Neither the strong nor the weak feel that this is a privilege.

   At best, I think that kind of thing is quite convenient, it doesn’t matter whether it is or not.

   However, since every guy was so helpful.

The convenience of    is actually very general.

   Even if you are the weakest, occasionally, you can call the strongest to help you, such as decorating your home or something.

   And the strong are not impatient.

  Because… hard work and mutual help make me happy.

   This is an innate instinct for them.

   Unrestricted [Clone] makes things even more effortless.

   But even so.

   After a joint discussion.

   In order to facilitate various things and develop a more unified standard.

   Even though many living beings have little interest in discussing seniority.

   is also not interested in who is stronger and who is weaker.


  Because in their opinion, the powerful are easier to understand the essence of things, and it is easier to implement things.

   In this place where strength does not mean anything, all residents still unanimously decide that the most powerful [Ideal Dreamers] will be the main body of the solution to the problem.

  The weaker residents are responsible for filling in the vacancies and filling in various incomplete settings after the main plan comes out.

   So, the big discussion begins...

that's it.

   With the continuous birth of various newcomers.

   New problems keep popping up.

   The discussion front of all residents is also getting longer and longer.

Until a certain guy discussed for billions of years, and found that the more and more problems were discussed, it seemed that there was no end, so it took tens of millions of years to 'urgently' formulate the criteria for joining the discussion, and after it was widely recognized, This situation was alleviated.

  However, even so, the solution has been discussed for hundreds of billions of years…

   If it weren't for everyone, they would be immortal.

   If you don't have to worry about hanging up in the middle of the discussion.

   I'm afraid there will be many more problems...


  During this long discussion period, the [Ideal Dream Race] side also naturally arrived at the [Abyss Lord Level].

   is not a single member.

   Instead, multiple members arrived one after another.

   And, in fact, there is no big threshold.

   As the destined ruler in [Higher Plane - Ideal Dreamland].

   They have this qualification in their own right.

  So, it all came naturally, without any effort.

   Such is the case with [Lady of Pain].

   After all, others are born with this qualification.

   What can you say?

   Nothing to say.

   And after the discussion is done.

   In order to further complete the plan.

   All the [Ideal Dreamers] directly fuse power and mind together to form a whole.

   Start from 【Residential Area】.

   Go to your birthplace.

   That [primitive star].

   as the first and most important star.

   There is essentially the central point of the entire [Ideal Dreamland].

   is not only the important origin of all things.

   also connects all the [independent space-time layers] like some kind of channel.

   Therefore, if you want to adjust [Dream Realm] on a large scale, there is no doubt that it is the first choice!

   And at the moment of contact with it across a long distance.

  The [Ideal Dream Race], whose strength has reached the standard, automatically took over the [Planar Domination], and at the same time, they also automatically realized many things.

   includes all the [rules] and [concepts] of the entire [Ideal Dreamland].

   Through the ages, everything has been automatically known to them.

   Know the origin of the birth of each layer of [independent space-time layer], know the structure and psychology of each living body, and know the movement law of each [basic particle]...


They also saw the initial beginning through their own perception, and also saw the blood-red ghost watching them silently at the outermost part of time and space, and also saw the [Ideal Dreamland] that has not yet been touched by them. On the outside, the [back] that was caught by the blood-red figure with the hand, grows endless blood-red beautiful flowers, and gathers the [back] of endless [negative concepts]...

   at this moment.

   Looking at things that have never been discovered in the past.

For the reason of following their inner thoughts, after being surprised for a short period of time, the [Ideal Dream Race] first used their own behavior habits and the behavior habits of their various [creations] as the basis for their behavior, and headed towards the [Final Creator] in a faraway place. ] showed his respect.


   in silence.

  The connection between the heart and the heart is actively established by them.

   belongs to the [Ideal Dream Family] and [Orshaga], the connection between these two [individuals] or [concepts].

   Under the great power of both reaching [Abyss Lord Level].

   A lot of secret information has completed an extremely complex exchange in an instant.


  【Ideal Dreamer】There is a sudden awakening of mind fluctuations:

   "Is that so... [Sacrifice]?"

   "Did you create me to kill us?"

   They have already understood the origin of the birth of [Ideal Dreamland] and themselves.


  They lacked all kinds of knowledge about the [concept] of [death], but they didn't feel anything about it.

  What is 【Death】?

  What is 【Pain】?

  They were a little puzzled.

   Face the inquiry.


   "Because I want to go further, I need more [cornerstones] and [sacrifices]."

   "And you are what was born from it."

   Even if the other party is his own creation.

   Even if something is critical.

   But out of recognition of their respective strengths.

   Olshaga disdains neither lies nor so-called conspiracies.

   Facing the dignified question of the other party.

   He also told the truth in an upright manner.


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