Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1560: old acquaintances

   Chapter 1560 Old acquaintances

  【Resurrection of Evil Forces】.

  【The long-dead evil forces suddenly attacked me! 】

【Shock! XX Divine Religion has been patiently hidden for thousands of years! 】

  【This force has changed the world! 】


   With the many [avatars] and [projections] of Orshaga, they appeared and made trouble again after many years.

   Not only is there a new situation happening here in [Bai Luo World], but many other things have also happened in countless other [Time and Space].

   All kinds of evil things that didn't even have ashes.

   Abruptly, he crawled out of the mass graves of the times.

   is not a resurgence.

   Instead, he was crushed back and forth N times by [Planar Awareness], and after even the ashes were gone, he continued to rekindle tenaciously...

   as an incidental influence.

   All kinds of strange things naturally appear one after another.

  The [worldview] that has been reduced to the end of the law has suddenly appeared all kinds of distorted monsters and monsters who need psychological treatment just by looking at them...

  In the [World View] where the immortal Tao is prosperous, all kinds of strange and unspeakable life appear inexplicably, polluting the original stable rules...

  In the [worldview] where technology is developed and strong, and the whole people are immortalized, the laws of physics and energy begin to change randomly...

   Even the old places that Orshaga cared about had different reactions to his sudden return.

  【Multiverse plane (DND)】.

  【Outland - Sigil City】.

   "I thought you were dead."

   Looking at Orshaga, who came back like lightning, [Ms. Pain] said the above heartfelt words directly after being stunned for a moment.

   Orshaga's departure, although only a few hundred thousand years have passed in this [plane].

   But he had the feeling of being silent.

   Still can't help but let [Ms. Pain] think that this guy has been hacked to death by some outstanding righteous man, or killed by some heroic hero...

   made [Ms. Pain] very happy, and felt very happy in her heart.

   didn't care about the other party's ridicule.

   He didn't even care about the pity in the other party's words that he was not beaten to death.

   Olshaga first waved his hands casually, then made a gesture of the universe at his fingertips and boasted:

   "A little bit, just a little bit, I really fell, but fortunately, I'm better in the end."

   It looks like everything is silent.

   didn't care about the shattered universe between his fingers.

   felt that there was a change in Olshaga, but he couldn't tell what the change was.

A little doubt appeared in the eyes of   【Ms. Pain】.

  ‘A lot stronger? ’

   Although a little puzzled.

   But because the other party is just a [Clone].

   has limited power to carry.

  【Ms. Pain】also can't distinguish too many useful things.

   More, I just feel that there is a feeling in Olsaka that has never been seen before.

   A kind of... an inexplicable feeling that this guy has become stronger.

   just simply observed him.

   Even if the power of the opponent's [Clone] is not much different from before, logically, it can't pose any threat to him at all.

   But [Ms. Pain] still had a hunch involuntarily.

  Myself... I'm afraid I can't beat the opponent's [Clone].

   After she realized this.

   In her heart, she was naturally very surprised.

   However, she hasn't waited for her to ask.

   Another voice appeared nearby.

   That is the voice belonging to 【Asmodeus】.

   "How did you become so much stronger in a short period of time?"

   As if 【Lady of Pain】can perceive the changes in Olshaga.

  【Asmodeus】This guy also clearly felt the same problem.

   That kind of power that the opponent carries is obviously not that much, but he feels a strange feeling that he has no chance of winning.

   This situation appears to him.

   has a certain sense of inconsistency.

   cannot be ignored at all.

   So, He chose to ask the question directly.

   Wants to solve doubts.

   heard the words.

   Olshaga didn't refuse to answer either, and instead said:

   "Want to know?"

   "But it's not clear in a few words."

   "So, I can teach you the actual operation, but there is no guarantee that you will come back alive..."

   Of course, Olshaga's words were out of his mouth.

  [Asmodeus] immediately bluntly refused:

   "That's it."

   "It's not necessary."

   "Your malice, I understand."

   didn't hesitate for even a second!

   As an old acquaintance of Orshaga.

   He knew very well what kind of bad character the **** in front of him was.

   Strangers have to fight, acquaintances have to fight!

  The absolute best villain!


   As long as Olsaka can talk like that, there must be a lot of malice waiting to play.


   "There is no guarantee that you will be able to come back alive" is a half sentence that can be read as "You probably won't come back"!

   Progress is good.

   But [Asmodeus] felt that there was absolutely no need for him to take that unknown risk.

   Seeing that the other party refused instantly, Olsaka could only shake his head lightly, and said with disgust on his face:

   "Young people today are really lazy and don't know how to struggle and work hard."

   "The mere life-and-death crisis scared you off? How will you mess around in the future?"

to be frank.

   Originally, Orshaga had some thoughts on this [plane].

   But when there was [Abyss Blood Battlefield], the crowd of onlookers who joined in the fun invested their money.

  This [planet] is no longer attractive to Orshaga.

  Especially when this group of natives was quite familiar with him, and all of them were extremely wary of him.

   Investment and income.

   The truth is not proportional! —

   The same moment.

  【Meiman plane】.

   Looking at Orshaga in front of him, [OAA] also seemed quite interested.

if you can.

   He really wanted to dissect Olshaga's [main body] back and forth many times to conduct various complicated experiments.

   But a pity.

   Olshaga is a first-class running expert.

   Naturally, he will not be given this opportunity.

   Once something goes wrong.

   That is an inevitable run, run fast!


  【OAA】You can only hurt yourself.

   I was deeply saddened that I could not test the other party.

   As for the [Dark Tower Plane].

   The same is the [High-Order Plane of Living Body], and [Gan En] is much more salty than [Experimental Mad Demon-OAA].

   Facing the change and reappearance of Orshaga, he just sighed with emotion, "What a big change~" and fell into the silent corpse stage again.

can only say.

   This guy is still alive though.

   is not much different from being dead.

   is completely a serene appearance of a time of indifference to the world.

   This situation is not uncommon among many strong people who have lived for a long time.

   (end of this chapter)

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