Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1550: [Abyss Blood Battlefield] (20)

   Chapter 1550 [Abyssal Blood Battlefield] (twenty)

  【Abyss Blood Battlefield】.

   Based on the extremely chaotic [timeline] inside [Bottomless Abyss], each layer may have countless [timelines] and completely different [time flow rates].

   The [time] here is essentially a chaotic thing.

  Here, in addition to the participants from the 【present】, you can also meet the participants from the 【past】 and 【future】.


   You can actually meet some guys who died a long time ago…

at this time.

   Accompanied by Orshaga and the [War Demon Idiot], they entered the depths of the chaotic [Time Stream] at the same time.

  【Abyss Blood Battlefield】inside.

  Things that have happened, things that are happening, things that have not yet happened, began to flow and transform around them.

   And when they start moving.

   Next moment.

   The fists of the two bombarded together again.

   Infinite light and impact burst open between fist and fist.

   Let the strange colors sway away those [matters] that existed in different [times].

   also let the [will] and [thought] of both of them be projected into countless [time points] at the same time.

   made the scope of their battle expanded to a certain extent within the scope of the [Source of Eternal Calamity].

   Let the battles of the two reverberate in the [Past], [Present], and [Future] many different locations inside [Abyss Blood Battlefield].

  Many guys who should have died at the hands of others or should not have died here, died immediately.

   And many guys who should have died in the first place died again.


   Even those who are normally dead can actually be killed again.

   For Olshaga and the others, the so-called death itself is just a state.

  Unless there is interference from superior power or power of the same level.

   Otherwise, the dead are actually no different from the living to them.

   For example, a guy was beaten to death by the [Higher Demon].

  [Body] and [Soul] are completely destroyed, and even the ashes are gone.

   But the [information] left by the other party, the [information] left in [time], [space], [causality]... will still exist tenaciously.

   So, resurrecting it is not something worth mentioning.

   In other words.

   Unless it is someone of the same level or higher as Olsaka.

   The ordinary existence of life and death, in front of him, is a completely ideal [matter].

   No matter how long the other party died, no matter how the other party died.

   He can be the other side and still be alive.

   is precisely because of this.

   In this 【Abyss Blood Battlefield】.

  The countless **** battle participants, unless they died in the hands of 【Abyss Lord Level】or 【Abyss Prince Level】.


   Olshaga and the others can kill him again.

   Kill in the true sense.

   Even the [information] is erased.

  The wave of battle is like the fire of a prairie, and it is also like energy everywhere.

   In that battle involving countless [time points] and even [time scales] spanning an unknown number of years.

   Orshaga's [Source of Eternal Suffering] is like a huge spider web.

   Countless lines that are invisible to the naked eye extend from it, crossing the obstruction of [time and space], forcibly confining the [main body], [clone], and [projection] of the [War Demon Idiot] within the designated range.

   And wherever the opponent can reach, there will definitely be a battle that spans [time and space] due to the presence of a corresponding Olshaga.

   has caused countless twists and turns of things that were already destined.

   All kinds of damned guys and damned guys are also suffering together!


   is just like what I said before.

   In the battle between the two sides, Olshaga did not deliberately use conspiracy or spellcasting methods.

   is completely beating each other with his own fists.

faster and faster.

   is also getting stronger and stronger!

   is the same.

   The other side is not showing weakness at all.

   also uses only his own fists to fight back!

  Don't dodge, don't dodge, don't avoid, don't block...

   Both sides are **** each other's attacks.

   On the other side of [time and space], the gathering place of countless [timelines].

   They gave up all their skills and what they had learned.

   There is no cheating or cheating, and there is no conspiracy.

  The arrogance in their hearts keeps them from doing that.

  The winner is king, and the strong is respected.

  Who is stronger.

   Whoever is qualified to live!


  In the beginning, they will also try to move.

   But after a long time, they didn't even bother to move their footsteps!

   Just want to simply choose the stronger one.

   That strong man who is more qualified to reach the top!


   Although nothing bluntly said.

   But both sides understand.

   There is only one way to truly decide the winner and loser.

   That is head to head.

   See who can progress faster!

   See who is stronger!

   See whose will is stronger!

   See whose fist can suppress the opponent's [immortality] and [growth] faster!

   Can't kill each other with one death?

   Then kill a trillion times in an instant!

   Kill a trillion times in an instant!


  Kill kill kill kill kill kill! !

   Every moment, they are damaged, but every moment, they are also repairing themselves, and the next moment, they will be damaged and repaired...

   Constantly cycle the process!

   Constantly adapting to the blow!

   Continue to strengthen yourself!


   You can completely suppress the opponent, crush the opponent's [immortality] abruptly, and kill the opponent completely!

   There is no condescension.

   without any cowardice.

   does not have any calculations.

   In that fight.

   They all clearly felt the arrogance, the domineering, and the idea that Lao Tzu will be able to reach the top from the other's fist!

   Each of them is absolutely certain that they are the better ones.

   100% believe in his own fist!

   100% believe in your own will!


   It’s okay to fail.

   In such a situation that oneself has really gone all out.

   The opponent can win.

   itself shows that he is not as good as the other party, and death is deserved and deserved!


   All they think about is to blow up the opponent's [body], [soul], and [will], completely destroy the opponent's existence, and let the opponent become the resources for their own progress.

   One year, ten years, one hundred years, one thousand years... 100 million years, one billion years, ten billion years... Beijing year...

   in the continuously elongated [time scale].

   There is no rest, no weariness, no concession.

   Mutual fight between the two sides.

   did not stop even for a moment.

   It's really hard to the limit! !

   On the way, due to too much movement, the reason for disturbing the vast area.

   There were also several other strong men of the same level who felt the situation.

   looked over.

And then.

   They saw the real iron-blooded real man and real madness.

   Two guys whose strength has reached the top level of the [Demon Lord] level, fought each other fiercely on the other side of the time and space without giving up!

The fighting intensity of the whole battle was so high that people couldn't understand how bitter and deep hatred the two were, and it also made the onlookers a little intimidated. don't want to rise...

   (end of this chapter)

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