Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1549: [Abyss Blood Battlefield] (19)

   Chapter 1549 [Abyss Blood Battlefield] (nineteen)

   Olshaga is a crazy and paranoid guy.

   in his heart.

The [self] of   [present] is [self], the [self] of [past] and [future], but it may not necessarily be [self].

   And the rest of the [peer] will not be [self].


   The [Isomorphs] who died at his hands were naturally numerous.

  I can't count.

   is not necessarily for profit.

   is more likely to simply want to kill.

   All [self].

   should all die at my hands!

at the moment.

   When he saw that the [isolate] that had successfully crossed the [space-time plane] and arrived in front of him.

   Similarly, he saw thoughts similar to himself in the eyes of the other party.

   That is the idea that apart from oneself, the rest of the [self] do not need to agree.


   in that same tyranny and madness.

   The two began to collide violently in an instant.

   That is the extreme speed and pure violence that are constantly being stretched!

   Nothing too complicated.

   Both sides are using their fists to release their emotions!

   Even if the [time unit] is divided into very small and very small, it is so small that it is almost impossible to capture, and it is so small that it is almost impossible to prove the existence of that thing.

   Every moment.

   They still have countless counter punches.

   And the movement speed is even faster to the limit.

   In a flash.

   The figures of the two moved an inexplicable distance, and changed positions for an inexplicable number of times.

  【Space】, the sense of distance brought by them is basically equivalent to nothing in front of them.

   A random move.

   can break through it.


   Even if the two were just punching each other with their own fists, not using even the slightest spell, and not using anything like energy waves, the surrounding area still felt like flowers were blooming everywhere.

   It was as if he was bombarding a wide area by some special attack!

  There are only countless roars and shocks.

   Blooms at will in that boundless area.

   And the chaotic energy fluctuations of both sides, accompanied by their rapid movement, constantly formed various disasters, permeating many different areas.

   madly strangling a **** battle participant who was completely irresistible.

   Whether it is a huge super fortress.

   is still a huge army that can fill countless [universes].

   Or an unknown life form that smashes through the [world] just by its size.

  Indiscriminately indiscriminately dying.

  【Flesh Rebirth】, 【Information Body】, 【Quantum Life】, 【Space-Time Creatures】…

   No matter what abilities they have or what ideas they have.

   Under the crazy killing intent of the two.

   All subordinates [immortality] have no meaning at this time.

   Just the tide of energy rushing past is enough to shatter it and utterly destroy it.

   Of course, for this case.

  The two who were fighting didn't want to care at all.

  In their eyes, now there is only the other who is fighting with himself.

  How many ants were killed on the way, how strong are those ants, what are those ants thinking, what are the identities of those ants...


   are all trivial things!

   No need to care, no need to stare.

   No need to stop your attack.

   Now, they only need to think about **** each other, that is the only thing that can make them care! —

   As the [Isomorph] of Orshaga.

   And even the external names are the same, but there is a slight difference in the [true name].

   The opponent who had beaten [Pennywise] was also an [Abyss Demon].

   It’s just that the evolutionary route is not the [Bloody Demon], and the things he has experienced are also different.

   The opponent in [Bottomless Abyss] belongs to the branch [War Demon].

   A branch that is specially designed for fighting, killing, destroying, destroying... ever-evolving.

   And that [Isomorph] reached [Demon Lord].

   Naturally also awakened the relevant [specialized authority].

One of its main functions is that within the thick cover of its own power, any form and scale of battle, killing, destruction... will provide him with corresponding power indiscriminately, and the more intensely he is fighting various battles. , Killing, Destruction... The more your own strength will increase at a high speed, there is no upper limit, and it can be superimposed infinitely.


  's other abilities were also filled up one after another, giving him perfect [Adaptability] and [Recovery].

   Can rely on hard power to stand firmly in the upper class among many [Abyss Lords]!


  Kill kill kill kill kill kill...

   Battle battle battle battle battle battle...

   in this moment.

   Whether it was Orshaga or that [Isomorph], they were already extremely excited.

   in the eyes of both sides.

   is full of frenzy and madness!

   Every moment.

   No matter how fleeting moment it is.

  Have [Pain Power], [Battle Power], [Growth Power]... They are all crazy to improve their strength in [Abyss Blood Battlefield], the most excellent trial ground.

   Index increase, linear increase, multiple increase, jump increase...

   All the ways of increasing that have not yet reached the level of [Impossible], and can use infinite conventional increasing methods, infinite time scales, and various auxiliary forces to promote the increasing methods are only the extent that they automatically achieve.

   did not do anything on purpose.

The two parties who were extremely excited, in terms of growth rate, automatically surpassed the previously mentioned [Infinite Radix Aggregate Scale], and they continued to improve across levels, even if it was the second of [Infinite Radix Aggregate Scale]. Fang Bei, it's only the extent of their short stay!

   They are constantly climbing towards the [Unreachable Level] or [Impossible Level] that cannot be reached even by conventional means.

   Even though the gap is infinite.

   But progress is a real thing.

  Even if 1+10+699+876745… is always smaller than absolute ∞, but as long as… the unlimited growth represented by… is still soaring, then those growths are still real!

   Furthermore, the growth rate of Olshaga and the others is far more than that which can be described by regular numbers and regular nouns.

   Therefore, with each punch, they can feel the opponent's strengthening and their own.

  Let them feel so happy and excited from the bottom of their hearts!

  [War Demon Idiot] couldn't help roaring wildly:

   "I have felt your dominance! Your will! Your thoughts!!"

   "Let me get more excited!!"


   "Fuck me faster!!"

  Light is a sound wave that causes the distortion of [time] and [space].

   It is as if infinite [universes] and [worlds] were detonated at the same time.

   It only takes a tiny bit of energy to immortalize an infinite number of creatures.

   And Olsaka, who was also extremely excited, did not show weakness.

   immediately shouted:

"it is good!"

   "I'm perfect!"

   "I'm going to beat you to death with my fist!!"

   "Kill you to death!!"

  In an instant, two sound waves with different wills collided.

The [Space-Time] in the surrounding area is completely collapsed.

   Endless [energy] and [matter] were engulfed.

   Connected the two and were exiled to a random [space coordinate] in the random [time point] inside [Abyss Blood Battlefield]…

   Thanks: 100 starting coins from the flower shop and the manager! 1500 starting coins for book friends 20220723221502216!



   (end of this chapter)

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