Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1411: Chaos (forty one)

   Chapter 1411 Chaos (forty one)


   in a deafening dull sound.

   The door that has been heavily banned is finally opened.

  The whole picture of the entire underground secret room also slowly appeared in 【Shar】's eyes.

   At the very core, the thing that is quietly suspended.

   Although it does not reveal any special energy fluctuations.

   However, there are strands of colorful rays of light constantly surrounding it.


The pattern on the    also seems to be some kind of living creature.

   is in a state of change all the time.

   Although it makes people feel that the meaning is unclear, it is difficult to understand.

   But it makes people feel inexplicably that this thing is very powerful and cool...

   At least, after seeing this thing.

   Everyone's first impression is that this thing seems to be hanging...

   Including [Shar], [Tyr], [Mystra]... Their group of [Gods] is no exception.

   And this moment caught [Shar]'s eyes, what attracted all her attention,

   is nothing else.

   It is the treasure called the [Stone of Destiny]!

   is also the source of the [Saint Catastrophe], which caused the [Gods] to fall to the mortal world and run to the earth to struggle, leading to a series of calamities!

   "What a peculiar treasure..."

   looked at the [Slate of Destiny] with a slightly obsessive gaze after a while.

   Soon, [Shar] withdrew the greed and desire in his eyes and restrained it.

   Because, she knows, this thing is not something she can possess.

   The master of the other party, the [God Supreme God - AO] who seems to have no sense of existence, if nothing else, at this moment, he is probably looking at himself...

   As for the [Three Gods of Death], [Bane], [Bal], and [Melko], who had already smashed the fart, they stole this thing from the [Pantheon]...

have to say.

   In [Shar]'s point of view, it can be regarded as an extremely rare classic joke, enough to make her reminisce for many years.

   I'm afraid, even the [Ancient God of Death - Jaeger], who distributed his power to their fellows back then, would never have imagined that he would randomly select these three peerless and amazing talents...

   Not to mention anything else.

   At the very least, if he were replaced by [Jaeger], even if he was killed alive, he would never dare to do such a bold thing!

   However, his three successors are better than blue! !

   And more than a little…

   has surpassed the past and present! !

   Do that feat that no living beings dare to imagine! !


   also harmed the [Gods].

   It can be said that as soon as there is a black pot, we carry it together,

   However, now that I think about it, [Shar], who was deeply hurt by it, is not annoyed at all, but rather happy.

after all.

   It doesn't matter what [Bane] the three of them are thinking about.

  【AO】I'm thinking about a plan again.

   on the outcome of this matter.

   She is definitely not at a loss.


  Beside her, there was a calm inquiry voice:

   "So, what do we need to do now?"

   The speaker is none other than [Goddess of Magic - Mystra].

   It’s just that she is now very different from before.

   Although he was still wearing a luxurious dark purple robe, his whole body revealed a special sense of mystery.

   But on that beautiful face, something different from the past appeared.

   Weird but not affecting the beautiful pattern!

   made her feel a little more coquettish and charming than not long ago.

   On those white and flawless hands, even whiter than milk, there was a faint trace of scarlet blood left behind.

   That's not her blood, it's just a trace left by others on her hands.

   and after asking the question.

   In front of 【Shar】's eyes.

  【Mystra】 spread his slender fingers.

   stretched out the pink tongue in his mouth, like drinking nectar, and gently licked the scarlet blood left between his fingers.

   Feel the fragrance and taste of it.

   She couldn't help it, her face was a little ruddy, and she sighed:

  “It tastes really good~”

   "As expected of the blood of [Suren's mother]~"

   in tone.

   is full of obsession and greed.

   is replaced by someone who does not know.

   It is inevitable that she will suspect that she has taken medicine!

  The degree of perversion is respectable.

   to this.

  【Shar】There is nothing unusual about it.

   just had a little doting on his face, and said with a motherly smile:

   "If you think it's a pity, then try to catch her next time."

   "Then, just raise her like that and let her bleed for you to drink~"

   Facing the consolation of 【Shar】.

  【Mistra】is not repelled either, so she responded happily:


   Then, he secretly glanced at [Shar] beside him.

   Deep under the eyes.

   Desire and greed are fleeting.

   'I really don't know how [Mother Shar] tastes like...'

  ‘Forget it, I’m not sure right now, let’s wait a little longer…’

   to this.

   as her hidden goal.

  【Shar】Maybe she doesn't know, or maybe she knows it but pretends to know nothing.

   In short, no matter what, there was no strange color on her face.

   still maintained that motherly expression steadily.


   In such a harmonious atmosphere.

   A sudden voice appeared without warning.

   "Sweetheart, you are really kind and filial to the mother and daughter, and the love between mother and daughter is deep~"

   "So many years of hatred, but only through brainwashing to get rid of the old hatred, perhaps, this is the power of emotion..."

  "Really touching~"

can only say.

  The sincere feelings of the two sides made Orshaga, as a bystander, sighed and took the initiative to praise and praise.


   In front of [Mystra], he took the initiative to show his figure and wrapped his arms around [Shar]'s slender waist.

  Female ex-offender.avi.

   to this.

   As the **** of affairs, although [Shar] frowned immediately, he was disgusted by his name and his slender tone.

   But he didn't break his arm.

   was just indifferent and said with disgust:

   "You bastard, how did you get out?"

   "What do you want to do?"

   I have to say, compared to and [Mystra] here, the mother is kind and the daughter is filial.

   In her eyes, Orshaga was undoubtedly many times more disgusting.


   The other party's elusive appearance seems to be everywhere, and she can't get rid of it at all, and she has no way to do it.

  Pure God of Plague!

   saw the calm reaction of 【Shar】.

  [Mystra], who had been taken aback by Olsaka's elusiveness and almost subconsciously attacked, quickly regained his composure.

   apparent calmness.

   Of course, after she saw Olsaka's face clearly.

   She still showed a look of doubt and disgust from the bottom of her heart.

   "Why are you this guy?"

   "It's really bad luck..."

   is over.

   She also frowned in disgust.

   (end of this chapter)

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