Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1559: Horsemen power

   Chapter 1559 Horsemen

   A certain [medium plane].

   Among them, inside a certain [world].

  This is a [World Structure] composed of multiple large landmasses.

The total surface area of ​​   is about the same as that of a regular [red giant].

   Gravity is about three hundred times that of the regular version of the Earth without magic and extraordinary power.


   The rest of the basic conditions also have various differences.

   As a [World] with [Supernatural Power] and [Longevity].

  The style of painting here.

   Generally speaking, it is more inclined to [Cultivation System] or [Fantasy System].

   The power of the sect and the power of the family do not know how many, and it is iteratively replaced from generation to generation.

   All powerhouses dare to use their fists to conquer the world single-handedly.

   As for accessories that match various styles of painting.

  【Demon】, 【Ghost】, 【Immortal】…

   is also a lot.

   From time to time there will be chaos.

at this time.

   on some desolate plain.

   A team of people is riding on a dragon horse with good blood, facing the wind that blows recklessly, constantly burying their heads and advancing.

   If not strong enough.

  The strong winds alone can grind every inch of their flesh and bones into powder.

   Incidentally, it will also consume their souls and let them die.

   On the way forward.

I do not know how long it has been.

   "Is there really any treasure in this ghost place?"

   Feeling the hardships of the journey, I recalled my teammates who died on the way.

   Another guy couldn't help but ask such a commonplace question.

   is a kind of self-doubt, but also a questioning of the leader.

   Listening to these **** that has been explained more than once, although the team leader really wanted to slap each other with a backhand.

   But he also understands that it is completely normal for the other party to have such a reaction.

   After a lot of hard work, after a lot of hardships, nothing of value has been received and seen as a normal response.

   If you backhand slap the opponent at this time.

   In addition to causing riots.

  It probably won’t have any positive effects.


   He could only silently temporarily suppress the anger in his heart and tempt again:

   "Of course there is!"

   "The [Blood River Demon Sect] 300,000 years ago is the most notorious evil sect in the entire [Bai Luo World]!"

   "Although I don't know why it suddenly collapsed, but I think it should be a strong man who will protect the demon."

   "But the secret cave they left behind in this dusk desert has not been found for so many years..."

   "As long as we can open it with the key, we can harvest a lot of resources and secrets..."

   At this moment, the leader can only be tempted by promises.

   and with the sound of their words.

  The deepest part of the dusk desert.

   A certain hidden dragon is like a hidden dragon on the towering large mountain range inside the [semi-independent space].

   The [Projection] that Orragana came from afar, also arrived here again after a lapse of many years.

  ‘Are all dead…’

  ‘Forget it, just find a few more spokespersons…’

   just a casual glance.

   Olshaga instantly understood why this sect that believed in him died.

   This group of bad guys who have done all the bad things themselves is only able to grow by relying on him.

   And when Olsaka entered the [Abyss Blood Battlefield] and struggled hard.

   Without his care.

   First of all, the effect of a lot of secret techniques practiced by these guys was greatly reduced.


   was induced by the [World Consciousness] to induce a lot of contradictions within the sect, and fell into civil strife and infighting, resulting in a serious injury to the underlying vitality.


   The strong indigenous people who were attracted again discovered the fact that the sect was damaged.

And then.

  There is nothing and then, being exterminated becomes their final fate...

   In short.

  Everything has a sense of its own accord.

   is as smooth as the old-fashioned passages in various third-rate stories.

   A notorious evil force.

  Under a set of combined punches of the righteous people from all sides, there was nothing on the spot.

   to this.

   Olshaga can only say that she was not surprised at all.

   at the same moment.

   Consciousness connected to [Projection] through all [Clone].

   He can still see clearly.

   The various traitor forces and lackey forces left in the past in different [time and space] are almost gone.

   Like this 【World】, it is a relatively good case.

   At least there are still some old places and ruins left, so that people can know that they once existed.

   is in many [time and space].

   The studs of Orshaga have lost all traces of their own existence.

  Completely, it was smashed to the ground by the local forces of all parties~

   is poignant.

   However, it is not a pity.

   Inside the various horse-boy forces of Olsaka.

Of the 100 million, 99,999,999 and a half are evil forces.

   The remaining half, even they themselves do not know that they are evil forces.

   I remembered a little bit, those horse queens who died miserably.

   looked at the guys who were heading towards him in the distance.

  Orshaga also had an idea in his heart.

  ‘It’s okay, there is a shortage of dogs in this seat, so you can be the ones…’

   At this moment, an invisible force immediately extracted a lot of information from the surrounding ruins.

   That is the information left over from the high-level personnel of the 【Blood River Sect】.

   Then, in silence.

   uses Orshaga's line of sight as a medium.

  The information was immediately covered by the leader in the distance.

   In an instant, the other party inexplicably felt a sense of sudden realization.

   is like cracking the mystery in the womb.

   As we get closer to the target location.

   He also 'remembered' many things more and more.

   Information about his 'last life'.

'I see…'

  'Am I actually the reincarnation of the last leader of the [Blood River Sect]...'

  'No wonder I'm inexplicably interested in [Blood River Sect]...'

  ‘Furthermore, this familiar power...is the breath of the [Blood Sea Underworld God], has His Majesty finally returned...’

  ‘Or, was it just me who was awakened by His Majesty? ’

   That's it, in a very short time.

  According to own past knowledge.

   The other party automatically made up a complete set of logic and settings according to the information that Olsaka had instilled in the past.

   Then, after silently praying to himself, he got a real answer.

   The team leader's gaze also secretly looked at his many teammates.

   silently regarded them as the best blood sacrifice animals.

  ‘Hegel and others enjoy the blessings. ’

  ‘If you were in the past, you wouldn’t even have the qualifications to go to the secret realm as a sacrifice. ’

   thought of this.

The    team leader also secretly calculated.

   After using them as blood sacrifice materials.

How much can    strengthen his reincarnation...

   (end of this chapter)

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