Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1439: [Gordon] and [Batman] and [Constantine]

   Chapter 1439 [Gordon] and [Batman] and [Constantine]

   Late at night.

   The bright moon hangs high.

   On the top of a high-rise building not far from the crime scene.

  The bat searchlight is casting a beam of light into the sky.

   This is both a sign and a calling.

  Let the distant [Batman] move at high speed with the help of hook locks in the night sky like some kind of strange creature passing through the sky.

   Not long.

  [Batman] arrived at the destination smoothly.

   There, [Director Gordon] has been waiting for a long time.

   Looking at the opponent who fell from the sky, [Director Gordon] didn't say anything polite, and said directly:

   "In the daytime today, in a small alley on Third Avenue, there was a murder case, a special murder case..."

  【Batman】 nodded.

   With the help of pseudo-voice equipment, he replied in a low and hoarse voice:

   "I know that it is said that the reporters who witnessed the scene with their own eyes all used the words [like **** descending] to describe the scene, and they all made an appointment with a psychiatrist."

   Hearing this, perhaps it was because he thought of the scene he had seen with his own eyes again.

   [Director Gordon]'s face turned pale involuntarily.

   showed a slow twist.

   That means I want to vomit a little bit.

   However, that feeling was forcibly endured by him:

   "...It's almost... That kind of scene is really **** and disgusting..."

   Say it.

   From the pocket of the black trench coat he was wearing, he took out a stack of sorted documents and handed it to [Batman].

   "This is the information I just sorted out today."

   "According to my analysis, the other party should be someone with supernatural abilities who arrived in [Gotham] not long ago."

   "And the guy who brought him to [Gotham] was the driver of that taxi..."

   "After repeated investigations."

"Although we can judge from various cameras on the street, the deceased taxi driver was indeed carrying passengers before his death, and from his mouth, the driver seemed to be communicating with him along the way. , but I couldn't find any video data of the other party, and I could only see that there was only one driver sitting in the car."

   "It's like the passenger is a guy who doesn't exist, or...that's a guy who can only be seen with the naked eye."

  [Batman]'s face under the mask wrinkled tightly.

   This type of enemy sounds difficult to deal with.

   Even, it can be said that he is extremely restrained.

   in front of this ability.

   His eyes, the cameras all over the place in [Gotham], as if they never existed, could not provide him with any help at all.

   Invisibly made him half blind.

   also lost many of the intelligence capabilities it had relied on in the past.

  'I hope this guy is just passing by...'

   'The current [Gotham], all kinds of messed up [super criminals], it's a little too much...'

  ‘[Mutant], [Mummy], [Vampire], [Gangster], [Pure Neuropathy]…’

   thought of this.

   Even as a steel superman in the eyes of the outside world.

  【Batman】also felt physically and mentally tired involuntarily.

   Although only in his thirties.

   However, years of fighting and various tortures have long given him various old wounds on this body.

   Every moment, he was suffering from pain.

   In other words, like steel, it has been forcibly supporting.

  Otherwise, he would have been unable to withstand it...


   He also knew.

   This kind of thing can’t simply expect the other party to simply pass by 【Gotham】.

  Put hope on the possibility that the other party will stop doing things.

   All kinds of preparations still have to be done.

   Therefore, several names appeared in his mind very quickly.


   That is the name of the rest of the [Justice League] members.

  Although, [Gotham] is his management scope, and he usually doesn't want to trouble other people from [Justice League] to intervene here.

   But in the face of such an unknown opponent who is against him.

   He doesn’t mind asking for more help…

   After all, the opponent can not only ignore the camera, but also have the ability to directly decompose a living person.

   is really a high-risk molecule!

  Thinking of this, he also immediately wanted to say goodbye to [Director Gordon] and go to [Bat Cave], so as to contact other members of [Justice League] through the equipment there and ask them if they have any plans.

   However, he just wanted to do that.

   His eyes were as sharp as a falcon.

  Inadvertently, under the skyscraper, not far from the crime scene, I found a sneaky figure.

   through his signature brown trench coat.

   didn't take much effort.

  [Batman] immediately recognized who the other party was.

   That was a guy he hated and looked down upon.

   A mean guy who **** like a frog.

   In addition to not burning, killing and looting.

   That is definitely a 100% scumbag!

   And it is the scum among the scum, the super best among the scum!

   However, the opponent's ability is still worthy of recognition...

   In other words, if it wasn't for his strong ability.

   The other party was already killed...

  So, after frowning and thinking for a while.

  【Batman】The original words have changed.

   "I found a guy who might know something, wait here for me..."

After finishing speaking, in front of [Director Gordon]'s gaze, he jumped down from the 100-meter-high skyscraper, opened his cloak, and glide toward the target like a bat silently striding across the night sky. …

   Near the crime scene.

   looked at the chaotic environment around him.

   As a famous scum and exorcist and mage - [Constantine].

   looked extremely serious.

  ‘【Demon】? 【Evil God】? ’

   He was a little uncertain about the situation.

   just has a vague feeling.

   That was the breath of the other party that made him feel quite familiar.

   But the various magical props he carried with him were clearly reminding him.

   The situation he encountered this time was very unusual.

   If you are not careful, something big will happen.

  ‘… Anyway, I just came to [Gotham] to do something…’

  ‘It’s really not good, just pretend you don’t know what to do…’

  ‘Anyway, [Gotham] is already messy enough, so I shouldn’t mind a little messier…’

  In the end, after scratching his head, [Constantine] also stepped back without shame.

   Even want to buy a station ticket to run all night!

   However, he just took a few steps back.


   After a loud bang.

   "Looks like you found something?"

   A familiar voice sounded behind him, causing his subconscious cold hairs to stand up.

   At the same time, his face was twisted into a twist.

   is full of pain and regret.

   He understood that if he wanted to get out, it was probably too late...

   (end of this chapter)

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