Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1438: 【Do one good deed every day】

   Chapter 1438 [Do a good deed every day]

   "What a sweet air of freedom..."

   Sitting in the taxi that just passed the sea-crossing bridge.

   Introduced by the enthusiastic rap-style local flavor of the black driver.

  Olshaga, who had a lot of knowledge about the strange place [Gotham], also sighed with a smile on his face.

   And listening to Olsaka's praise, the driver didn't think there was any problem at all, and he still responded to himself:

   "Indeed, this is a good place."

"In addition to the number of people who died, there were also a lot of thieves and robbers, and some strange neuroses appeared every three days, whether it was a developed economic environment or a building that was as lush as the trees in the forest. Skyscrapers are absolutely amazing miracles…”

   while talking.

The black driver also drove the car in an orderly manner, letting the old taxi shuttle continuously at high speed on the bustling street, showing his superb driving skills, and at the same time, Olsaka witnessed four robberies along the way and two more. Eleven thefts.


  While chatting with Olsaka, the taxi slowly stopped in a somewhat remote alley.

   And in the hands of black drivers.

  I don't know when.

   also appeared a fairly new pistol.

   "Hey, man, since I've already delivered you to your destination, and I've been chatting with you for so long, it shouldn't be a problem for me to charge you a little more for the fare?"

   "Now, take out your wallet, cell phone, watch, and take it out for me."

   while talking.

   He looked at Olsaka's clothes that were quite expensive at first glance, and his eyes were also greedy.

   really wanted Olsaka to give him the clothes too.


   He also knew that robbing clothes was a little unnecessary.

   This custom garment.

   He doesn't understand the price.

   is not very good to go out.

   in comparison.

   Grab mobile phones, wallets, watches, there is no doubt that it is more realistic!

   to this.

   Olshaga's face still looked calm and satisfied.

   said to himself in his seat:

   "I like this kind of place and this kind of custom."

   Say it.

   In the driver's puzzled eyes.

   He directly opened the locked door and walked down, and closed the door.

this moment.

   While puzzling how the locked door was opened, the driver, who felt that he was being ignored, was also immediately furious and wanted to roar.


   With the gun in his hand, he immediately wanted to shoot.

   However, before he could finish those actions, his face and body, which were a little thin, swelled up quickly as if they were quickly inflated.


   in a sound like a balloon deflated.

   His eyeballs were first squeezed out by high pressure, and then all kinds of organs and brains shot out one after another from his mouth, nose, eyes and ears.

   All kinds of blood plasma and filth with a foul smell.

   in the blink of an eye.

   piled up the interior of the entire taxi.

  Let it become a closed pool of blood.

   Only a complete human skin floats in it.

  Let the whole alley be filled with a silent fear and terror…

And Olsaka, who got out of the taxi long ago, had already walked out of the quiet alley and came to the bustling street. He looked at the well-dressed white-collar and blue-collar workers on both sides of the street, and then looked at the various streets. Homeless, addicts, gangsters in the corner.

   on the same street.

  Heaven and **** are close at hand, but they are well organized.

to be frank.

   Olshaga likes this feeling.

  Although it still lacks the taste.

   But the feeling of chaos and disorder is already there.

  If there are a few more alien spaceships in the sky for cyclic bombing, and a few more cannibals on the street to show their cooking skills, and everything is still in order, then the taste is considered moderate.


   At that time, he will also give a little blessing here.

   But unfortunately.

   The purity here is not enough.

   Still need a lot of exercise...

  Those passers-by looked at Olsaka, a man with a lot of value in his clothes, walking out of a remote alley alone, and their faces also showed surprise.

  Streets and alleys.

  It’s not a good place to go in and out of 【Gotham】.

   If you don’t pay attention, someone will ask you for money, by the way, please try your fist.

   Every now and then.

   Even two corpses will be pulled out...


   Even so, the people of Gotham, who have long been used to seeing big scenes, are not too surprised after all.

   in sight.

   is more of a little difference and curiosity about the devil's horns on top of Olshaga's head.

   They all felt that each other's headwear was very innovative and special.

   has a different kind of beauty.

   It can only be said that Olshaga is still so unique.

  Although it has become a humanoid, it has not completely changed…

   Two hours later.

   accompanied by a scream from the cleaner.

  The taxi in the alley was finally found to be abnormal.

  Besides calling the police, the cleaner was left with an unforgettable psychological shadow throughout his life.

  By the way, the other party is also automatically immune to all horror movies...

Of course, the following [Gotham Police], although they are all well-informed people, the pool of stuff in the taxi is still neat, causing them to instinctively vomit subconsciously. .

   made many police officers have the idea of ​​retiring on the spot.

   Even the famous [Chief James Gordon] of the [Gotham City Police Department] experienced physical discomfort after visiting the scene in person.

   "Oh... Shet..."

   "I don't want to eat tomato sauce and bolognese for the rest of my life..."

   "Let someone call up all the surveillance in the vicinity, I want to know all the recent driving sections of this taxi..."

   The words are not finished.

   He saw a large group of reporters swarming with all kinds of cameras with long guns and short cannons, intending to take two pictures at the crime scene.

   saw this scene.

  【Gordon】I wanted to immediately ask my subordinates to stop those reporters.

   Prevent the crime scene from being destroyed.

  But, looking at the things that his subordinates vomited out of the crime scene...

   He also felt that the crime scene seemed to have been almost destroyed...

   There is nothing necessary to be protected.

  Think of the fact that those reporters disgusted themselves all the year round...

   After some thought.

   He also had a malicious smile on his face.

   did not stop the reporters from approaching.

  Just like this, in just a few dozen seconds, those reporters with excited faces witnessed one after another a psychological shadow that they will never forget for the rest of their lives...

   Since then, one by one, they have become overwhelmed with food.

   became a vegetarian.

   And on the principle of no killing without buying and selling.

   Invisibly, Olshaga also quelled a large number of murders.

   It is a matter of infinite merit and has completed the daily basic task of [Doing one good deed every day].

   (end of this chapter)

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