Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1588: [Ideal Dream Country] (4)

   "The earth and the sky are too desolate..."

   "Besides me, do you want to create a little more life to adorn the world?"

The end of   【initial period】.

   This idea came to me with a certain member of the [Ideal Fantasy Clan].

   Not long after.

   through repeated discussions.


   A new living organism manufacturing plan was confirmed.

  , who had nothing to do, also started their first collective action.

   First of all, in order to prevent things from going wrong, out of a cautious and conservative attitude, they decided to temporarily put the experimental site in another [space-time] other than the [residential area].

   As a recently born 【High-Order Plane】.

  【Ideal Dreamland】Although it is not fully developed yet.

   is just getting started.

The appearance of    is simply presented as an endless continent and sky.

   However, in deeper areas.

   Beneath the surface.

   contains an infinite layer of [independent space-time layer].

   With the only [primitive star] above the head, it continues to illuminate all things in the world.

   Every ray of light released from it is like the beginning and signal of creation.

   brings more changes to the inner border of [Ideal Dreamland].

   makes this place like some kind of lasagna that keeps splitting inside.

   An infinite number of [independent space-time layers] are continuously split.

   as an independent [complete space-time].

   Their actual volume is compared to the area where [Ideal Dreamers] usually stay, that area with complete earth and sky, which they call [Residential Area].

  Nature is the same boundless.

   Even if it is a huge [universe], it is no different from elementary particles in it.

   In addition, through the brilliance of the [primordial stars] that spanned time and space, those [independent time and space layers] can also be split infinitely in cycles, in order to derive more [independent time and space layers].

   Therefore, theoretically speaking, any single [independent space-time layer] can actually be used as an infinite layer, an infinite infinite layer, an infinite infinite infinite layer….

   But maybe it was a late start or some other reason.

   Their interiors are much more desolate than the [Residential Area] that appeared first.

  Although some areas have begun to have a little sporadic vitality, it still gives people a feeling of being a little bare.

most of the time.

   There is not even a formed substance!

  If you want to come.

   It will take more time to evolve to have a complete environment.


  Although you can go and hang out occasionally.

   But most of the [Ideal Dreamers] are too lazy to raise that kind of thought.

   They are more willing to stay in the [residential area] that makes them feel comfortable.

   And now.

   In order to test the idea of ​​creating a new type of life.

   They randomly selected some [independent space-time layers] to use as experimental sites.


   As the plan begins.

   Soon, new puzzles appeared.

   "What should the new race look like?"

have to say.

   This is indeed a problem.

   "Would you like to make it exactly like us?"


   "I don't know, think about it first..."

   "Doesn't it have no features to look exactly like us?"

  They don't have any reference.

   got caught up in the discussion.

   After some discussion.

   With their common ideas.

The rules of   【Ideal Dreamland】 began to react automatically.

   Based on their ideas, some life forms were randomly generated.

   And because of the [Ideal Dream Family], I don't know what the new life form should look like.

   Those randomly generated lifeforms.

  Nature is more abstract than the other.

   However, looking at those new life forms that look very abstract and unknown.

   The [Ideal Dream Family] who do not feel disgusted or liked by their target because of their appearance and shape, nor do they feel that those living beings look strange at all.

   At most, he felt that the individual strength of those living beings was a little weak.


   wants to raise the strength of those new life forms to the same level as himself.

   There is absolutely nothing to try to keep.

   But soon.

   They found themselves failing.

   Even if they actually have that idea.

   But [Reality] Due to their own strength, they cannot give feedback to that level.

  ‘Can we only create life forms weaker than ourselves? ’

   thought of this.

   Some of them immediately changed their minds.

   began to try to indirectly improve the strength of [Creation] in various ways.


   After wasting some time,

  【Ideal Dream Family】has systematically improved the 【Settings】of those 【Creation】.

   while giving them great power.

   also gave them the feature of [Rapid Evolution].

   It can better change its own life form according to the environment and ideas, and there is no need to stick to the original form.


   As living beings born in [Ideal Dreamland], those [Creations] also inherently enjoy some rights and characteristics similar to [Ideal Dreamers].

   For example, it also wanders back to life, old age, sickness and death.

   Permanently in a wonderful state fixed as 【Healthy Survival】!

   For example, no [negative concept] will be born.

  Thoughts and moods will always be optimistic and positive.

   Be kind to anything!

   And after having this group of the first batch of [creations] to act as [new life form templates].

   one after another.

  More 【Creation】.

   also began to extend based on the existing [creation] and was quickly created.


Those [creations] started to create lower-level [creations] out of the idea of ​​imitating the behavior of [the Creator], and those lower-level [creations] who had nothing to do would often learn their own [creations]. Creator], doing the same thing...

   Under this trend.

   It didn't take long.

   All kinds of strange life forms.

   was directly filled into the test grounds at an extremely fast speed.

   Those areas that were originally very empty and lifeless have finally become more dynamic!



   The problem that follows is that too many living beings are not worried about eating and drinking, and the environment is too boring.

   all seem a little idle…

To solve this problem.

   Many [Ideal Dreamers] also began to make large-scale transformation of those environments.

   In addition to having a large number of living bodies, there are not many decorations and scenery, and the [Independent Space Layer] that looks extraordinarily monotonous will be adjusted more carefully based on one's own hobbies.

   For example, follow [Original Stars] as a template.

Take the [**stars] that are not as magical as [primitive stars], but are equally extraordinary, the diameter of moving is equivalent to [galaxies] and even [universe], and the [**stars] that can wander around at superluminal speed under normal conditions are used as decorations Things, residents, and residences are filled into the empty [independent space-time layer].

   Another example is trying to cover the entire land in an infinite experimental site.

   In order to take care of many [Created] who are not strong enough, so that they can live a better life.

  【Ideal Dream Family】, also grants various secondary permissions indiscriminately.

   Let those [creations] also add various things at will according to their own ideas.

   Even, let them create [independent space-time layers] for themselves, so that they can build a completely independent private residence according to their own preferences!


  Because each living being has slightly different thoughts and preferences.

  Even if they don’t want to hurt any individual, when the various phenomena caused by themselves spread, more or less, they will still create different degrees of joint effects for the rest of the existence…


   This period is also known as the [Ignorance Period].

   There are no rules.

   Immortals begin to appear on a real mass scale.

  All living beings, not only in terms of strength, are like gods and demons in the world.

   Even the average moral level is astonishingly high, selfless and full of goodwill.

The only problem with    is that everyone is extremely unrestrained.


   Each area will be inadvertently caused a little mess, it seems a little ignorant...

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